Are queue times with Anduin broken?

I’ve been waiting for match in QM for over 3042 seconds. That’s a bit too much for NA.

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I’m sitting at 4290 and wondering the same…

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It is broken yes, especially because now it is not a time with a lot of players. I’d wait until later today.

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Working as intended. You and everyone else wants to play him. The only way to fix it atm is to allow 10 Anduins per match. Since that isn’t happening, you’ll just have to wait your turn to be paired up with 9 other people who aren’t trying to play him right now.



This happens literally everytime a new hero released, who would have guessed?


Th[quote=“Face-1853, post:5, topic:19545, full:true”]
Working as intended. You and everyone else wants to play him. The only way to fix it atm is to allow 10 Anduins per match. Since that isn’t happening, you’ll just have to wait your turn to be paired up with 9 other people who aren’t trying to play him right now.


That’d be fun :joy:

Is it Orphea release again?

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I never thought I’d see the day when people fought to play a healer.



This isn’t intended at all. The issue is they did not remove the “No Mirror Matches” rule for QM for Anduin, when they have in the past for new Hero releases. Even Orphea wasn’t this bad (I’m over one hour waits for a single game).

Not only that, but since Anduin is a Support, the QM rule requiring another Support is in effect. So the game won’t pair Anduins together and instead is looking for the 7 people not queueing as Anduin for support.

It’s a failure by Blizzard to not change their system as they have in the past.

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Yeah its broken 3 hours in que no game. I forgot i had the game running in the background while watching shows and came back to it. 402 seconds est. wait time my butt

Just a heads up to people, but there are times when a specific heroes wait time is much higher then the others. The reason this happens is that there are too many people trying to play the same hero, and the MM is having problems filling all the other slots (especially since mirror matches are mostly gone). This tends to occur if one or more of the following hold true:

  1. The hero is a new release hero. There is a drastic number of people wanting to give the new hero a spin. The wait times should lower over time, and may see another spike when the new hero drops to 10,000 in a few weeks. If hero is tank or support, it compounds the problem since the people that play that role may all try to play the new hero (which messes with mirror rule).

  2. It is the first time a hero is in free rotation. A bunch of people will likely play them for the sake of leveling them or trying them out without spending.

  3. The hero is considered overpowered in QM or in general.

  4. The hero had a recent rework that changed the hero enough to warrant people trying them out again.

Since anduin is new and a highly requested hero, his wait times in Qm are likely to remain high for days or more depending on how powerful people consider him.

The issue is this has never been the case for new releases. They have always removed this restriction for new Heroes BECAUSE of this issue. We are literally talking about 3+ hour wait times; this is unheard of. They have severely screwed up.

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I’m sure we all know that.

People just like complaining.

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Allow Anduin mirror matches…

Would cut the times in half


I just want to play Manduin :triumph: I’ve gotten 3 games in all day.

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I got to play one match with him. He’s fun to play with, he doesn’t feel OP or busted. He’s a better Whitemane with a better D

As someone whose second highest healer is Whitemane, Anduin plays nothing like her. His Pursued by Grace talent is just icing on the cake for him. It’s small, tiny little pops of healing when he hits a hero, as opposed to substantial chunks of health that can target your whole team, instead of one hero. She’s an multi target healer. Anduin is much more single target focused.

Think its cause alot of people que up with him, unless the game is bugged once again

I wonder how many people are playing Anduin, honestly.

I mean Blizzard gave us 120 days to stock up on gold and/or gems.

If virtually everyone didn’t buy him, I’d be absolutely surprised.


I’m over 13,000 seconds in wait, so approaching 4 hours. I have not played a single Anduin game except one V.S. AI to ensure that it wasn’t my game that was bugged.

This is unreal. No Hero has been this bad. I really hope Blizzard fixes this soon.