AMD CPU and AMD GPU fans 100% @ Hero select ARAM

As the title says -

I monitor my system like a hawk - ALL fans, except the PSU, go 100% when at the character selection screen on my new build (AMD CPU and AMD GPU). My other build i7-37k w/1070TI never did that. Same settings in HoTS on both devices.
Its only on the character selection screen, when the game starts after character selection the fans tune down to what its supposed to be for the temp its at. Nothing is over heating or being stressed at 100% CPU/GPU usage when this is happening too. VSYNC isnt the answer.

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I hope this isn’t a stupid question, but just in case, ya remembered to check for latest Graphics Drivers, right? And here’s to hoping your Card’s Latest Drivers aren’t a bad Driver and itself being the problem…

Also I hope ya chose a PSU for that Build that is feeding the Graphics Card a good enough power supply on its +12v Rail to ensure it enough juice to function properly. Can’t go too far in picking a PSU with max +12v Rail brawn, excess just enables your PSU to get older and older and degrade more and more years down the road and still prove up to snuff at its job, but too wuss a +12v Rail will see your Card starve for power when it needs it most, at heavy load, and see performance failures.