All 10 players same pick ARAM

Nah, ‘common sense’ is not actually common. People like to assert that it does so they don’t have to explain themselves to establish common ground, but experience, perspective and priorities deviate too much for the ‘sense’ to be commonly held :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s outright disingenuous. The phrasing is particular to the mm change, and not prior to the implementation of aram. Not that that matters, and it’s just unspoken context to suit the tl;dr :person_shrugging:


TFW you queue ARAM and something random happens :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


*You walk into a Random Restaurant and the menu says they serve you an all random multicourse meal. Excitedly, you sit down hoping you might get some Spaghetti Marinara, a Pizza and maybe some Garlic Bread, and instead they bring you out a broccoli appetizer, broccoli main, broccoli side and a broccoli dessert. Not exactly random when they are all the same.

The waiter says, “But Sir… It was all random”.

*You walk out with disgust because the waiter clearly does not understand the concept of All Random multicourse meal dining . Especially when you read over the fine print on the menu and nowhere to be found is “2% of the time you might get all the same exact dish”.

Weeks pass, and you soon find yourself walking in a far-off town, down a dark alley and in need of using the restroom. You walk into a random pub, sit down on the toilet, only to discover that someone wrote on the bathroom stall: “Should Random Restaurant sometime serve the same exact thing?” and someone else took out a different color marker and wrote “Yes LoL”.

You shrug your shoulders, knowing this is the world you live in now.

End of story.

Again, that is a dumb analogy as the chance for all the same hero has been around since brawls were first introduced. Heck, the fact that was an option is in the original trailer!


What broken analogy is that? In ARAM you’re always only getting one hero. It’d be more like if it was random but everyone in the restaurant got pizza that day.


Random doesn’t mean all different. Random is random.

You can randomly flip a coin and get 20 heads.

How does someone else getting the same dish as you make your dish not random?
Your analogy doesn’t work.
(It’s not multicourse btw, you only get one dish)

This is a little bit of cow excrement my good sir, as you clearly know that mirror games exist.

Ah, nostalgia!


He clearly was not taught by his math teacher what random really is.
Its like a slot machine. You pull the handle and you get random pictures. Some tries will give you multiple of the same pictures and some tries will give you four different pictures. Then you will once in a blue moon hit the jackpot with all four of the same pictures aka a miror match.

Then it does not really matter that it does not say in the ARAM discription that mirrors are not part of ARAM cause it is the day it was added and people who play it daily already know it exists but still want to play victim when they get it. Ofc Blizzard is lazy to add that small detail but that does not mean people not already know it exist.

But I guess some people want to die on that hill and keep playing victim.

If you are on a decline as company and as a game, the last thing you should do is add or leave controversial and hated stuff in your game. Easy as that. Maybe it was the same guys that wanted to add weather into a MOBA, who knows. Nothing is a problem if you don’t play it yourself.

There are so many complains that this terrible feature Reddit asked for should be removed.

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No they are the best games

You are seriously confused and not the flex you think it is. If 5 players in regular ARAM all got a Morales as one of their 3 hero picks, that would be random.

When all 3 hero picks for all 5 players are all Morales, that is not random. That is programmed as a variable. It didn’t just randomly happen like your coin flip analogy.

Making up definitions as well as statistics?


I hate everyone who hates mirror aram
you denied me the one thing I’ve been looking for for the bast month straight off the bat
:sob: :sob:

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is the same as this:

Both are random.

The first is just as much a programmed variable as the second.

(As far as physics are concerned, randomness only exists in quantum effects)

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I’m just saying, had all hogger match with AI bots on both sides. Lasted 42 minutes, a lot of these are brutal and just pisses everyone off before the match even starts “usually”

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The one thing I would definitely quit is an all Morales game.

But that can’t happen.