An open letter to Brett Crawford and the Heroes Design Team on the Whitemane Rework

So like, I’m the only person that enjoys stutter stepping and playing with game mechanics? Okay :frowning:


That game is actually one of the worst I saw, it doesn’t deserve more then a uninstall from me. I am sick of the game there isnt any kind of balance, talking about healers they are broken like in evey blizzard game. Dmg some heros do unreal dmg and some are just useless but listed as assassins.

Well, they’re actively talking about it on Reddit (and just Reddit, ofc). This may set precedence for the first ever rework rollback. I hope it does, lol…

I just log in to approve op’s effort. I like it. Anyway instead of doing reworks, I think they should focus more on creating new characters. “The world could always use more heroes.”

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Good evening AnemoneMeer and all the other passionate Whitemane fans out there!

I have responded to a couple of past feedback threads regarding Whitemane, trying to let everyone know that we are very much here and actively listening. We are testing some pretty substantial changes planned for the upcoming balance patch and are willing to share a couple of them with you today. Hopefully this will be well-received and helps bring some excitement back to a lot of our Whitemane mains out there :slight_smile:

  • The old Fanatical Power is back and we are currently testing it on her base kit
  • The Basic Attack build has been tweaked and now interacts with Searing Lash
  • Casting either Inquisition or Clemency removes a stack of Desperation
  • Some other small tuning changes to under and over-performing Talents

While I can’t promise that all of these changes will make it; we want you all to know that we are doing our best to listen and respond to the communities feedback. Have a wonderful day and please keep sending us all of your thoughts!


As someone who does not play or own Whitemane, this post has helped me to understand exactly what the problems are. I hope you get what you are asking for.

People who say the post is too long… i feel sorry for you more than Whitemane players.

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Once again you’ve made your voice heard as well as the voice of all passionate Whitemane players.

In all honesty I thought the first response from the developers was rather unconvincing because, in my view, they didn’t fully acknowledge what the character was missing and what it meant to us Whitemane mains, which was quite worrying for me and for a moment I thought they didn’t even care.

However, this time their response gave me some hope not only for the future of the character but also for the game as a whole. Sharing with the players some of the ideas they’re working on is fantastic and I’m glad they understand that they really missed the mark on this one and it’s better to go back to the drawing board.

I’ll admit that I did stop playing her not long after testing and I haven’t played the game anymore since then due to the disappointment, but now I have a reason to believe that she’ll get properly adjusted and it will be fun to play Whitemane again.

So I just wanted to thank you AnemoneMeer for putting in the time and effort to make these posts and for expressing, much more eloquently than I ever could, how the community in general feels about this rework.

Seriously, thanks to you and to all those who gave feedback Whitemane’s future seems a little bit brighter now



Yeah. I get why they don’t typically share things because speaking from professional experience here, things are always subject to change and there will always be a subset of players who are angry that their pet changes didn’t get put into the finished product. I’ve seen it, and I’m not gonna lie, I’ve felt it.

But the most important things from this aren’t the precise changes shown in my opinion, it’s that almost all of these changes listed are actually changes stated by the community previously. I’ve personally pushed multiple times to bring the AA build more in line with Li Ming’s Cannoneer and Charged Blast options. We’ve all pushed for Fanatical Power to be brought back and they’re even appearing to consider integrating it, and I know people have talked about how clemency was removing desp stacks but not inquisition.

More than literally anything else, these are changes that the community at large have brought up, being rolled into a character. We are being heard, and they are trying what we suggest.

If it doesn’t make it in, that’s 100% fine. Sometimes an idea that is good on paper is bad in practice. It happens. Sometimes a popular idea just isn’t a good idea to begin with. It also happens. But they’re actively listening and actively trying community ideas to figure out how to improve this.

Personally, I’m gonna lay off entirely until the changes hit PTR, then I’m going to test the hell out of them. If we can keep this ball rolling through a few patches, we can probably make Whitemane the best she’s ever been. Not in terms of being overpowered, but of being extremely fun and interactive while retaining balance. Between the playerbase and the dev team, we can absolutely make that happen, and I would love seeing Whitemane become a popular pick.


on an AA based hero like Ray, Valla, and so on that would be fine. you know exactly that is what the hero is going to be really centered around.

healers and mages alike really shouldnt have a major focus on AA though. it just doesnt fit their theme as a role in general. the one hero i would say is different would be kharazim which was intentionally designed as a melee AA hero.

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At least they are listening. Always a plus.

If this is actuall the Daybringer you might want to get your blue/purple colors and special dev tag turned on by the forum team :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still amazed that the developers responded in the first place.

Well, there has been both a noticeable shift since this time around last year and possibly the loudest outcry over a change ever.

I mean, that’s true, but I’m also used to the developers not speaking up even when the outcries are large. All of the complaints about Tower Ammo come to mind, for example.

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She free to play this week, and damn not only is she squishy but also goes OOM very fast, with your only chance at getting mana back tied to a longer than needed ultimate cooldown. Baseline Clemency at 75 mana is a joke and her out of combat healing while never good is practically non existent, Thighmane has only got good skins going for her, WTB Fanatical Power and some way to reduce Desperation stacks.

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There is no reason to play Whitemane over other healers now. It’s that simple. Everyone else does everything better

When i playED withemane i would never use W but use clemency instead when im @2 or 3 stacks of desperation to get a cheaper Zeal that costs 75 mana instead of 90/135 and then i would only cast it for an instant to get the Zeal and never again; or i would just cast it to remove a desperation stack so i could use that level 16 talent, brilliance or something, twice. Thats it; very different than she previously was.

Feels refreshing to read someone who also thinks dmg was Whitemane’s identity; i got flamed many times when i said this; but those guys didnt have more than 20 games on her anyway…

I’d just like to add, Blizzard pls fix Trait Activation cancelling W channel, it didn’t used to do this, and it’s really messing me up, and I assume a minor oversight in implementation


2 months later. :sob:

Maybe there´s something in the balance patch tomorrow …

[I´m just an incurable optimist, sometimes.]