Seriously, Artanis’s LV20 talent need a real power spike. Current Lv20 talents are just weaksauce. For other heroes, Lv20 talents are power spike. For Artanis, Lv20 talent is something Artanis can live without it. Artanis is probably the hero who doesn’t mind to fight against Lv20 enemies when he is LV19.
Orbital Bombardment
Able to cast it twice sounds great on paper but in the real game, it hardly matters due to the 10s cooldown before you can use the 2nd Orbital Bombardment. In lv20 fight, anything can happen within 10 seconds. It will either your team wiped out your foes within 10 seconds so, there is no point of casting the 2nd Orbital Bombardment or you got wiped out and when you are dead, you can’t use the 2nd Orbital Bombardment.
If you ask me, the 10s cooldown for 2nd orbital bombardment should be removed or remove the 2nd charge and then simply increase the BLIND duration to 6 seconds over 4 seconds and double the Bombardment damage so it can be used as a nuke. Basically, an upgraded Orbital Bombardment with a number tweak.
Target Purified
It is actually a good Lv20 talent, so nothing needs to be changed here.
Zealot Charge
Kinda weak Lv20 talent. Solely increasing the range just not enough for a Lv20 talent. Maybe it needs a secondary effect like increasing Artanis’s base movement speed or decrease the cooldown for the Twin Blades when Artanis is attacking a hero or simply decreasing the Twin Blades cooldown by 1 permanently or Artanis can stun the enemy for 1 second with Twin Blades hit.
Plasma Burn
Someone in this board said something that Plasma Burn should work like Phase Bulwark where the burning effect will persist for 2 seconds after the shield wears off or simply increasing the burning range bigger.
That is my suggestion for Lv20 talent for Artanis. If you guys have anything to add, please do.
Artanis’ 20 tier seems to be designed with the idea of ‘this is a synergy to shore up any weaknesses you have left’.
Plasma Burn is if you need more burst (even one tick of that talent is a solid amount of damage), NPC killing, or just an in general boost to killing power.
Zealot Charge gives Artanis some much needed sticking power since the man needs to stay in range to survive.
Extra blinds means that you effectively always have a blind up for a fight, and since it lasts so long (like what, 3 or 4 seconds?) The downtime is really like 7 or 6 seconds out of 10.
Faster beam plus beam resets can wipe teams if you got any good synergy (Alarak, Jaina, ETC, Malfurian, Deckard).
Besides the heroic upgrades, which you get because you want your heroic to have more impact, he has two upgrades that synergize well with the rest of his kit by enabling him to either kill targets quicker if he doesn’t need to stick or stick better so he can live longer.
Personally, I think his level 20 tier is fine.
I’ll happily take credit for the Plasma Burn change. 
More seriously though Artanis is a character that does have fairly weak level 20 options but you gotta consider that he also has arguably the most diverse talent tree in the game and also have very powerful level 13 talents, something that is very rare in the game today. His level 16 options are arguably more powerful than a lot of other heroes options when used properly.
One suggestion we’ve had for some time now is to make Zealot Charge a quest reward from Seasoned Marksman, however this would need a bit of tweaking since staying and farm minions all game is incredibly bad. Normally this talent completes by itself but generally speaking no one cares about completing it currently as the reward is so bad and even 20 atk damage is a huge boost to Artanis threat level.
Changing it to a lower threshold and with a cap would be a good change to go along with this, for example 20 atk damage. Currently it can scale indefinitely.
Ideally I would like to see Plasma Burn nerfed and placed in the level 7 talent tier as that’s the only current tier which this one will remain a competitive choice. All other tiers for Artanis has way too lucrative options to pick a Burning Rage talent even if it’d persist like Phase Bulwark, but if it was moved to level 7 there would be really good synergy to pick Shield Battery>Plasma Burn>Phase Bulwark and you’d have a nice shield setup by level 13 rather than level 20.
Remember that by doing this you’d sacrifice very strong talents so I doubt it’d be dominant by any means but it’d be a nice build in specific scenarios, such as against heavy DoT teams or just for anyone who prefers the shield micro gameplay.
However I think Orbital Bombardment is a just fine Heroic as it is. It completely kills AA heroes and the fact that you can blind enemies for 8 seconds total is really powerful. 4 seconds initially > 6 second CD > drop another one > 4 more seconds. This completely screws over Raynor or Zul’jin at a point when they have scaled to be at their strongest. The current charge system also allows you to drop the pulse to defend marching objectives (Immortal, Punisher, Protector) to secure a game even harder while the charge CD keeps ticking. Additionally if you’d buff the damage you’d likely have to increase the CD. Currently it’s a very strong CC option at a very low CD.
Your idea to remove a charge and make it blind for 6 seconds with a bit more damage might be decent though. I don’t have any real problems with that as it would just shift power/decision making but overall I don’t think the upgrade in of itself is poor.
I wish they would have kept Artanis as the skinny Scout pilot he always was and made Fenix the real Zealot.
Can I get a legendary Artanis skin as Fenix, including Fenix voice-overs?