AnaBanana will ask you anything

Did you know the forums will shorten any number of periods down to three?

Also the forum won’t let you make a post entirely of periods.

If you are me you love hots. Both to share your wisdom and for the less competitive aspect that is in the forums

But how are you so kind of a person? Do you ever get mad? And who is your favorit forum user?

Whats your favorit Gazlowe cheese strategy. Also what skin / mount combo

What do you find stronger. A 1s stun or a 1,5s silence?

Ana Banana skin for Ana

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I have the grey/yellow skin in overwatch. But a real banana skin would be nice . Ill submit it!

Ask me anything!

Can you, like, answer my question?

Im really try to not answer questions

I have no idea what the mist means

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Did you even check after I told ya that I fixed it?

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No im blind in 1 eye. Damn you widowmaker!

Catherina and Harbinger seem the hidden couple. Or at least in my mind

Can you send me a pictor of your doggo?

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I do get mad, mad at myself and my mistakes in game. It’s very rare for me to be annoyed by mistakes made by other players, unless they are deliberate, I’m usually just happy I’m not the one making the mistake!

I don’t have a favorite forum user, I like so many people here even if I’ve never played or talked with them directly. Without knowing it, so many have improved my skill with their advice. But most important of all so many people who post here have a finely honed sense of humor, that make me laugh!

A good laugh is worth more than any “how to rank to masters guide” in my book anyway.


I agree. At one point of being to competitive and being in college. There was too much pressure on me. I was stressed like hell I wasnt allowed to show. Got a burn out recovered from it. Now im working fulltime and just try to enjoy the fact im at home playing a game.

I love a good laugh. Sometimes these days I laugh when my friends miss a easy skillshot or go 1v5. They dont think im serious because I play more heroes and dont worry that much but nothing really changed winwise. I just actually enjoy playing a game



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Whats the best game you ever played storywise?

@darak. Sorry cant do images

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No one expects the Ana Inquisition!


You travel for work

What place can you recommend me
What place cant you " "
And what uncommen essential do you recommend to pack (i always have a trashbag in my suitcase for wet or dirty laundry)

If someone wants round 2 just ask

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Dark Souls (the first one), without any doubt.

The story is just perfect <3

You can keep asking me things if you want :eyes:

Singapore. It has a fantastic mix of history and culture, and some of the best food on the planet. Take one of the harbor tours, especially at night. If cities aren’t your thing, Alaska.

Los Angeles. I mean, you can certainly find interesting things to do and see, but for the most part, it is a very generic large city and it is very inconvenient to get around. If I were heading to that part of the US, I would just keep heading south and visit San Diego instead.

Safety pins.


Looks like you will be busy today, go for it!


Stun. If they can’t move I can kill them and then they have a 15-65 second stun.

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