As OP as New Tassadar is

I still miss the old Tass. Is it just me? I feel like old tassadar brought more unique things to the table. Sure, the new kit puts out disgusting amounts of damage, and it’s not as frustrating because you dont have to rely on your hypercarry being good like you did with old tassadar, but at the end of the day new tassadar is still just a boring waveclear mage. Old Tassadar brought something unique to the table as a support, and was generally just more fun in my opinion.


Zarya: allow me to introduce myself.

i miss shields that heal thats for sure. they took a good support kit and turned it into a mage that we already have a bunch of, while the new tass is fun it should of came as a new toon not a remake.

Yes, Zarya’s really similar to Old Tas, but she’s not the same. A lot of characters have someone who arguably has the same kit, just maybe switched up for a different role. Zarya had a Tassadar like kit built for a warrior (which was the designation back then). Now the role revamp is probably years old and both of them are in the same role of support rather than a “healer” and a “tank,” so maybe they figured the kits are now both in the same role and too similar so now they’d be redundant, but I want someone with Old Tassadar’s play style. They could make a random new previously unnamed protoss with that style and I wouldn’t be mad. Protoss need a healer/ support type.

People will agree or disagree… my main problem is he starts with a wall… that %#$& makes me want to set Kael’thas on fire

As ex Tassadar main, I agree with you. I really miss old Tassadar so much.