Are queue times with Anduin broken?

I finally got a mirror match after requeuing for roughly 15 minutes. It seems you have a better chance of finding a game with at least one other person in your group, as opposed to solo queuing.

He is a brand new EXTREMELY popular character. Honestly I’m not surprised his que times are high. It’s either a bug or just a lot of Anduin fanboys came over to play him, one of the two

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You know what I hate? People picking a brand new hero they’re level 3 with in RANKED. And losing you the game because they have no idea what they’re doing.

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I thought you had to have a hero at at least lvl 5 before you could bring them into ranked :thinking:


from what ive seen, mirror can kick in as they qm games i played earlier had anduin vs anduin

For long queue tips, if your time has gone well above the estimated wait, leave and rejoin. Or try a quick as literally anyone else to verify if your connection status isnt bugged cuz you went afk and ended up in limbo

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So did I.

20 tears…

I eventually got a queue at around 7200 seconds.

Next match, it was around 200 seconds.
And the next one. And the next one. And the next one! I’m not sure what happened, but it fixed itself after that first match.

And, yes, all of the matches were mirrors.

I start to see the first nn mirror matches with Anduin, maybe most people start to remember they do not play healers :rofl:

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This is about the same as what happened with Whitemane on release, lotsa people jumped to play on her that the queues were just outside of any accurate estimation. It’s not broken, it is just that he is too popular.

Happened with Whitemane release too, so much so that she introduced that message in QM about it being better to pick another hero due to huge queue times.

I cant imagine anyone NOT having enough gold for new hero nowdays.

It is time to play tank in the QM :grin:

Oddly enough I had no queue time issues when Whitemane was released. Bought her on day 1, had normal waiting times for weeks.

Or revert the no mirror match change.

// And then, a week later forum gets bombarded with “remove mirror match” whine threads. //

I definitely had issues on my end… I play on Asian servers, it was nearly impossible to play her even on QM – best I could muster was vs AI. Whitemane definitely had a lot of people playing her on release.

I’m over on NA servers. I still don’t see much Whitemane play unless I’m the one behind the wheel.