ARAM players who play blame game - I'll pick who I want

I smelled weakness when I noticed my teammates picking double tank over OP damage heroes. I went Junkrat over Morales since I was tired of getting ARAM teams who do junk damage then blame people instead of working on their own game.

Early game my team was crying, dying and blaming me for not picking Morales. The tanks struggled without a healer, which is understandable, but lashing out at me constantly while you respawn is no way to play this game. I don’t got time to read junk when I’m busy spamming damage and carrying you. Eventually our poke damage got to the point where the enemy was constantly too low to engage us properly.

The funny thing is, the end game was an absolute one-sided stomp in our favor because as you can see I had double the other Junkrat’s damage and dwarfed everyone else in the game. Doesn’t matter if you have a healer or not when you can just spam damage and overwhelm the enemy team.

Despite all this, the teammates (two tanks) still said I got carried even though I took risks and got plenty of kills. I was always in the right spot at the right time but they accused me of face tanking lasers. Guys with twice my deaths or more love to give me advice on dying on this game I noticed.

I’ll be on Diablo 4 soon so not looking to make friends, especially with players who are in no position to criticize or give me advice. The stats don’t lie, they have never lied. I put them up but blurred out the names of the players for respect for privacy, but I don’t respect the players who complained at all…

When I re-watched the clip of me hard carrying these guys I noticed the complainer guy was pointlessly spamming pings on his own fights even though we were mopping up low health enemies as shown in this screenshot. Guy is off to side on his tank entire game like he’s on a Nova but acted like he knew more about HOTS than me. Again, I just can’t wait for Diablo 4 because the players just keep getting more intolerable and that’s what my evidence shows.

Cant we talk about cool moments with out putting others down for once : s


A good healer can offset a lot of damage.
Typically high damage means padding, doing a lot of damage without achieving actual results. Such as, attacking a backed Diablo as Valla.
The enemy deckard did 104k healing and 24k damage, while you delivered 111k damage. Overall, they did more.

It happens in normal games as well, burst vs sustain comps.

On a personal note, just after your complaint about others picking double healer (what they want), you say you’ll pick whatever you want. Everyone needs to vent, there is a dedicated thread for that, albeit hidden, the Salt Mines. Also, while I understand your mindset, it comes off a bit self centered, or bossy. This game is perfect to learn a bit more about team play and accepting others and feelings.

… also, someone else needs to post there because the forums will prevent me from solo blogging! :laughing:

… and yeah, there isn’t just Salt Mines but a Good Games thread, too (by Minky), it’s a virtual round table to tell the happy stories and have a toast together!


It’s adorable you would think there’s some utopia free of bad players waiting for you in D4.

It’s also weird how you continue to be surprised that ARAM, a mode that is intended to be the whatever random crazy comp without MMR has a wide range of skill levels.

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It isn’t that they are bad that is the problem here. If someone dies 10x in 5 minutes I don’t say much b/c nothing I can say can fix the issue and it is every man for themself. Worry about your own play.

It’s an ego issue. It’s the fact that around level 10ish the two tanks decided to mouth off to me while respawning about how I sabotaged their game by not picking Morales. They kept running in solo and dying to Greymane + others then blamed me. One even said something like “I never get to fight against a bad comp like ours, only get stuck with them!” like the game was over. Anyway, I carried them HARD and they were all like “I can’t believe we won!” at the end but I told them they won because I am a much better Junkrat than Morales basically. I told them the truth, that they got carried.

Why lie about it? If people don’t start telling these players the truth they’ll think they are a lot better than they really are and then start applying this to real life. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt or burnt down by their own inflated ego when things crash down, so I’m nice enough to be objective and tell them the hard truth.

The nerve of these two delusional players to say I got carried when I felt like I’d need back surgery after all the carrying I did in that game, often holding off an entire team while they respawned…it’s a thankless job. Again, D4 when?

I grantee people would be celebrating your achievements more if every other sentence weren’t dedicated to ripping on someone.


No heal surely can work perfectly fine if you have safe poke damage heroes like junkrat, zagara or azmodan. Or if you get heroes with self sustain like Muradin.

However once again, multiple healers also have their benefits, especially since healers in hots have great offensive tools.


any idea what the “R” stands for in aRam ?

They don’t understand it. They think because you have 3 choices (all of which generated randomly) that its automatically a draft mode where if you don’t pick what the team wants you’re a useless troll player.

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The other Junkrat didn’t do bad. He’s 8-10-3, you’re 8-13-3. Pretty similar.

I thought you said people could pick what they want ? lol


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D4 can’t come any closer lol

First - If you needed to vent or share or anything, fine.

Did their bragging upset you?
Did their lack of validation - acknowledging you carried them - upset you?
Are you looking for some sort of validation from the game?
Why did their behavior get to you? (It did, since you wanted to discuss it in a topic.)

I don’t require that you answer the questions, it would be vulnerable and this might not be the place to open up. But consider why you did it, and why are you defending yourself while humiliating them. It could be a number of things, coping such as lack of appreciation or empathy received. You may not even be there to acknowledge.

What matters, though: I suppose you can find some friends here, people to play with, move on to Discord, what have you. However, this isn’t the way.


Junkrat is a high priority pick in ARAM so it was pretty much the right choice. On the other hand, outside of cheese, Morales is one of the worst healers for ARAM as they have very low damage and only good single target healing, in a mode where everyone gets damaged all the time.

If you had a strong healer pick like Stukov or Deckard Cain then maybe picking the healer would be better. But RNG is RNG, just have to go with it.

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That’s absolutely right. It’s annoying that so many players think you absolutely have to pick a healer over an OP hero like Junkrat. This guy gets it.

You’ve said this before, and you were proven wrong before. The fact you’re saying it yet again is puzzling. Morales isn’t anywhere near the worst pick healer for ARAM. She’s actually one of the better picks outside the first couple of OP ones according to the stats. It’s highly unlikely your WHOLE team is constantly getting damaged unless the enemy comp is truly bizarre or your team is constantly clumping. More often, it’s just a couple of people here and there, and Morales is actually quite good at that. She also doesn’t go oom which is quite an advantage in ARAM if incoming damage is manageable and you ping a quick retreat to your allies.

But like I say, people should pick what they want. If Salmiak sucks at Morales, absolutely go Junkrat. That should be the only thing that matters, not their opinion, or how you perceive they will perform on their heroes. But not having a healer comes at a cost. Their front line actually did decent damage considering they had no healer. Imagine if they did have healing and didn’t die as much. How much more damage do you think they would have done?

For me, as someone who is a healer main, with Morales as one of my higher win rate heroes, it would be a no brainer to pick her. But I’m not everyone.

Man what a terrible way to focus on just those stats. It’s truly amazing how much Phase almost completely discounts hero damage, when it’s probably one of the most important metrics. The other Junkrat probably wouldn’t have even got as many kills if it weren’t for damage being chipped away.


Would you really rather me play Junkrat even though I’ve never played them in my life or would you want me to play a hero I’m proficient at? I think most would prefer the latter.

Yet there are some, like the OP, who will get tilted if they see an Illidan pick because they don’t believe that hero is any good and therefore no matter who plays it they will perform bad. There is no MMR in ARAM so you could be matched with Bronze all the way to Masters. I just reached gold 5 this past week so in ARAM there’s probably a lot of players more skilled than me. Who am I to judge their pick right off the bat when I don’t know how good they might be? They could be gods at whatever hero it is. ARAM is one of those modes where you can often be surprised that unconventional comps work out. You shouldn’t force someone into a role and threaten to soft throw the game if you don’t get what you want.

All you do when you throw a fit is lower morale for your team and light the fire of trolls who otherwise wouldn’t troll.

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Yes she is not bottom for healing in ARAM, someone like Uther will likely win that due to poor mana sustain, however as even you point out she is certainly not one of the “first couple of OP ones” which was my point. As opposed to Junkrat who is one of the “first couple of OP ones” as far as damage dealers go.

Being ARAM, most of the top tier heroes have massive AoE damage, and you cannot count on your allies to play sensibly and avoid splash damage due to as good as no match making happening.

ARAM and “quick retreat to your allies” are kind of contradictory. There is quite a high chance that some will ignore your pings resulting in them dying while Morales runs around unable to contribute much.

Both the above factors contribute heavily to further enforce why Morales is one of the worst ARAM healers. She can be pretty good, if your allies know what they are doing and play around her. Being ARAM, getting such allies or even appropriate team comps is very much a dice roll so by selecting Morales you are leaving the result of the game almost entirely out of your hands.

Would it equate to 100k hero damage and 100k siege damage though? Since I doubt Morales could get off more than 10-20k each.

Then there is the lack of oppressiveness. 2 junkrats throwing explosives around vs 1, this would significantly strain their healer less (deckard cain is poor against high aoe damage) meaning that kills would become significantly less likely. The enemy team comp is also quite close to hard countering morales, having dives, pierce damage, splash damage and morales having limited ability to heal herself. Deathwing cannot even be healed by Morales, and Muradin already has very good self healing so the impact of no healer is significantly less. As such even in retrospect (knowing enemy team comp) the additional Junkrat still seems like a better choice.

Have I picked Morales in ARAM over other heroes to be the team healer? Yes. Would I pick Morales over one of the high tier heroes if someone else could go a healer? No.

I do admit that in the topic creator’s position I probably would have given in to peer pressure and taken Morales. I often end up regretting such a choice…

Without a replay it is impossible to say as the stats do not cover all of Junkrat’s kit. There are CC/zoning builds, burst builds, sustain builds e.t.c. Topic creator clearly went one of the sustain damage builds. I do admit, usually one goes sustain damage builds on Junkrat in ARAM due to it playing to its strength, but burst builds could work as well since dead heroes are better than wounded heroes.

As the kill to death ratio was the same (8 to 3) despite dealing half damage, it is quite likely that they were contributing significantly to kills. If they were both playing the same builds and styles then it would be reasonable to expect a significant difference in kills proportional to the difference in damage dealt.

In Ranked? It is best to use heroes you know how to play. In ARAM? It is ARAM. ARAM might not even give you a choice of heroes you know how to play.

If you plan to play ARAM a lot, then I would recommend learning to play the power house heroes like Li Ming, Deckard Cain, Azmodan, Chromie, Junkrat, Zul Jin, and the like.

I did not force people to play specific heroes, neither did I threaten to “soft throw”… Maybe this was aimed at someone else?

I agree, but I don’t think this mentality should only apply to Ranked.

I disagree, mainly because that isn’t what I’m talking about. Its obvious that if you know how to play none of the heroes you’re given then it would be better to play the stronger one because even if you’re bad, the hero itself can make up for some of that. However if I’m given the choice of a hero I’m good at, and two other heroes I’m either not good at or have never played I will go with the one I’m good at 9/10 regardless of if its a “meta” hero in ARAM.

Personally, I use ARAM as a get out of jail quick card for when I get leaver’s queue so I don’t really learn heroes for ARAM per se, but I do try to learn them to be more flexible in Ranked. However, this matters less and less to people who know how to play many heroes. I believe Karabars got each hero to level 15 so for players like him, this doesn’t even matter because he’ll be proficient at any hero thrown at him. However, he is not the common player.

It was not aimed at you. I just didn’t quote anyone when I probably should have to avoid confusion, so for that I apologize. Its aimed at anyone who does those things (like the OP). I find that when people start flaming one another you turn what could have bin a winnable match to one that isn’t winnable because now everyone’s tilted. There’s no reason to get so worked up and upset over things like this especially when you never know who’s hands are controlling the player.

You said one of the worst, which is NOT what you just said, and she’s actually one of the better healers. Those two things are so far apart. Which is weird because then you just double down on calling her one of the worst again later on. You just tend to make unsubstantiated claims with arbitrary reasoning and then stating them as universal truths.

Here, it’s like you’re trying to save face by saying you didn’t say what you meant, then you double back only to prove you actually did believe what you said in the first place. Regardless, Morales is a great option as a healer in ARAM. And if presented with the choice because of that and no healer, that is an ever bigger thing to factor in. As no healer teams really do have a huge handicap.

But like I said, if you suck at her, don’t pick her, who cares, it’s ARAM and bad healers are a liability. The fact that you wouldn’t pick her is more manufactured reasons of why YOU might be bad at her, not on her being bad, because a good Morales takes a lot into her hands just by being a good support.

People both respond and ignore pings. There’s nothing special about ARAM other than there being no MMR. But I find that most people do respond if you spam them in short bursts proactively when it matters. This is especially true when they die early game when it matters less and realize that ignoring the pings while Morales has no energy is detrimental for their survival.

the issue for medic in aram being that players pick trap/quest talents, so people that are afraid of playing medic tend to avoid her resource-sustain talents and do go “oom” and not heal as well as they could/should, so they’re just reinforcing the stereotype they’re projecting.