I like the visual indicator for xp but regardless of the 10% hp buff this update still makes TLV more useless than before. The whole problem with them is that they are hero quest bait as soon as they show themselves. Everyone knows the counter to TLV is to hold off the 4 man then pick off the vikings, now that is even easier to do since they are forced to reveal themselves.
Azmo also relies heavily on globes and to a lesser extent general of hell for xp- both will no longer generate xp so basically he is a lemon that occasionally throws nukes in teamfights now
The idea that heroes need to be physically close to gather xp will in general make playing mages a mess, especially in QM. So we all need a tank or bruiser now to soak???
Don’t forget about Nova, who can’t global soak by PS anymore.
Also gazlow and other zone control heroes like probius… also useless in terms of soak. Try collecting them xp globes without getting blown up
Imagining face soaking Probius, who gets killed after that, is… terrifying.
I hate to say this since there are some really cool blues recently posting on the forum like AZJackson, but I think many of these design decisions are made by devs who only play AI or very low MMR quick match.
This “anomaly” ruins countless heroes who are designed to only be in xp soaking range instead of physically going in the middle of the lane to pick up xp.
Only an ultra casual can come up with an idea like this without even considering how badly it screws up low HP heroes. It’s like one of those reddit ideas with 200 downvotes.
lol. This will teach horrible positioning to physically weak laners like probe. “Go facetank their Thrall / Alarak to gather exp”
This is a very poorly thought-out design decision, done for the sake of changing the XP system every year.
We don’t want to change the xp system every year! yes the current one is bad, xp globes will make it worse. Bring back the old system! It wasn’t broken and didn’t need fixing!
What this change will do is force one of the 3 following “metas”: offlaner melee meta, deathball meta or gate freeze meta. All ranged assassins are basically pushed out of the lane and forced to deathball. All of them are vary bad for the long term viability of the game. People will get bored/annoyed/frustrated with this change and will leave. Can we really afford another mass exodus of players?
But can remote collect with decoy now, which she couldn’t before
Nuke the wave, place remote delivery decoy will compensate I guess.
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Yeah, but there is one problem -
Nova doesn’t have global decoy!
Not global no, I didn’t say it was a complete work around.
But it kinda compensates even slightly.
But I agree that PS needs to get the same treatment as Lava wave
Y’all enjoy the season while it lasts.
Becuase that’s how long it will be.
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While I agree that PS should get its XP collection back even with globes, Nova’s job has never been to soak. Removing that chance is not something I like but it’s not even the end of the world: there are other Heroes that are far more impacted negatively in their primary role that should get a close look at after the anomaly will be live.
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With DW, I didn’t feel the changes (but DW cares about nothing, so…).
I’ll test this with ranged Heroes as well, but I think this Anomaly can stay out of HotS tbh.
The big problem of HOTS is that there are too many fights and less strategical macro play
What will the patch force? Exactly, yolo for exp globes
Leave the globes in the game, return to the old soak range and give us an option to turn off the visual indicator
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Idk xp changes seem like a complete circus, this PTR should have come up much earlier. If we’re going to force globe soaking, allow instant xp gain if the hero lands an instant killing blow on the minion because this just creates melee favoritism.
Players will still be able to miss the experience from minions and mercs when they kill each other while you are running past them (Do I waste 3 more seconds soaking or directly to the objective? You can’t passively stand in the vicinity but need to engage, risking dismount and losing health).
The problem this creates is that most of the melee heroes in game have some form of sustainability or good self healing that the mages do not possess. The difference in early game durability/sustainability cannot be compared.
Most of the cases it will result in melee hero pushing into the structures more frequently, because the mage will be afraid to clear the minion wave mid-lane and risk exposing himself to the melee for no other purpose but to soak. Won’t be able to trade equally as much and it could drastically impact the meta game.
To accomplish the purpose of what they want (helping players visualize xp) all they need to do is add the anomaly animation when you are in visual soak distance (as in, no change to xp at all just added visual flourish). Thats it… nothing else necessary.
Or at least start by just drastically reducing the xp soak range and still allowing killing blows to grant xp regardless of distance, rather than forcing the players to physically collect the globes. Try with baby steps and if it is not horrible, see how far you can push the change without breaking the game. From what I’ve seen, the globes slowly move towards the player until soaked, but that’s entirely different because it creates a delay and wastes more time on player’s part.
I haven’t played PTR myself yet and I have some questions. Do the xp globes spawn with no hero being present in a certain range when the minions die to each other or towers and do the xp globes passively despawn after a while? Because running into a empty lane to soak the xp some time after the minions have died is stupid and makes very little sense.
I’m currently watching a streamer and he is saying how it’s impossible to freeze a lane and ranting how he’s losing a lane not because he is being outplayed, but because of a stupid mechanic that he has no control over. I have to agree with him. It’s one of the commentators that has a very good grasp of the game dynamics.
So, this is the patch of the Bruiser then.
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Aba can’t soak xp with his monstrosity any more either, only if you hat him. 
And his locust build is now beyond awful
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