Apparently the original Mod Crossing the line was deleted

in 5 to 10 years their will be a second right wing silicon valley for lack of a better way of putting it

member alex jones?

enough said anyone educated on the tech companies engage in heavy censorship due to all the gender quota hires and affirmative action hires

for the npcs who still think college is education not indoctrination I pity you I really do. have fun with that 5k to 80k debt it aint our problem your brain dead.


I am, you, however, don’t seem to be, which is the point of the concern I expressed. In effect, you seem less concerned about being knowledgeably, and rather confirming what you want to think.
“Hate speech” ‘doesn’t exist’ is a term from the Supreme Court case rulings for the US, however, some regions do have more legal concerns particular to that, which, per the context of my post, what part of what I was addressing.

You decided to ignore that.

Furthermore, a key part of what I was posting about was in regards to pointing out there are examples of speech that isn’t protected, but you seem keen on neglecting that too. Defamation, lewd and obscene and inciting statements are not protected forms of speech and are expect to the censored and the user/poster/etc sanctioned accordingly.

But yea, let’s pretend all the other bits brought up before don’t matter cuz you want to summarize the particulars of just “hate speech” to not matter.

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You’re not Your.

Spelling is importanter than you think.

(Sarcasm included in the message as a joke.)


that is why they are called mods, because they can delete anything they want :slight_smile:

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if anyone remembers the name of the original poster that would be nice since I would like to hear his input on this

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If only more kids could have role models which would warn them of this fact before their minds are fully warped. Twitter is crying like an NPC boy while trying to remove NPC accounts…its hilariously pathetic.

To the OP, I would consider the forums the same as HotS itself – not capable of change at this point. Nothing wrong with calling out 1984 where it exists, but no amount of logic or reason will convince them to change, so it’s not worth talking to the brick wall.

Good chance he might be banned at the moment though.

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No. Also, reported for trolling.

I am astounded that’s still up. Maybe the mods do have some shame.

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Who knows.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Blizz moderation in a nutshell


Considering how the board is filled with childish whines and no-argument topic about how “this game is dead”-like, I don’t think that your statment is correct.

Also Blizzard can do whatever they want on their forum or with their property (remember that also our account are property of Blizzard and that they can shut them down whenever they want without giving explanations).

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my thread just got locked


And would you look at that.


Also expect this thread getting the same fate your thread got.

Maybe worse, it could be deleted but who knows.


Looks like this thread will be locked soon enough…

1984, somehow this thread hasn’t been locked yet

I want to be part of history before they lock yhe thread

hi moma

lold, wrong forum

Your right to free speech only refers to the government, so yes.

This is a private forum and the rules specifically state that you cannot make threads discussing moderators or disciplinary actions. But really, they could delete any and all threads for whatever reason, and they have the discretion to do that outlined as well.

Soap-boxing here won’t get you anywhere.


I think its amusing that one of the locked posts was locked due to this reason of: discussing some personal account action when none of that had actually taken place in the thread.

What happens on personal accounts was part of the discussion but in fact no one actually said “this happened to me” etc.

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