All heros lost suddenly, can only pick F2P heroes

The problem accrued for me last day too, it was a problem about Authenticator system that Support team solved them in a hour.

My entire collection is gone again (EU) and the stimpack I activated less than 16 hours ago has expired prematurely for some reason.

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I tried buying one just to try, but that won’t work either… “BLZHROPAY10010101” as if there is a debit card error ,but it doesnt even try to buy or let me enter debit card information…

Same for me now as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same for me since the 8th of October. Give back the heroes!

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Здравствуйте, я покупал Смертокрыла, игра зависла, пришлось нажать ALT+F4, зашёл в игру и все герои купленные исчезли, теперь только F2P. Помогите! Европейский сервер.

Today I tried to log in into the game on another pc and all my heroes were there, in my main pc instead, all my heroes, skins, mounts etc… gone
How is it possible?

Same problem here! Lost my characters but still have the levels

Same here. Eu server. All heroes and cosmetics dissapeared

Same here, also EU server, no heroes and other stuff

Yep, same as above. At least rank decay will send me back to my actual skill level in ranked now. Blessing in disguise! :wink:

Same here, lost everything as well as the skins

Same here, patch 52.1 kill everything :frowning:

same here keep saying i only have 14 heroes when i should have almost all of them… plz fix this can’t play anything like this

All the same for me, new patch, old problems

Same here. Can play only F2play heroes…

Same here, all hero lost, but they have the levels… Strange bug :neutral_face: Any response anywhere? They thinking how to solve or whatever?

same since yesterday…:frowning:

Same here , EU, Heros and Collection gone, Account Lvl still ok

okey my account fixed