ARAM - trolls/toxic players becoming more frequent - clip

This has been explained to you many times, there is no particular “quality” of player in ARAM. This is due to there being no MMR used to match players and the fact that many player’s skill will fluctuate greatly depending on the three random heroes they are offered.

So, yes, ARAM is random and chaotic for those reasons, it’s also chaotic by design, as it’s a one lane map to brawl on and some heroes like Azmodan can thrive more than say a Valeera under those conditions.

No, I don’t condone this behavior, report them. I also don’t condone that fact that you have said numerous occasions that you alt F4 when you encounter mirror matches in ARAM.

You are taking a random mode with no MM too seriously, this mode was never meant to be anything but a goof off mode. I don’t condone anyone abusing you (report them) or going AFK (report them), but you need to lower your expectations, instead of making a new thread each time you have a bad game.

Seriously, your complaint threads are just becoming spam at this point. I personally extend to you an invitation to post in the Salt Mines.

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