Attack move on my left click - Valla

Hi All,
I watched A-Z Valla YouTube video as I want to better my game with her. the guy mentioned " I have my attack move on my left click"
How to I change my left click to “attack move on my left click”?



I dunno why this is a necassary change, but options or hotkeys. Just dive into the ingame settings and you’ll find it, not that hard.

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Master here and Valla main, i keep my attack move on my A button.
The left click attack move seems kind like a quickcast way to do it, but seems abit unessesary and risky.

Getting used to the A - > Left Click muscle memory pattern is solid as a rock.
It is just about muscle memory.

It is often
Right Click -> A - > Left Click - > Right click -> A -> Left click

This pattern you can keep up constantly when playing as a ranged assassin, this pattern takes you about 0,5sec to do.

Use Right Click to move safely and A + Left to play aggresivly.

The key to becoming a good player is never to copy a pro player, he has used that pattern because he finds it easy and usefull, not because it is the most optimal.


A button on LMB rox, I dont really remember what it does without a bind at this point lol.
Its very popular to bind F with one of the numbers, since its in comfortable position (but it collides with nuke on Warhead). I also bind numbers with extra mouse buttons on the side of mouse (cleanse for example).

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thank you for the reply, I never ever use or used left click in gameplay. I will try it out. not even sure what left click does?

You do use left click when moving the camera on the map don’t you? ^^,

The sequence i showed you is the most optimal way to attack move, because A - > left click, focuzed on the target closest to were you clicked.
Basicly hindering you from missclicking into towers and such.
Making kiting alot easier and smoother.

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thanks again, I did not know this. this is such a cool feature. wish they added this in the tutorials (I’m lvl 305 now)

yes I do use left click to choose talents and to check the mini map :slight_smile:

Thats exactly what A+LMB bind does but with 1 click


thanks mate, I will try that. what can I do with my two side buttons? you mentioned a cleanse earlier?

I agree this could have been added into the tutorial, although this is abit of an advanced teknique.
But it is commonly used in RTS games like Warcraft 3 and MOBAs, this is also a good way to play healers properly with AA pokes.

In general i use this for everycharacter now, as a Valla main i quickly got used to this and started dominating pretty heavily all the way up to low diamond.
past that you gotta play good in general.

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This is how I have my attack move set, just go to hotkeys and you will see “A”, click on it, then click your LMB. I also have a mouse with extra buttons, so I set a few of them for the “1 - 4” buttons. For example, I have thrall’s ancestral wrath for an extra button, and I usually need like 3 extra buttons on sylv.

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It may sound like a good idea but i have a ton of ideas in my head where this causes an issue that could easily get you killed.

Your better off not doing so . trust me .

I definitely recommend putting attack move to left click, saves you from having to click A all the time which improves your response time significantly, you can just use right click if you want to move without attacking anyways. Similarly, setting abilities to be quickcast on release speeds your abilities a lot as you don’t have to do that extra click to have them go off.

…Quick Cast on Release setting works for attack-move, in my experience. So you just tap A and you attack-move to the destination. You can cancel the cast with a right-click, as well, so you can still use the range guides to line things up.

thanks for the replies.

so I tried to bind my A to left click but it de-bind left click from something and have no idea what.

Hey, Daladin

You are not supposed to bind your A to left click.
A is default bound to Attack move.

You should probably restore hotkeys now unless you’ve modified them more.

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Me neither and whatever it is, you dont need it :stuck_out_tongue:

Great thanks, so i will stop playing with “A” and change it tonight to LMB and ignore the un bound warning and see hwo it goes :smiley:

That doesn’t seem optimal, you should just click “Restore to default” or something similar to that in the hotkey options.
So you revert the changes you did.

After you have reverted you can try to play with the sequence posted earlier

BTW, I waned to say this earlier but forgot.

Your “sequence” got nothing to do with focuzed on the target closest to were you clicked.
Options → Gameplay → Attack Move Target Point.

This option is responsible for it, not A or LMB. Stop messing with the guy, even pros bind A to LMB.