I called an easy win when we picked two malfurions with a bunch of ranged and no tanks. I saw the opponents rely on us grouping up (Zarya, Johanna, Kaelthas even Chromie to some extent) so knew we had the advantage despite no tanks. Why would we need to form a ball and go in with all ranged players? You just spread out and chip away, keep them back with CCs and go for the kills when they backoff. I got told by the Valla that I’m wrong and we are going to get stomped because no tank. I got told Johanna will just plow through the roots by “pressing D”. Didn’t happen. Dude quickly realized he was wrong so kept pinging unnecessarily to try to make the game seem more challenging than it was…I found it hilarious.
We won 24-2 without a tank if you don’t want to click it. Probably would have been 24-0 if they didn’t get lucky.
One of the easiest ARAM games I ever been in spamming moonfire, auto-ing and rooting people. Literally took Johanna’s vacuum move just to reset my roots.
This is why I absolutely refuse to pick a tank or healer if I don’t want to. Do NOT listen to other ARAM players trying to get you to pick something. People still have this mentality in every game. I got told I was selfish because I didn’t want to play Uther to solo heal when my teammates also had Lili and Alex as choices (much >>> Uther solo heal). This game absolutely proves you do NOT need a tank or a healer. Anyone disagreeing is likely delusional or can’t get their mind around not having a tank and healer in every match.
The issue isn’t a person who isn’t smart. The issue is when a person who isn’t smart thinks they are really smart. That pretty much sums up the average ARAM player who suggests you pick something you don’t want to play…