Are we still pretending reports aren't automated?

I know Blizzard doesn’t care at this point and put this game on life support, but does anyone in this “community” actually still actually still believe reports are handled by anything approaching a human being? I’m genuinely curious how many of you are actually that naive.

I just made an account and it got silenced in one day. Why? Because I solo queued and got in a game with a 4 player team. One of them was toxic and picked a fight with me, and you know groups like to gang up on people. So I got 4 reports in a single game, which the algorithm dings harshly. Meanwhile, the toxic guy gets 1. See the imbalance? Blizzard literally encourages mob mentality bullying in their games at this point. Classy.

Also apparently I’m not allowed to post this in General. Cool.

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