An open letter to Brett Crawford and the Heroes Design Team on the Whitemane Rework

I’m AnemoneMeer, otherwise known as AnemoneMeer#1481. At the time of writing this, I am around five games shy of a thousand games on Whitemane, holding down a WLR in the 57% range and alternating between Diamond and Masters. Outside of Heroes of the Storm, I am moderation staff for Chucklefish, as well as one of their testers. I have also ended up as one of the louder voices regarding the Whitemane Rework, and want to go over, in detail, the problems with it.

Whitemane has gone through eight iterations for the rework, the seven alterations that have been stated, combined with the initial release. There was also something of a deadline of the Scarlet Heist event. I understand that. Deadlines can suck. Over those iterations though, myself and many other players feel that the flavor that led to people playing Whitemane even when she was not a meta character has been lost. Personally, I find it hard to even try to play her now, which is a far cry from the days where I had my entire match history covered by her face.

Speaking from experience, once you’ve internally tested changes for so long, and changed a character so many times, their initial design and balance point fades from memory. It’s very easy for legacy design to slip through without the things that made it make sense at the time, or for how new additions work to take center stage over preserving the old. I fear this is what has happened here, as even after heavy nerfs, all of Whitemane’s builds sans her auto-attack build are in worse places, due to the loss of talent synergies, base power, and even base stats. It feels bad to use E, and W is mathematically a healing loss, and the talents available do not properly fix these issues, but rather exacerbate them. To make matters worse, between PTR and release, she lost 15.25% healing from the nerf to her attack speed, which leaves the only remaining build, the new build, feeling anemic in design.

When looking at the current state of Whitemane’s kit, she cannot help but feel like an inferior version of Tyrande. Tyrande already had a talent that all but replicated Zeal in Elune’s Chosen. Tyrande also has 33% faster attack speed and Light of Elune additionally is 175% healing instead of 100% healing, leading to Tyrande’s level 1 talent being equivalent to Whitemane’s level 4 and 13 talents together in most situations. Tyrande is also afforded better burst healing, better CC, higher damage potential, better mana economy, and overall better team utility.

The current build of Whitemane does very little save for heal, and does it in very few ways save for auto attacking, as all of her non-auto attack builds are worse. Even if the AA build is balanced due to Whitemane’s access to effective AoE healing, it is all that she currently is, and in a game filled with healers who bring powerful utility and support tools to the game, this means that she will not be effectively balanced unless her numbers are better than the numbers of other healers or she gains access to similar levels of utility. Moreover, so long as she remains like this, she will be directly compared to Tyrande and largely impossible to draft in situations in which Tyrande is also an option that cannot be drafted effectively.

Old Whitemane sidestepped her utility issue by bringing lethality. It was okay for her to lack stuns, baseline roots, effective waveclear, vision, and other such mechanics because her utility was instead placed in the pressure she could cause to the enemy healer. Nobody would argue that Li Ming brings utility to a team, and she has instead been balanced around the idea that she can instead do high burst damage often.

Skilled Old Whitemane play came down to managing her burst damage potential as well as her healing potential. You lacked apparent CC because your true CC was the ability to force the enemy healer to spend their heals countering your damage. If the enemy team had a powerful Single Target healer with long cooldowns or sustained AoE heals, this made Whitemane very valuable in skilled hands. Single target healers had to pick between responding to you or responding to your allies, and AoE healers struggled with the added pressure she could put on single targets. New Whitemane does not bring this, and does not bring anything that other healers do not bring while also affording more utility elsewhere. Her scope has only narrowed from before.

Basic attack builds are not inherently fun. Players, by their very nature, enjoy flashy lights and impactful effects. It is rare that you see people willingly playing poison oriented builds unless they share a lot of flashy effects and systems. Warlock in Classic World of Warcraft was loaded up on powerful and valuable utility skills and tools to go along with its damage over time effects. Valla was given an entire burst rotation to go along with her powerful auto attacks. Raynor legitimately has a massive self heal as well as a second character to control in his toolkit. Auto attacking is neither flashy nor interesting until taken to the higher levels of play where it demands high APM, and even then, auto attack characters are granted powerful tools designed to compliment them.

Whitemane does not have this. Her initial ability list was that of a spellcaster first, and so the auto attack build runs counter to the rest of her kit instead of working with it. With an inherent three second channel in her kit, as well as the majority of her talents being buffs to her spells, there is no shortage of design friction in her kit. If you spend three seconds channeling Inquisition, that is three seconds where you do not get the superior HP/s of auto attacking, and if you are spending your time auto attacking, you are deliberately not using your abilities. Inquisition was always designed as her big heavy heal tool, which is why she must stand still to cast it, and why its talents were so impactful and its cooldown so long. With the changes made to empower Whitemane’s auto attacks and the nerfs to its base functionality, Inquisition simply is not a usable ability because its sheer numbers are outpaced by auto attacks, which afford better mobility and do not have a cooldown.

The loss of Whitemane’s mana talents tier is especially problematic to her design, even more so with her mana costs having been increased instead of reduced. There is nothing inherently wrong with a healer having high mana costs. In fact, it is healthy for the game. Most healers with high mana costs do however have tools designed to mitigate this fact. Uther is a great example, having an entire mana tier on his level 1 talents. Each of these talents however, pushes Uther into a different style of play, with one affording more CC, another affording better range, and the third affording more armor. By making mana recovery based not on what gives the most mana back, but on what role Uther is pushed to perform, Uther can have high mana costs that are mitigated by playing his role effectively, thus retaining mana tension without forcing a singular best build.

Whitemane in her current state feels incomplete, and changed from who she was in the game into something largely unrecognizable. Most of her builds are worse than they were before, and the one that isn’t, happens to be one that did not exist before the rework, and already existed on another character. While there is nothing wrong with adding new builds to a character, or removing unhealthy ones, it can often feel like New Whitemane is punished for trying to be Old Whitemane, and rewarded for trying to be Tyrande. And if that is the case, why not just simply pick Tyrande? She has the same mechanics, and better tools.

Brett, as you were design lead on this, I want to ask you, speaking as someone who has played entirely too much Whitemane, to take a second look at this, to watch replays and footage of those of us such as myself, hellobg, SotheBee, Haetred, rcw, and the others of us who were proficient in Old Whitemane. To study what we did, and see what the original, pre-rework Whitemane could do. We understand she was often janky, and had weird design quirks, but in seven reiterations, all played to death with a looming deadline I’m sure, she has lost the identity that drew us to her, and the reasons for us to play her.

Personally, I have not felt so attached to a support role character since Mina from the cancelled MOBA Dawngate. I used to play that aggressive little doll almost every single game, laughing and smiling and getting frustrated as I got overly greedy and died. Then the game was shuttered, and I lost the ability to play as her, and my willingness to play support roles entirely, because every time I tried, it just made me miss playing her. Whitemane is the first support character since then who I have fallen in love with, and the one to finally break that. And now everything that personally drew her to me is gone. I still miss playing Mina, and still wish I could, and now I miss playing Old Whitemane too.

To be frank, I cannot help but feel the Whitemane rework failed in its design goals, and has driven away almost everyone who used to play as her. The forums and subreddit have largely been alight with complaints about it, only dying down because people have ceased playing her for the most part. It simply isn’t fun or interesting to play, as the kit strains against itself to try and find an identity. There are good ideas in it to be sure, such as Inquisitor’s Prayer, Scarlet Wrath, the rebalancing of Whitemane’s ultimates, and Subjugation being moved to a lower tier, but on the whole, the rework fights with itself more than it comes together in a cohesive whole. Going into desperation at all feels bad, as there’s no way to recoup the losses from it, and in its current iteration would make more sense just giving multiple charges to Whitemane’s Q, but then she is even more like Tyrande than she is now, instead of her own character.

I understand all the effort that goes into this. I know the long hours of testing personally, as I have been there and done that, grinding out game after game, match after match just to figure out how to change something. But after so many iterations, you lose sight of what the character was to begin with, and thus what has drawn people to care about that character. This rework, more than anything else, is a failure not because its numbers are wrong, but because those of us who cared, no longer have a reason to care. She has the same face, but she’ll never have her fire.

But mistakes and failure are okay. They’re how we learn, and they can be fixed. I’m sure, Brett and the rest of the development team, that you can fix this. That this can go through a second, much healthier iteration. That the problems can be smoothed and ironed out and everything can be made better than it was before. The first step to success is often failure. I know you can do it, and I believe in all of you. Heroes of the Storm is a great game, and it’s great because its developers made it great. This rework may be a mistake, but the game is not, and the fact that people still care so passionately about the character is proof of that.

So, to all of you, I’d like to make a request. Talk to us. Ask us what we’d like and work with us. Whitemane is a character for whom her mains have played her with a fanatical zeal to match the character herself. And we know she was often a broken, janky mess of oddities. We’d love to help come up with ideas, to improve upon this rework. We’ve already been posting our own versions hoping against hope just to catch the eye of the development team. To maybe see some of that old spark return. So, please, let us help.

We can make a difference here if you let us.


I have no idea who this is


I doubt he has the time to read and analyze all that or watch a bunch of whitemane replays.

A publisher of different indie games, one of them is the country life Stardew Valley.

Edit: Not anymore

Also hope OP get the response, being here or the cross post on Reddit.

For the better good the scarlet crusader.


Pretty sure they don’t care.


I used to be big on big thorough texts but now I’m pretty sure you’re a lot more likely to get a response, and more readers in general if you trim significantly and try to consolidate everything that you can with almost no pretty language or no requests from your audience (‘come with me on this anecdotal journey?’ which I even do a lot irl). Sometimes I’ll type paragraph after paragraph of something, re-read it and re-write it 10x until it’s 10x shorter, with no redundancies and no overstepping the boundaries of time. And sometimes, I don’t, and just looking at how many paragraphs are there, you know it’s only going to hit a certain audience, and maybe even a glancing blow, there. Maybe the blues will share your passion for flavor? Best of luck on the rework.


It might be a good idea for the future to actually ask the players what they value in regards to playing a specific hero, preferably ingame as that reaches more of them.

Lots of feedback is especially important as one might forget aspects; back when i did the feedback thread i completely escaped me that one might even get the idea to change something as fundamental as the mana management or Desperation mechanic.


I can provide a summary of OP’s post; I consider myself rather special. I liked old Whitemane, please bring her back.


Appreciate OP taking the time to write out something so complete about the state of Whitemane. I personally read the whole thing over a bowl of cereal but I understand that most don’t have the patience.

I understand how the OP feels, or anyone feels, when their favorite heroes get reworked. I don’t think even the Malthael changes still sit well with some people. I didn’t play much of the old Whitemane, maybe 10 games, but I still get it. I played Tyrande for 400+ games before her most recent rework, completely putting her into the healer column. I loved her strong dual role, and now she’s quite a bit different. I especially miss being able to 1v1 and be formidable. I put a couple hundred games into Sylvanas the month before she was reworked, and felt disheartened by that as well.

I’ve told myself, if they ever rework Li Ming, my favorite hero to play, and it changed her identity I’d be done with HotS for good.

That’s the problem with reworks, they tend to change how heroes play and, for the most part, that’s not okay in my book.


Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall.


Has the image of gorbachev and zangief dancing after ending in street fighter 2…


ironically, the community has been practically begging them forever to actually talk to the community on development of the game. which obviously not everything that goes on needs to be talked about. however, it would be nice if they came on the forums and started discussions about ‘future reworks’ to heroes they are planning to do in order to get an idea of what the community feels is actually wrong if anything.

i mean they could potentially save some time in reworks on heroes that the community doesnt want reworked… by doing things the community really wanted reworked.


I’m looking forward to a blizzard response. In my opinion the correct thing would be to reverse rework, and work on it again. But the question is always the same, will blizzard ignore this request made directly by someone with relevance in the industry?


I read u guys a lot, but never felt the need to post anything, just this time my gamer heart got pinched hard.

At first, thanks so much for ur effort on arguing that nicely about what people had been complaining till today since the rework went live, coming up from a industry mate maybe makes it noticeable to Blizz dev’s.

At second, I just can agree to all of those words u put on the table. I’m main support with over 3k games on that role, and whitemane wasn’t even my main (lvl 22 +90games), cause somehow she allways have been a niche pick for me, but hey, when I was tired of elune’s shiz, auriel’s cocoons or reg’s ancestrals, there allways was a Whitemane waiting for me to have FUN with her, and I mean REAL FUN like no one of the healer’s roster was able of bringin out to me. U the devs should understand that we the players don’t care just about numbers output, we spend our time in your games to have fun and feel that our invested time on raising our skills get rewarded. And with Whitemane u felt this most of the time due to her hiiiigh skill ceilling, the higher of all healers available no doubt. Now this is just gone and u guys turned her out into the most boring one of all, cause yes, numbers still there, but she have no soul at all.

I’ve enjoy tons with almost all reworks that came out, and almost all my mains were changed huuuugely, but even on those cases I found they way to enjoy and adapt to them, but mates, WM is the one and only rework that I take as the most unnecesary, dissapointing and soultaker that u all have worked on since this game came out.

So please, listen to what ur community is whining of, cause its being the loudest and wisest complain u could ever get from us.

And i do appreciate ur time and effort invested on this game, but actual Whitemane is just a poor AAing bot with no substance at all. We just want her back, one of the cleverest hero design ever done.

PD: I’m not eng, so sry about mistakes done :slight_smile:


Reworks have put sections of this community up in arms before, but never has one been met with so much universal backlash as Whitemane’s.

I wonder if we’ll finally get some kind of official closure.

yes, usually when that happens there is a huge shift in how the hero is played but in the end the hero still remains viable in some frame of reference. for instance the sylvanas rework had many mains up in arms about the huge change in her trait, the mind control change, and her rebalancing toward a team fight centered character rather than lane pusher. to that end though she was very much viable though as a ranged assassin and still able to perform her job pushing lanes out. it just changed the way in which she could do it.

on the whitemane thing… she really doesnt feel good to play after this rework. which makes me sad. i liked picking her up occasionally for ally teams that had more dive in them.

i guess i still have rehgar though.


I already expressed before, most reworks are characterized by giving away some features of a hero and in return giving them more interesting new features.
Let’s contrast this with Whitemane.

What she lost:

  • Removed her mana recovery talents
  • Increased her mana consumption on top of it
  • Removed her main sources of burst damage
  • “Accidentally” switched talents so some of her builds have to compete with itself
  • Generally trimmed talent variety and synergy between said talents

What she gained:

  • AA talent tree which never existed before
  • More “accessible” damage reduction on W (quotation marks because of the above)
  • Level 20 option to put a permanent zeal buff on somebody

This isn’t really a rework as per the Blizzard’s standards. It kind of counts as one if you define reworks as “significant changes to how the hero operates” but this is the thing we’d refer as “fix” or “nerf”, axing of attributes because a hero happens to be overtuned. Yet she’s kind of the opposite of that. Some people brought up the Sylvanas rework before. If Whitemane’s mana juggling is indeed a similarly “problematic” feature which prevents her from being properly balanced then she’d deserve something similar. An overhaul which would give her tons of interactive features in return for losing “boring” aspects. That’s how nearly all hero reworks for HotS worked in the past. Why did they give us such an incomplete mess this time?

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Yes. Sunk Cost Fallacy has become strongly entrenched within Blizzard.

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The reddit thread got a reply with some interesting changes stated, lets see how it turns out in the end.

  • The old Fanatical Power is back and we are currently testing it on her base kit
  • The Basic Attack build has been tweaked and now interacts with Searing Lash
  • Casting either Inquisition or Clemency removes a stack of Desperation
  • Some other small tuning changes to under and over-performing Talents