ARAM - tanks or healers are NOT required

I called an easy win when we picked two malfurions with a bunch of ranged and no tanks. I saw the opponents rely on us grouping up (Zarya, Johanna, Kaelthas even Chromie to some extent) so knew we had the advantage despite no tanks. Why would we need to form a ball and go in with all ranged players? You just spread out and chip away, keep them back with CCs and go for the kills when they backoff. I got told by the Valla that I’m wrong and we are going to get stomped because no tank. I got told Johanna will just plow through the roots by “pressing D”. Didn’t happen. Dude quickly realized he was wrong so kept pinging unnecessarily to try to make the game seem more challenging than it was…I found it hilarious.

We won 24-2 without a tank if you don’t want to click it. Probably would have been 24-0 if they didn’t get lucky.

One of the easiest ARAM games I ever been in spamming moonfire, auto-ing and rooting people. Literally took Johanna’s vacuum move just to reset my roots.

This is why I absolutely refuse to pick a tank or healer if I don’t want to. Do NOT listen to other ARAM players trying to get you to pick something. People still have this mentality in every game. I got told I was selfish because I didn’t want to play Uther to solo heal when my teammates also had Lili and Alex as choices (much >>> Uther solo heal). This game absolutely proves you do NOT need a tank or a healer. Anyone disagreeing is likely delusional or can’t get their mind around not having a tank and healer in every match.

The issue isn’t a person who isn’t smart. The issue is when a person who isn’t smart thinks they are really smart. That pretty much sums up the average ARAM player who suggests you pick something you don’t want to play…

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Try explaining this to the group you are currently playing with and see what happens next.

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I feel like you have a different opinion on the subject every week.
Your free to pick whatever you want in aram as long as your not trying to make other pick what they dont want.


Well yes healers and tanks are not req to win. But you wil have to work harder to win the game without.

Please elaborate on how your story from pepega land proves any point that one shouldn’t draft a healer, you even had 3!!! of them.

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One games proves nothing. Try and play the same comp more than 100 times against different team comps and better players. Just that your opponent died that many times only proves they were trash compared to your team. Any competent team with a brain could easy singled you all out.

And by not taking any tanks or healers if you are the only one with that option just proves you would rather have your whole team go through a trash experince then being helpfull.

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I’ve also won plenty of ARAM games without a healer against healer teams who had strong heroes like Mephisto or Azmodan. By the time the opponents knew they were losing it already happened. Think about it guys. If you have an extra damage dealer instead of a healer, you WILL have more damage than the opponents team on average. The healer can be not used to that level of damage or simply incapable of outhealing it. Solo Uther or Kharazim is often worse than not having a healer but others can struggle as well. They get overwhelmed and demoralized. Many of the damage dealers can get kills without taking risks or needing heals. Many of them have talents to regen, recover health or shields.

It helps if the teammates are on board with no heals and pick heroes that don’t need pampering. That’s the only time I’ll heal or tank, if I see picks that need heals. Example would be if my teammates best choice is a Lunara, Imperius or Jaina, something that will be super weak without occasional heals. If I’m tanking and get Johanna, Muradin or Mei I prefer no heals personally and tell them not to pick one. Those tanks are better off with a higher damage team.

You got to remember, it’s ARAM…random players and random skill levels. Having a healer or tank is basically irrelevant here in most of the games and always was. The team can basically be much stronger without one in many situations which means my title is true, they are NOT required.

What about this one? No heals against a good ARAM comp with a healer.

They had better damage than us, they even had Azmodan and a really good Falstad. Their healer had 10 deaths and still put out more healing than any of our damage dealers. How did they lose then?

Ya know, I’m sure one or more of these guys complained when I picked Nova but look at the comp…Tracer don’t need heals, Guldan can self heal, Johanna is probably the best tank for no heals. Deathwing isn’t healable. I could have used some heals but Nova was clearly better in this situation.

Look, I know healers can really make a damage dealer viable. This one is from earlier today where the healers made a difference to pad my damage.

However, if they didn’t choose healers I would have just went life drain and been happy like I’ve done before, win or lose. Guldan and many others have different builds to survive and do great in a no healer environment in ARAM.

their healer was inting and feeding you XP, they were practically playing a 4v5 despite “having heals vs. no heals”


Both Diablo and Malf were bad. And you had DW as an extra frontline against Diablo who has a trash matchup againt him. You can easy have Johanna go in and do her combo on them and DW follow up with Q and they basically dead late game.

Even more if you follow up on the combo yourself with bomb ult. Any full dps team without a healer can easy beat a team who have one if they are bad and feeding like those two were.


It’s always the same theme, “People shouldn’t blame me for being selfish in ARAM.”


There is not a single stats website which underpins this by some sort of data. ARAM without healer is statistically very bad, without some sort of tank heavily depends.

You want to justify your selfish picks and that’s all. I played thousands of ARAM games and know exactly how toxic and bad most of the games without healer are. The <10% which are wins and good anyway don’t proof anything.

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Yeah that’s most HotS players. They cannot comprehend that letting people play the heroes they know is high IQ move. People won’t admit it in a forum, but they’re quick to attempt to give orders, it’s laughable.

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This is all very simple, despite you trying to complicate matters.

Sure, don’t take your healer option if you don’t want to, there is no rule saying you have to. Yes, you can win matches without your team having a healer, but as QBW2 noted, it often makes it harder for your team to win.

You also need to consider team morale. When you make the choice to leave your team without a healer, while it’s true, that some players enjoy the challenge of playing without a healer, in my experience, more players dislike it and will get angry, not play their best, or simply AFK.

No matter how much you focus on the “stat” tab and justify your damage numbers or whatever, the only important stat is the enemy core going to zero. You don’t have to make a post here to justify your personal preference, but don’t kid yourself that it “never matters” if you choose to leave your team without support.


Unrelated terms, it’s a bit odd to have both Minky and Aubergine like the same post lmao

In all seriousness, I do state out loud when I’m not comfortable playing a character–usually, that’s me trying to avoid solo healing on Khara/Uther (not that those are impossible just not characters I feel comfortable on in ARAM as solo healers). I’ll still flex onto them if I absolutely have to but I’ve played games on those where I absolutely know we’d have had a better chance if I was on my stronger character even sans healer.

Team morale is an important thing though, like Minky said. Not picking healer can make people blame you, and keyboard warriors don’t win games.


Also, am I crazy or did this exact same thread get posted a yearish ago?


no he hasn-
huh it does seem familiar, doesn’t it?

Yes, it felt weird, here’s to 2025!

I would wager Salmiak has repeated themselves at least 3-4 times by now in writing threads. Minimum.

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Why are you afraid to to just not pick them? If you see a better hero option and are still picking Uther or Kharazim or Tyrande because you can’t get your mind around winning an ARAM without a healer (or tank) then you just lack the ARAM experience I actually have. You are afraid the ARAM players you randomly got on your team are some kind of authority?

It’s ARAM guys. The players telling you what to pick could be really bad, rookie players or exceptional players. The exceptional people will KNOW they can still win easy despite what you pick. The weak ones will just give up. It doesn’t matter what you pick because if you try to solo heal on Uther or Khara you can’t carry the game and your weak players are gonna still just complain and not carry you. It’s a far worse situation than just picking the hero you can actually make an impact on.

I have plenty of proof:

In each of these games, there is the same exact hero (Nova in one and ETC in the other) on both teams. Yet they got outperformed significantly even though they had heals and I didn’t… In each of these games, the ARAM teammates blamed me for losing in beginning (even though we won both of them easily).

Why should I listen to them if they have a track record of being wrong? They wanted me to pick a healer for them and I told them I’d heal them on ETC. The Nova one I just don’t respect their opinions, it was probably a Uther or Khara they wanted me on so I just did my own thing and was right. All you need to do is target the enemy healer (we had Tracer and Nova to do that), that should be obvious how to beat a team with a healer when you don’t have one…you shut down the enemy healer first.