Artanis Heroics

Ah, these heroics are just fine. They are strong enough and are fun. In certain situations (that can be drafted into), they are very good.

I don’t think interhero ultimate comparisons make sense. Just look at Artanis as a whole. Is he good? Fun? Popular? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Blind is the better pick about 90% of the time

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But can you simply disengage, fire off some abilities and walk away without trouble? That is rarely the case, unless the blind is thrown really bad by bronze noobs who don’t understand what good timing is.
AE blind is useful in that it’s a huge area where everyone is blinded. To some heroes this means that they are relatively useless for those 4 seconds, allowing your team to capitalize on their uselessness, being more aggressive, or being able to heal up, being able to re-position, forcing enemy to retreat despite them having the advantage, etc.

And here we have the reasoning of a bronze. “An ability is only good based on the damage it deals.”

I can tell just how bronze you are by just this comment.

Even if you put a PB on a hero and it effectively does minor damage, it can be 8 seconds where a hero is effectively useless because the PB is limiting them from fighting properly.

PB is HUGELY effective against heroes such as Chromie, who are immobile while shooting Q’s. And 8 seconds of a Chromie being unable to enter the fight is very valuable in a teamfight.
PB is effective in that way on most heroes that can’t reliably gain distance quickly, because it forces them to run away in a certain direction. It can turn the fight into 5v4 for your team for 8+ seconds (counting in time they might have to get back to fight/reposition). If your team can capitalize on that, it’s a win.

And you are wasting time pretending you are anything but a bronze that doesn’t understand the game or Artanis.

You are playing with PB as if it’s a finishing/killing ulti, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth. A good Artanis doesn’t use PB because he intends to kill someone, but in order to win a teamfight, by destabilizing the enemy team by targeting a priority hero in a vital point of a teamfight.

Edit: A great but complicated tool is useless in the hands of someone who doesn’t understand it.


many heroics greatly benefit from the application of the rest of the skills at a heroes disposal and can similarly have the effect bolstered by talents.

Per Diablo, Fire Breath could be boosted with fire stomp talents for getting more spell power and slows to get more oomph of out of that heroic.

Gazlowe can combo bomb talents with Gavobomb; amzo invasion or Tide of Sin are directly modified by talents and abilities; Blaze having a channeling heroic can be bolstered with a talent that makes him unstoppable…and the list could go on.

It seems you’re selling yourself a short argument for the sake of trying to claim something without thinking through the implication of what it is you’re trying to argue.

Purifier beam is what… the highest raw damaging heroic in the game and can be cast globally – how many heroes (when caught) are not deleted by the effect? So for isolating and killing a single hero, is there a ‘better’ heroc to combo with it that isn’t aoe wombo combo? Esp given that the damage could hit several characters, no? Would not swapping two heroes onto a spot with a beam to combo into root not be a modification to improve a talent akin to heroes that have self-buffed spell power and use that to improve their heroic combo?

Even without the slow from a talent, the baseline warp prison can be used to get a target back onto the beam, and similarly, allies can help provide stuns/slows/etc much the same allies can try to assist in setting up other heroics.

Oh man, better watch out for that stitches gorge that isn’t improved by other talents, bolstered by movespeed or portals, or have any allies around to follow up on it.

Hi collection of stasis heroics! You’re all on your own now: go be useful by yourself. Hello half of the healer-cast heroics! Be ready to show how useful those abilities are going to be without other talented effects or allies.

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He should have the AoE he used on Amon’s forces om Shakuras cinematic in LOTV, instead of failure beam.

Beam is really only useful for forcing the enemy to move. This might have tactical advantages sometimes, but yeah, for an ult it is pretty bad. I’d see it as. D tier ability at most, not R…


You base that on what?
Just because you are wrong and ppl telling you that that doesn’t mean they will defend things even if those are way worse than now.
But PB has it’s uses, it’s good. Obviously in vacuum it’s not that good, because “too slow”, but this game is full of slows and we have a lot of roots and stuns as well.
Also global value.


I think that would make it worse. Right now you can combine it with slows to ensure the enemy can’t run away. If the beam is fixed to always be slower you’ll never catch anyone.


The LiMing+Artanis lasershow combo at lvl20 is pretty cool.
LiMing’s heroic laserbeam upgrade will slow enemy players so it should be possible to keep them in the purifier beam for longer. If it kills an enemy, LiMing will get a reset on her laser and the purifier beam will also jump/reset. LiMing just has to be close to the next target of the purifier beam and if everything works well, you can cycle through the whole enemy team.

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Since they changed and removed blades of templar from lvl 20 and put it to 16, I always get improved PB at lvl 20 (in the scenario when I don’t get pulse).

PB has its uses. Anytime enemy has full mage comp without blinks or bonus MS, the PB is good.

You need to work out your detective skill as I am not bronze. Thank you.

Nah, at this point, why do you even bother? We both know that you are going to disagree with me even if I am the right one.

Bronze as in… Bronze Talons :wink:

Art is Godlike in Immortal and Alterac pass

(Nice edge with the quotes.)
You are wrong about that as well, but I’m not surprised.

Did you know that it’s a common human behaviour to project your own backthoughts on others?
You project your stubbornness on us and you don’t trust our word because you know you’d simply lie in the same situation (you are a self-claimed lier, yourself said that you lied about your high Artanis winrate to validate your buff threads be humble).

If you are right, I’ll agree with you cuz I’m not a kid to disagree with ppl just because “grudges”.


I glad I lied my Artanis win rate in the past because it ended up revealed your true ugly and pathetic side.

You can continue putting your fake nice persona here but don’t expect people to get fooled.

Again, why even bother again as both of us know there will be no “peace” between us? Do you starve for my attention that much?

Kinda hard to be ‘right’ when you conjure hearsay to be the ‘proof’ of your claims an then confess you’re lashing out out of hatred at people.

Even harder to be ‘right’ when you project incongruity and argue that against people
→ posts they’re from s.e.a, claims other non-US posters are using them to be US…
→ falsifies quotes from others
→ doesn’t provide ‘sources’ when asked, just claims its true

Math is generally considered “universal” in that, despite variations on emphasis or how things are taught, the steps for validating a proof can be confirmed by anyone accordingly. In that same regard, if one isn’t using the ‘right steps’ to reach the “right” solution/simplification in math, a teacher/professor/etc is (should) care more about the process one uses to get from one point to the other, and not having the “right” answer.

arguments function in much the same way, so if someone is using the “wrong” method to try to validate themselves as “being right” then it matters far less if they were “right” than what they used to convince themselves as such. a number of HoTS doomsayers use all sorts of whatevers to try to act like they were prophetic of the issues for HoTS, and the extent by which they continue to try to suggest they were “right” creates problems for their projections on aspects where they aren’t “right” because they keep using flawed ‘proofs’ to try to say they are as such in being “right”.

Taking the sort of “start fights, conjure ‘proof’” approach you’re taking from topic to topic to personalize conflict between you and anyone else that disagrees with you isn’t going to just stop at a forum on a per topic basis, its likely to influence other aspects and be problematic even if you are “right” and nobody wants to care.


I should have clarified, by match, I meant only if they use a speed boost. It would have a baseline movespeed.

What are you then? Show us a screenshot of your rank.

And you saying that you aren’t bronze doesn’t counter my arguments regarding Artanis’ heroics, so if you don’t want to be called bronze, then stop acting like one.

If I show my rank, what do I get?

Yeah man, if saying something that don’t align to your interest or your view will get labelled as bronze, then I guess I don’t mind be a bronze then.

If you are biased or have vendetta on someone, whatever he said will fall on the deaf ears. You should know that right?

Sure. You are the primary example what I have said in my previous post. The hero or the heroic can be rubbish or overpowered and you will still find a way to defend it. I expect no less from you guys.

Ah, I knew you wouldn’t post it. You’re probably somewhere between bronze-gold.

I knew you’d come up with all sorts of excuses to avoid having to show your rank.

And you clearly are a bronze when you don’t understand Artanis’ heroics and deliberately chose to ignore my arguments regarding it. A symbolic trait of people who are bronze-gold is extreme stubbornness regarding their failures and bad ideas and so on.

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Oh, now you change your stand to bronze-gold? It is hilarious.