Are you sure about zeebo?

Personal preference? More push power than most other mages?
It also quite depends how much they nerf the spiders. Even if they reduce their damage per hit by 4 (or roughly 10%), they’d still have the potential to deal 1155 + 4% damage (without Vile Infection). It will still have the potential to 100-0 squishies with Vile Infection tho.
So I think that a more drastic nerf would be needed. Like reducing the spider damage from 38 per hit to 30, but also increasing Jar’s break damage from 50 to 75.
This way his Q will be on the edge of being able to 100-0 heroes with 1300 HP. It will theoretically deal around 1328 + 4% damage, but it will deal it over 10 seconds, so the hero’s natural HP regen should prevent the hero from being 1-shoted.
Even with this nerf, it will be pretty powerful. It will just REQUIRE more out of you than just hitting a single jar.
They can also increase spooder’s damage to non-heroes. Or perhaps increase the Q slow duration to 2 or 2,25 seconds.

Or maybe the best thing they can do would be to replace the Q quest reward from giving spiders 30% increased damage to increasing the Jar break damage by 100%.
When we compare my 1-st suggestion to my 2-nd:
1-st: Jar deals 75 damage, spiders deal 39 damage per hit (with quest completed)
2-nd: Jar deals 100 damage (with quest completed), spiders deal 38 damage per hit.
Mathematically, the damage is the same. But with the 2-nd option, more of the damage is upfront, and it’s more reliable.
Also, with the 2-nd suggestion, his other builds will not suffer too.

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