Are you serious about genji

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Just to show what the community in mid elo thinks about genji: i get this almost every time i pick genji (yes not my best game and i dropped from almost plat 2 to gold 1 :frowning: )
This is so sad. And i dont care if genji was op because I DIDNT PLAY BACK THEN. why are we balacing any hero around pro level, when the pro scene is gone and a large part of the community is playing qm and ai? he doenst have to be op. i just want to pick him and not be liabilty for my team. right now i feel like pretty much any range autoattacker perfectly played just outperforms a perfectly played genji. and it should be that that a good played genji is on even level with a perfectly played raynor/valla and a perfectly played genji should outperform them a bit. picking genji its high risk and mediocre reward at best

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Silver is the new diamond/master


Thatā€™s the idea, they want every talent to taste love in their lives.
They only changed a few talents tho, they might be afraid to tinker too much on him before seeing how much a small push can change his direction.

As a fellow silver genji player i also agree. Im also glad that i have a level 13 talent now since Shingen is 2 hard to land.

Yes, but if you still like playing with perfecect defense, DB and shingan (which is my pref) this patch is a straight down nerf.
Im perfectly fine with adding talent diversity and making strong competing talents on each tier, but there is no reason to nerf his mobility if not something else gets buffed about his basekit aside from the 55hp buff

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Blizzard is gimping E build - DB users so they canā€™t have fun. Must play that noob X-strike with Agile Dismount I guess.

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I always go DB because at higher levels of play itā€™s honestly just the better Ult. These changes just feel meh to me and thatā€™s comming from a person with a 55% win rate and 120lv on one account and 67% win rate and 70lv on another.

I just honestly wish genji could have been reverted about 3 or 4 nerfs. :sleepy:

Even if you filtered by the top two leagues on heroesprofile, X-strike is picked 70% of the timeā€¦ And Agile Dismount has almost 20% more win ratio than Swift as the wind (36% vs 55%)

I like Dragon Blade more because itā€™s flashier, but the stats donā€™t lie.
They are not bad talents for sure.

With the health buff you can afford to go DB more.
People pick Xstrike more because DB requires your team to lock people in place for you now which is not really happening with randos.

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Aussenseider may be able to make great plays like shown in his videos, but since the reduced aa change, his win rate is around 53% in SL.
He has much better results with his other most played heroes.

Blockquote With the health buff you can afford to go DB more.

55 hp buff can db moreā€¦ uh huh :confused: . That scaling of up to 120 hp by lv 20 is so much more.

Blockquote People pick Xstrike more because DB requires your team to lock people in place for you now which is not really happening with randos.

The 60 second cool down enables Genji players to use the heroic a lot more. Be it ganks or team fights and have it up almost always by the next objective/ fight

Interesting, that video was only a few months old and showed a much higher win rate. Do you suppose that was including QM games, or they are very old clips since the AA change was a long time ago?

Anyway I have no illusion that a montage of clips could demonstrate anything about balance. Itā€™s just that I can imagine situations exist where a hero can perform at a high level even if the average performance is quite low, and Iā€™m sure it complicates decisions for the balance team.

His 63.9% includes QM with friends, too.
What drags him down is his low siege dmg and xp contribution, even tho his plays look very flashy. You canā€™t win games if you donā€™t focus enough on macro.
He had better results before all the nerfs because he could trade and get away much easier in the 1v1 scenario.

Now, even if youā€™re one of the best Genji, meaning that you proc Shingan as much as possible without dying, youā€™ll struggle. It takes too much efforts to have acceptable results.

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Stop kidding yourself. It was a 50 hp buff.

For perspective, hanzo does 200 damage per auto.

If anything the trait nerf means genji had much less safety to go dragon blade now


By that logic we could give xul his 200hp back since it merely is one AA from hanzoā€¦

In real game conditions genji does survive longer thanks to this hp buff so you can heal or assist him in situations you would not be able to before.

People thinking genji should DB and faceroll the whole team by himself speaks volume of what kind of imbalanced hero he used to be if anything.

Is DB going to be more popular than easy escape , invincible low cd x strike? Doubt it.
Is it more appealing of you have a setup or healer? Yup.


But Hanzoā€™s basic attack is very strong.

An additional 55 HP is even less than Jainaā€™s basic attack (The mage with the weakest basic attack in the game).

People should look at how the number impact the game too.
Genji did feel more resilient.

It is like people saying adding 1 sec cd on malganisā€™ claws was insignificant before but it crippled the hero so much he was unplayable until they buffed it back (and well he got bad talents buffed too).

If 50hp is nothing then by all means bring back xulā€™s 200hp you can just AA him with probius and call it a useless buffā€¦

  1. Xul already has 400 hp over Genji base and that translates to over 830 hp by 20. Heā€™ll already have FAR better survivability without accounting his bone armor.

  2. Youā€™ll survive ONE more Tychus AA before going down, some survivability there. :confused: That ONE more hit from Tychus AA isnā€™t going to make DB ā€œmore appealingā€. Itā€™ll be along the lines of if he survives one and half seconds of letting Tychus AA him before thereā€™s ACTUAL appeal.

  3. X-Strike is vulnerable to DOT and Vorpal Blade once it ends. He becomes ā€œuntargetableā€ not ā€œinvulnerableā€ thereā€™s a difference.

Xul is a bruiser, genji is a ranged assassin.

Yeah such a very dumb comparison, a bruiser tends to get a higher health buff because getting you health shred is part of the job playing a bruiser in melee range.

Ranged are not that until you dash in as Genji, but thatā€™s not the case when you have good defenses.

That Heath is welcome, I donā€™t like the trait nerf though.