All 10 players same pick ARAM

That many? Considering MM have only a 2% chance to occur, just how many regular ARAM games have you played in the past year? Ten thousand, twenty thousand?

I live under a rock regarding social media, but I saw that Reddit poll and I voted, nope! My vote was also another nope for the second poll, which many more people knew about, and the results still skewed in favor of keeping MM.

None of this is relative to the conversation anyway, as Dev’s are under no obligation to poll what remains of the Hots community to push a change. Come to think of it, I can’t remember if they ever had polls when Hots was supported, but I wasn’t on Reddit then.

What heroes are you playing in mirror games where all you’re doing is spamming one ability? Maybe this is a you problem, if you’re not even using half the kit of your hero when you play mirror games, no wonder you’re bored.

I’m aware you weren’t calling me out specifically (but you have in the past) however, even if what you say is true, that the five people who post here regularly don’t play Hots often, that is too small a sample size to draw any substantive conclusions.

Again, I doubt this high figure, but I will take you at your word. As the majority of ARAM games I play are not mirror games, naturally a higher number of players have gone AFK during regular ARAM, compared to mirror matches. My point is, the kind of people who AFK mirror games, also AFK regular ARAM games when something isn’t to their liking.

Anecdotally, I have played regular ARAM games with a few players who post here that they only AFK mirror games. As it turns out, these players went AFK in regular ARAM games for trivial reasons such as a player didn’t pick a healer, or they didn’t like the team composition.

We agree on something, complaints never end, but the rub is determining how valid and representative those complaints are. Unless there is an in game poll conducted regarding MM, then we will never have a definitive answer.

No and we cant really expect people like you to stay and play the game you signet up for. Everyone who gets you on the team are automatic in a disadvantage and have to either play the game 4v5 or get leaver que becasue of your low moral to team games.

Charles said they have played 1000+ mirror games. Unless they play Hots 24/7, I find that number highly suspect and casts doubt on their other claims.

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I mean, if you are constantly leaving or AFKing, 100% of your matches have that problem. I am not someone who is scared of adversity, so I always do my best, and do not see that issue very often. I guess that means that attitude is contagious, and if you go into a match with a loser’s mindset, you will guarantee that result.


The band waggon is expert about every topic. Just trust those 4 lost souls and once you reached the same level of delusion you will be en lighted.

Yes it needs to be removed. Hundreds of people have complained and that is just a subset of the people who don’t like it.

Time to spam NA vsAI it seems :thinking:

You sound like the type that are affraid of change.

chronic and fixated complainers generally are demonstrably ‘delusional’. They effectively lie about the extent of their complaint, and repeat their hyperbole so much that they then start to believe it. That cycles their complaint and they then pretend they have more ‘proof’ then they actually do because they don’t care about ‘proof’, they care about gratification.

If these complaints were less delusional and more persuasive and honest, they’d probably see more people supporting the cause instead of effectual apathy.

A few ‘hundred’ complainers pales to the hundreds of thousands of players that still play the game. And yes, the math from HP’s replays indicates that the playerbase is higher than chronic complainers are willing to believe. That’s part of why these complaints try to make a big deal out of a single poster instead of realizing how small the extent of the complaints get compared to ‘actual’ issues with the game. It’s grasping at straws and generally fails to notice that the visible complaints amounts to less than HoH spam.

If mirrors were turned off tomorrow, the game community wouldn’t be rife with praise, it’d probably be substituted with the complainers several of these posters had before aram because their fixation and scapegoat.

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They would just find a new topic to complain about like they always did before mirrors got back. So yea nothing would change if mirrors were suddenly gone tomorrow.

Back to complaining about Azmo/Zuljin/Mephisto. Back to complaining about not getting the hero he want. Back to complaining about other player’s hero choices.

Yea the list is long.

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When someone says this:

I think it’s quite fair to be skeptical, as that number exceeds likely statistical probability and is clearly a huge exaggeration.

Despite this, I still replied to Mr Bronson’s others points in good faith, helped by the fact that I too, don’t enjoy most mirror games.

Just had an all Whitemane game. Yea, F that lol

First comment was “oh no” followed by a teammate leaving for the whole game followed by “well”

lol this is such a bad mode it’s hilarious. Feels like some devs “f u” to the community

I did not exaggerate. Was playing well before ARAM was a mode and they were called Hero Brawls. They had weeks where they were exclusively MM and they would have them up for sometime 2-3 weeks before they were changed to a different mode. This was one of the 3 or 4 modes that were in heavy rotation before they looked at the numbers and made the decision to make regular ARAM an actual mode.

Also as mentioned, when they claimed to have it at 5%, it was more like 25% as 1/4 games would pop as a MM.

Signed up for? It doesn’t mention anywhere in the tool tip, ARAM game description, anywhere in game that there is a chance of getting MM.

How do you think the community would react if in QM, there was a 2% chance where your pick would be voided and players were forced to play they same hero?

Same for ranked mode. What if when you went to pick your hero, there was only one option for all 10 heros?

When you que up for ARAM you que up for everything it offers. Not just the parts that only you enjoy. Then you can disagree all you want but thats how reality is.


You are trying to make the case that if you go to a restaurant and order something on the menu, but they bring you something else that you should eat it and be happy because its a place you eat at. you make no sense.

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That analogy makes no sense, since all the same hero was an option from the very beginning, and was added back upon request. What you are arguing is more similar to, “I didn’t sign up to be given Valeera, Murky, or Illidan. Waaaaaah! Watch me rage quit! I’M STICKING IT TO THE MAN!”

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No, it’s the username of a player who keeps leaving ARAM games.

That’s why so many people come here saying.

When we get mirror games, EVERYONE leaves

This guy keeps leaving.

Also, note that an ALOT is a mystical monster that can be made of anything.

If you go to a restaurant where the dish they serve you is random, you can’t really complan. You walked in.


qm doesn’t indicate it has rules, nor does draft specify penalties, and a host of other things not mentioned in the game. That’s part of why community hubs exists for more information to be used to assist with the player experience.

Aram simply says ‘random heroes’, so, in that regard, having ‘all’ of them heroes be ‘random’ isn’t actually against the description as other modes may have with their tool-tips, or whatever cherry-picked source exists.

You, as many other players, already know the content is there, but you’ve chosen to be offended by this particular contradiction for “aram”. Based on these topics, I’m generally of the opinion this is a ingrained disagreement that gets people to dislike it as opposed to the actual ‘flavor’ or experience.

Rather than being a restaurant, it’s a ‘mystery flavor’ gimmick, some of which have demonstrated that expectations heavily influence what people get from a blind taste test. However, flavor trends for ‘random’ have survived past marketing gimmicks, and depending on the product/local, have become a popular staple of the brand.

That’s part of why some of these topics tend to espouse sophistry instead of seeing the asserting universal hatred actual manifest in hard data.

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You should think he have common sense to know this…

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I’ve been playing Hots since 2015, and I played all the various brawls and played the version of ARAM when it was exclusively mirror games.

Your comment wasn’t clear, that you were including a time frame of over eight years, as this discussion is specifically about the inclusion of mirror games to ARAM over the past two years, not the history of brawls etc…

This begs the question though, if you hate the occasional mirror that pops up in ARAM now, why would you play the brawls when they were exclusively mirror games, considering you say you hate them so much that you leave those matches?

Sure, it’s possible to be a statistical outlier, but I frankly don’t believe that 25% number. It’s perfectly fine to say you don’t like mirror games, but there is no need to exaggerate the frequency (or overstate the harm) to get your point across.

Your point is a point of personal preference, you don’t like mirror games, neither do I, but as MM are now part of ARAM, I accept that fact when I queue up. If you dislike mirror games so much, simply don’t queue up for ARAM, it’s a very simple solution to your issue.