Arbitrary Game Freezes, High CPU-usage the cause?

Hey Thriem,

I see one other forum post from you on the US forums here. Is that the post you were looking for perhaps?

If your recent WinMTRs still look like the one posted there, then I would lean more towards the game freezes / stuttering being caused by the latency spikes after your router. More on that later.

With the specs that you gave, that system should definitely have no problems running the game smoothly as long as all of the hardware is functioning properly.

Due to the way the game engine for HOTS works, it will indeed use 1-2 cores for the majority of the game’s performance rather than spreading out the load more equallty between all cores. This itself is not a problem, unless the CPU is thermal throttling or downclocking itself due to some other issue. I would make sure that you’re using the latest BIOS and chipset drivers for your motherboard, since there can be bug fixes and stability improvements with new BIOS versions.

Going back to the connection and the WinMTR results. If your packets are being delayed and taking 4 seconds (4300ms in the worst column from the WinMTR) in some cases, that type of delay can definitely cause the game to visually lock up and freeze. HOTS uses a lockstep style engine, which basically means if your game client isn’t receiving data from the server in a timely manner then all movements/actions freeze until it updates. This is why packet loss and high latency spikes can cause freezes that appear visual performance related, when they are usually connection related.

There were a couple of informative posts on Reddit years ago when the game first released, if you’re interested in more information about how the game works and what you can potentially do to help with issues like that.

Reddit: A dive into Heroes’ networking and performance

Reddit: Why your game stutters, and what you can do about it.