Bad people always blames others for their mistakes

I vouch for OP.

9/10 times if a healer is in the lane soloing it’s not the fault of the healer. That healer player understands the importance of soaking in the early game, realises that their team mates aren’t doing it, so goes off to do it themself.

All too often players (including yourself / myself) can easily get caught up in what we are doing that we forget the bigger picture. A quick glance of the mini map would see that the bottom lane is covered by a team mate. A more detailed look would see that this team mate is the wrong person for the job (eg the healer).

The lesson learned here is that there’s no reason to get upset, just acknowledge that there is so much going on and people can lose attention.

OP when ever I’m in your shoes (aka im the healer seeing a lane being pushed), i would ping that lane and also comment “Need help bot”.
It’s not rude, it’s not accusatory, it’s just raising an alarm. More often than not this snaps their attention and players come to help. You’re then free to go back to your strengths (be with the team).


1 person blaming you might be a mistake. A whole team blaming you, then you’re definitely on the wrong. Judging by what you describe, you are basically making a basic mistake. Laning as a healer while your team is missing your sustain. You will be taking a lot of heat and rightfully so.

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This is why you dont solo queue as a healer. Unfortunately if you are solo que, you MUST pick a strong wave clear hero, that can also camp quick and hop in on team fights. That limits your hero roster.

If you’re solo queueing you should fully expect to

  1. take care of atleast 2 lanes
  2. your teammates will not watch the minimap
  3. your tanks will not tank but play like assassins (if there is a tank)
  4. your team doesn’t understand the power of talent levels like 10/16 will engage 8v10 13v16.
  5. you team will not camp
  6. enemy team will most likely be a pre-made and have much better coordination than you
  7. core is wide open but will go back for a camp in end game.

So the solo queue needs to do all of the above, ping/warn and hopefully your teammates will listen.

Go in with these expectations and you won’t be disappointed again


Lol… those are pure nonsense. It’s proven by skilled players that they climb ranks with anything they get their hands on. A while back there was this GM who made his way up from bronze to GM just solo queuing healers.
The irony is that these limiting rules of thumb you mentioned are spread by unskilled players to excuse their lack of proper knowledge or skill.
You assume your teammates are dumb, and you’re enlightened. But forget the “fact” you’re in the same boat and skill wise you’re no different than the average player in your rank. So when you talk about players not understanding their roles look no further than yourself because that’s where improvement happens. You might have a good macro, but maybe you’re lacking on skillshot timing, precision, or reaction. Or vice versa.
How is the timing of your mercs? Skillshots? CCs? Engages? There’s so many aspects in the game that upon a slight adjustment can propell you up in ranks. But if you can’t get out of where you are then you’re no better than the people you’re complaining about.

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I dont think you understand the server Im at. There is no SL matches to be had, unless you want to wait 15 minutes for a match. I’m talking about solo Q QM. Come to Korea server and solo Q a QM match and see who lanes. You won’t find a single person unless it’s you.

I’m sure it’s do-able but that’s also a while back probably in USA/EU server where the population is more robust. I never said I was GM material but I’m certainly of the type of player that has good micro and macro.

Find where I said I assume my teammates are dumb, I assume my teammates are in-experienced because I played enough games to know this will be the case as they do not understand how important levels, camps, location of camps vs obj, when to gank, how to position themselves, list goes on. you know when you have a good team, they respond and play accordingly. But good/fair matches are very rare these days.

Not really, you have to have a greater than 50% winrate and grind enough and you’ll climb, but like I stated above, SL games are non-existant. Long ago, when I used to solo rank (I forget what it’s called but there was a solo SL long, I climbed fairly high above platinum level).

You can skill shot all you want, have good macro but if your teammates are fighting mid all game, regardless of level difference (which happens very often), and you don’t take it upon yourself to lane, camp, be on time at objectives, ping and pray, you are not winning that game. This is due to extremely low population and MMR not working properly and being constantly up against pre-mades which in my server that’s all people do in QM.

The ability for a QM player to win games with ‘any’ hero does not mean that [you] will win games with said hero. That is to say, the ‘average’ player is not going to do the same things a highly skilled player can, but they can use specific tools to help them more than just anything that they pick up and try to imitate someone else do.

Select generalists have been ‘proven’ to be more successful than niche heroes played in unniche circumstances. A solo queue player is more likely to win with rehgar than they would ana (in qm.) Sure, select players could ‘carry’ with ana and make decisive plays, but “in general” a rounded hero like rehgar – one that can hold lanes, take mercs, and even build as a pseudo duelist – will see more success than a backline healer that’s trying to clear waves without the tools to do so.

A player that is climbing is not ‘in the same boat’ as a player that may be dropping mmr simply because they ended up in the same game. However, that’s part of why people that want to climb may be encouraged to pick something more ‘impactful’ (ie damage) than a backline support hero.

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It’s not the fault of the healer that a lane is empty, it IS the fault of the healer for going there though. You are not going to make up an XP deficit by letting your team die.

Understanding the importance of soaking and doing it yourself as the worst person to do it for any longer than a wave or two are two completely separate things. I as a healer of course know it’s super important to soak, I still will rarely do it if I’m playing healer, because that’s not where my strengths lie. I will make a bigger difference by helping the team even when my team isn’t doing what they should be.

THIS is the correct play. Not soaking yourself. A quick warning will almost always yield some response from a team. And if it doesn’t? You’re still better off preventing your team from inevitable wipes and the objective loss/pushes that come with it.

Yeah I solo queued to masters as a healer. Honestly, your list is too focused on what other people do instead of what you CAN do. Some of them are pretty ridiculous too like assuming the enemy is going to have a group but somehow don’t get queued with groups. A good healer (or really insert any role) will augment and make their team better regardless of what they do.


I literally listed what a solo queue person should do if you’re truly solo queuing. Im talking of QM btw not SL. SL you have drafts, so you can be a bit strategic. I’m talking QM where the other team is blind to you until the match starts.

In this scenario, since you do not know the comp of your team or theirs, it’s best to pick someone that can be a generalist.

SL is non-existant where I am and have not queued since solo ranked matches have been obliterated.

I play more QM than SL these days. Do you think people who pick healer in QM only play in teams? That’s really bizarre, it’s not like your skillset disappears going from one mode to the other.

If I’m playing healer, especially in QM where I know I’ll probably be much better than the average person, I know I can heal better than the opposing healer most of the times, and that actually matters.

I’ve never said that or thought that. I said if you want the best chance of winning long term over many games, as they have a probability factor.

You’re not grasping what I’m writing.

It matters but it wont matter as much when your teammates are not soaking, timing camps, ganks, bosses, hence imo it’s best to pick a strong lane hero so you can be ahead in levels with talents to tilt the favors in your fight.

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My best chance of winning is by picking healers over a long term over many games. I got my QM MMR by playing healers, and so have others. When I play other heroes, I tend to lose more because I can’t carry as much. I would never presume to say my way is the only way, it’s just that each person’s journey and strengths are individual. You’re just focused on what you personally aren’t good at, and thinking it applies to everyone, and it just doesn’t.

ok that’s fair, to each and their own. For me, I can play my mediocre heroes that can be a generalist and win more games over time than my top heroes in solo qm.

Just won’t be as fun.

That’s more a result of him being overtuned than anything. Non healer mains also tend to like Rehgar because they play him like an awful healer which has less deleterious effects because he’s better at some of those things. Those Rehgars are still awful to play with as a team mate though. You’ll just be less of a dead weight by pretending you’re a different role than the one you’re playing in which that hero excels at.

I also wouldn’t define healing as “niche”, it’s pretty freaking important. Not everyone can, but if you know you can make an impact in that role, better than others who can’t, you’ll actually do quite well.

I find this to be more or less valid as well. Mind you, I used to do that also. ‘If no one in my team wants to solo/off lane? Then I’ll do it myself. If you guys want healz, one of you guys should do it. Maybe they might learn’ was my mentality. The more I play, the more I began to realize twisting and forcing whatever tool to do a job that is not appropriate for the job ain’t really producing good result, when that tool can be used elsewhere.

Instead, you either ping the lane, or, in case of QM, suggest to the team who should solo/off lane (“xx hero should solo/off lane. he/she is the best/only option our team has”. in some cases that was me, when my hero wasn’t meant as a solo/off laner). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But I find it that improvising while you’re still healing as a healer hero gets more result than leaving the team healer-less.

You guys are fighting over nothing though. Hero with wave clear tends to have the advantage whether in QM or in lower SL ranks (where each player might not have full understanding of what they should do). I’m pretty sure this was voiced by several GMs as well. Soaking is OP is what Fan used to say.

I agree on the part where healer shouldn’t try to solo/off lane. Just run it down as 4 if you have to. Stay with the team if you’re.a healer.


It’s “OP” in the sense that it generally takes less skill to soak than to actively monitor where your group is and do more than hit AI (or sometimes not even hit them lol). Also, Fan is not really good at healing.

He just says stupid things to lower skilled players who eat up his advice as gospel. They remember the soaking is OP mantras, but they completely ignore the situations where he ignores soaking and wipes the enemy 3v1 because he doesn’t need to when he’s killing everyone.

Its OP because during obj, it can give you a level advantage + talent. Also you still need to actively monitor where your group is when you’re soaking.

lol. Fair enough.

Can agree with this,

don’t necessarily agree on this part though (while I can agree that most viewers are lower skilled).

Fan does troll and do stupid stuff while he’s doing B2GM. But I don’t agree on the part where you’re dismissing his general advice regarding rank climbing. That’s what it was, not in-game related joke, but actual general advice to viewers asking how to climb. Soaking.

I tend to agree with it. It gives more room for your team when you youself is doing the dirty work (as a matter of speaking, what others don’t want to do). It’s not like some lower rank players (your team) are against higher rank players (enemy team). Both are generally in a similar skill level range (which MM does try to achieve).

More players want to fight, do skirmishes and whatnot. They don’t want to soak. As long as you soak (not as healer), and as long as you can manage your team to not feed, this creates your standard game strat/environmemt. Think about a team where no one soaks. This twists how you have to play the game. Like I mentioned before. running it down as 4, killing enemies to take xp and space. It can work in QM or in lower rank, but this is not how your normal gameplay should play out.


I mean sure, a better player will have that map awareness and respond dynamically. But more of often than not, people’s idea of soaking is just staying put and and enjoy sleepy mode fun time with hopefully no one around during objectives and just tell themselves they’re being so impactful by soaking.

I think his advice is just very void of context and too reductive. He sensationalizes the easy stuff that lower skilled players latch onto and ignores the incredible amount of mechanical skill and the kind of knowledge he is applying that he often doesn’t talk about or exalt. Like he mocks O-B-J, but 9/10 times if he actually went, he’d probably win.

You WILL climb by soaking (up to a point), it’s just if you’re relegating yourself to one of the least skilled things, you will often overcompensate to the exclusion of actually being useful in team fights, which is ultimately a huge focus of the game. Yeah, soaking is the dirty work, just like being a custodian is, still extremely important in an organization, but also not the one that is going to be making the big moves. What separates the great solo laners from the bad ones is they know when to join the fight and not suck at it.

If you’re playing a hero that is good at laning and wave clearing, it absolutely needs to be in your arsenal and tool kit. However, people too often discount that being good in fights is actually a REALLY useful skill.

we used to call them laynor, because it was usually raynor. I think long ago when forts and towers had limited Ammo, it was a viable strat to aggressively push 1 lane for some time.

I can agree on this. I believe I know exactly what you mean.

One of reason I don’t really recommend Fan’s B2GM run as a learning tool. He trolls too a lot during the run.

I still think you’re dismissing too much the importance of soaking part though.
(you know what. let’s scratch this part. I think the term soaking is misleading here as that isn’t really the main point)

“Waveclear” is the main talking point here. I think. I should check again.

Whether in lower rank or QM, tank will tank, healer will heal. This much you can pretty much expect/assume things to happen, even players with lacking game knowledge doing their part for it.

You can’t expect or assume a solo laner to do the job, or do it right at least. Or, in QM, where there is no proper bruiser in the team, you can’t expect some other players to know which hero is the best your team got for the role. Having waveclear (as your hero pick) as a non-healer takes care of some of the burden. You get into a game with a :white_check_mark: on need-to-do-criteria if that makes any sense.

Ha, I know you didn’t really mean it that way, but one of my new favorite streamer (not that I can watch long) is QopenHagen. Some Danish/Swedish streamer who is bruiser/solo laner main. Are you dissing on him? :smiley: I enjoy his content because of his main role. Watched enough of range carry(s) games.

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