Attack move on my left click - Valla

Yuck, don’t do it. LMB is used for a lot of things and you REALLY don’t want to have a common action bound to it.
E.g., you won’t be able to use abilities without quick cast. You want jaina ring without quick cast? Too bad, you don’t have an LMB to use it. You want to click on the map to have a quick peek somewhere? Too bad, you can’t.

You really need to slap the person on the head who gave you the idea of binding attack move to LMB. That’s some next level trolling.

Also, “A+LMB” is really bad too. Just put attack move on quick cast and you won’t need to use 2 buttons. If A is not a comfortable button, you can always use a side mouse button, just don’t EVER use LMB.

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You hold R (on release). You just clikc R once with off setting.

I can. Just used LMB on minimap and it worked. Amazing isnt it?

What is wrong with you lol

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If you have attack move on LMB, you will attack move to the spot you clicked. That is extremely dangerous. E.g., you’re sitting in a bush want to look around, you click on the map, go out of bush, get killed. You cry.

Seriously, LMB is not allowed to be unbound for a good reason. Stop trying to corrupt new players.

Also, on release is terrible. You either use quick cast or manual cast. Too many things can go with on release. There are maybe 1% players who like on release, but they’re really weird ones.

I use it myself constantly.
And yes it does work.

Been using it on my Valla since i started with HOTS.
Reached master with that technique.

I also agree with Biochemikas:

But in the end whatever you do Daladin you are gonna get used to however or whatever you bind, but using attack move is a great way to reduce the amount of mistakes made.

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Its literally not the case. Im in game right now and it doesnt happen. Fix your settings rofl

Read again.

I didnt say it doesnt work. I said it doesnt have anything to do with the way A focuses targets. ITs separate setting in options.

Of course attack move is essential part of the game, you just can’t bind it on LMB.

P.S. Some ppl who don’t use space to center vision bind attack move to that (it’s actually probably the most effective way, but most of us already got used to use space for center vision; although I guess spacebar has a tendency to break fast from overuse). I prefer good old A.
LMB is used for so many things, that trying to use it for anything else would really mess with one’s head (even if you did move all the LMB actions to some other button, which you could technically do by changing mouse settings).


clicking on minimap with LMB works
using RoF without quick cast works
attacking targets closest to cursor works (because it got nothing to do with A/LMB)

Its all possible with 2 changes/clicks in settings (I dont remember now which option is for minimap, if any). You are basically making it more difficult for yourself for no reason. If it was so bad, pros wouldnt use it. In LoL its the same.

I actually think you are talking about something else.
You are not following at all it seems.

Exactly what i am saying.

So I dabbled with having “A” on left mouse button. I actually liked it for some things, but found that I would make mechanical errors when stutter stepping. Instead, I found that I much prefer just having Global Quick Cast “On”. I then go into specific abilities on each hero and modify them for “Cast on Release” if there are ones I like to operate in that manner.

Reason: I only like to have to push a single thing with each hand under ideal conditions. I find that it makes my response snappier and my errors lower when moving around. Being able to press “A” with my left hand to attack-move (since quick cast is on, you don’t need to press left mouse) works great.

That being said, I didn’t mind having it on my left mouse most of the time and it did work decently enough.

Edit: I should probably mention this is mostly a product of playing lots of StarCraft II and not being able to get the “A” button requirement out of my head. But yeah, I never press left mouse after “A”, that is just way too slow.

Ah, the joke of the day :laughing:

Left click is binded to drag and select multiple units like vikings/samuro at once. If you ever play them, just create a new profile for them and you are good to go.


i wish if everyone sees it that way they mostly think copying a streamer talents or a good player in general talents and keybinds = ez win

improving my game with better key binds is not really coping someone, its using in game features to help me improve my gameplay that I saw from a stream that I had no idea even exist as its not in tutorials. but yes I agree, play your own way. I just like to tweak myself and my game to be better at it. for instance, I hated HoTS till I watched a YouTube vid where a guy talks about tips and mentioned change your game to quick cast. well after that my game improved immensely and I really enjoy it now that I don’t have to click twice only aim and shoot. I did not copy him, I listened to his advice and it worked for me. hence why I’m here, I saw a vid and asking opinions and I will try and stick with what works for me. so really appreciated the forums for this regard and everyone’s contribution.

yeah well i don’t see an issue with “giving tips” or finding a better way of playing the game through watching a video for tips about it! however you’re becoming a valla main now? i play valla she’s amazing hero

Yes indeed. I tried many toons to be my main, thought I will settle with Varian - don’t get me wrong I really love him and if I want to win a QM I will play him as in my opinion he is very stong and very easy to play with so after 7 months I tried a couple, I like Diablo but so does 90% of they players then I tried Valeera (I cant Valeera) and I am really enjoying Valla right now, she has so many option to choose from a Q build or a Hatred build, so yea she will be my Main from now. sorry Varian nothing personal.

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yeah varian can step aside for a while and open the way for Valla! atm i always go AA build with caltrops and she’s not really being banned at all since they’re mostly focusing on poor diablo and abathur and illidan i get to play her whenever i want in either ranked or unranked so much fun! plus now she’s even more useful than before but for now i’m getting orphea to lvl 100 then i can decide on who’s next!

and about valeera she’s one of my favorite same for nova these 2 are my best stealth heroes

What would you say is Valla’s best build for different team comps?
Best build vs Mele
Best build vs Assassins

best build “for me at least” is caltrops with hatred vs melee. and vs assassins depends if ranged or not but if ranged i go Q build and if melee assassins i go AA

I started using LMB before watching HGC, thank you.
Its more about the fact that if someone use it, its for a reason.

All the mentioned disadvantages and “its not possible” are simply false (I dont play Samuro much, so didnt pay attention, will check it). All what A + LMB does can be limited to L/RMB. The “on release” part also made my day btw lol.


Well they use it to kite easier with less mistakes, rightclicking in the middle of a group of enemies can be fatal.

And the A + LMB taking longer, we are talking like 0,000001sec here, that clearly doesn’t matter in HOTS, and is also a default in nearly all mobas and RTS games.

Using it is not a must, you can climb to GM if you want without using it, but it will reduce your chance for mistakes.
I use it for all roles, and it is especially usefull when playing Mages, AAs and Healers.

it all depends on the comp, map and enemy comp.
In like Cursed Hollow for example, i rarely pick Valla, mainly because of the tight tunnels you constantly fight in on that map, Valla needs space to move so maps with alot of tunnels aint her strong side.

My main build is Caltrops + Hatred with Shadow Beast(R).
It is the safest AA build you can run, but if the enemy team lacks gap closers you can easily switch out Caltrops for 20%+ movement speed.

If you had to first pick Valla, and you get ALOT of pressure on the backline from the enemy comp, you can run Multishot build/Hunger Arrows.
Hunger Arrows being the safest, but least amount of dmg.
Multishot has a good AoE potential aswell and quite alot of dmg.
Though i in rare cases find myself building Multishot, i use it as a last resort, it has the least amount of sustain aswell, so if you aint got a steady healer, like Auriel, Morales, Anduin, Whitemane or something with sustain heals, you might wanna stay away from this.

There are abit to many variables to consider when picking builds and talents to mention, but after playing her enough times you’ll kinda just figure it out for your self and take it on the feel.

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