Another season and 0 changes

Once again they did not fix smurfing, they are still matching premades vs randoms, trolls are alive and strong and of course no fix to the MMR. Shame too, this game was so fun.


Lost 2 of 3 ranked games today. I’m gold 2, both losses were against a 4 stack with a plat 1 player in it.

A plat player, two gold players, and a silver player do NOT equal 4 gold players. This is especially true if they are in voice comms and have any reasonable amount of coordination. We need to stop accepting the claim that matchmaking based on their average rank is a fair solution.

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I agree but blizzard claims that the premade is at the disadvantage cause they might not sync well and so on. But yet they thing randoms are gonna do that better than a premade? Blizzard also does not believe trolling or smurfing exists or is a problem in this game either so oh well.

I did all 3 of my placement games and i got matched against premades of 3m and 5man 2 of the 3 games i played and the third game i played i got trolled by a dps and a tank who went dps. Got placed diamond 5 even though i finished Diamond 2 last season. Game is so messed up.

The best change they can make is to bring tower ammo and forts giving exp back.

Ammo nah, forts yeah. They should also buff the turrets so tower diving actually punishes you. Right now its like 10 hits before its a problem.

What are you talking about? There are more potatoes than previous season! And there are less potatoes than in next season!

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Storm League is officially dead, speaking of its quality - a lot of smurfs, trolls, feeders, and players that have no clue about meta, about what is good to pick/ban. Everyone wants to play assassins but they are so terrible that they have less DMG than tank. Should I talk about soak? ARAM only mid. Gold/Platinum League (sometimes Diamond) is same as with Bronze/Silver League, the difference being that in Gold/Platinum League you find stupid people while in Bronze/League you find noob people (casual players, QM/ARAM players).

Another fact is that with the launch of the new season, a lot of old players has returned and the only thing they did when they launched HotS was to queue for ranked, even if they don’t know what changed lately. And of course, they are going to play DPS. In most of my matches I had teammates that didn’t played HotS for months or years, but they are prepared for ranked. And of course I lost.

I’ve played over 100 matches since the new season started and I had only bad experiences. Players trying new heroes in ranked and farming their heroes in ranked.

Too many matches no one wants to play healer and too many wanna play ranged assassin. It’s not really affecting me that because I’m main support, but it’s also a terrible thing.

Can this be fixed? No. This isn’t World of Warcraft or Overwatch where you queue with an established role and you’re forced to play it.

How are supposed to climb, since we have experiences like this?


This game will never change until people leave the game once for all and Blizz will focus on their new games that s what they want.

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