All 10 players same pick ARAM

Please remove this feature, what a PITA. Makes players quit the game, afk, complain, and not motivated. Last game I had 1 guy said F this game right at start and now AI player. Please hear me out and remove this permanently EVERYONE including myself hates it.


Is “EVERYONE” your group’s name?..


No that can’t be the case. He woulnd’t need to say “including myself” if EVERYONE were to include him. Or maybe, people around here are too dumb to understand EVERYONE in capitals.

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Twenty thingies required.

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i like it
post debunked


Undondory, have you been presented with an all Whitemane ARAM yet? I’ve seen people post their all Whitmane, all mid-games on Reddit, but I’ve still yet to experience for myself.


no th game would rather give me genji imperious and sylvanas
you know
the boring ones

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All Whitemane would just be whoever can HOHOHOHOOH the longest.


The most violent game of tic tac toe that can be played.

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There is a great portion of the community (specifically those that mostly play ARAM) that agree with you about getting rid of Same Hero (Mirror Match) Aram completely. It seems like about once per week someone starts a new post about it.

You’ll also see some people on these forums who cry that they play aram all the time but have never had a MM game, when you check their profile, you can see that they haven’t played the game in about 3 years, but only recently started playing again because they were called out. Its funny really.

I played an all Genji last night, and no one left. I had fun, even though I am a terrible Genji and my team lost. In my opinion, Genji is not suited for all the same hero ARAMs, but everyone participated regardless.


Useing HP as your souce is like telling your teacher in school you used Google as your main source for your project. If you want to call people out then atleast get a screenshot of thier profile when they are online or dont even speak lol.

You got 6 mirror games in your profile which 5 of them you left cause you obviously a quitter. Meanwhile I have played 4 so far and not left one so far and the other players did not aswell. Seems like you just want the only unique part of ARAM removed just becasue you unable to accept how ARAM is now and other players sadly have to become victim of your weak mentality in a team game.

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4? are you kidding? You’ve had 4 MM games and are some kind of expert on the topic and feel the need to always comment. LMAO.

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Hey, at least he played his through and know what they are actually like.

Unlike people who quit before loading into the match…


I’ve probably played at least 30 mirror games, and perhaps 2% had leavers. Those games where people disconnected were with heroes such as Alarak, Genji, Maiev and Tracer. Those heroes either/or have a high skill cap, limited self sustain and/or limited siege, so it doesn’t surprise me.

I’ve not had a single person leave an all Naz, Azmo, Raynor, Zag mirror games for example, as those heroes are relatively easy to play and have good siege and sustain.

I don’t mind if they keep mirror games or remove them, but a note for you. I only use this account to post on the forums with, and many other people who post here have alt accounts, and HP is not a particularly reliable source as most people don’t upload their replays.

You like to cherry-pick, as I’ve said since the start I don’t like most mirror games, and many other forum regulars have said the same. The point of contention is most of us, out of respect for the other nine players, don’t AFK or leave these games, which is what you say you do. Simply because people point out to you that leaving matches is wrong, doesn’t mean those same people love, or even like, mirror matches.

Anyway, it’s been well over a year since MM have been a thing, perhaps you should move on to a different topic, or give ARAM a miss and play QM instead, as that mode doesn’t have a mirror feature built in.

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Well that just ruined things. I am over here stuck with the pokemon joke in my head and all along you are incogneto in game.

I’m taking my crayons to eat them somewhere else.

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Unfortunately, it was necessary, as I had a bad experience on the old forums using my main account, and even using this account only for posting wasn’t a foolproof measure.

Rest assured, if I do see you in a match, I will let you know it’s me. I’ve been playing a couple of Vs AI matches almost daily on the US server, and still haven’t run into you.


I am not as active as I used to be, but sometimes I have spurts where I tunnel the game for an hour or two in the evenings. Depends on whether I am gassed from working out or not or wish to watch documentaries while on the underdesk treadmill. Weekends I am all over the place.

I keep the unfriend whispering mute off as I had people try and get me riled up from games for no other reason than because they could.

That and it’s almost a running joke at this point that I run into the same players over and over again which gives the community a little village feel to me.

Edit: Nvm, no I don’t. Here I thought I did have non-friend communications off.


Did everyone reach level 20 and pick Zanshin? Because if they did and completed the quest, the game will crash.

Also just another reminder to add Abathur to the eligible list of heroes to be included in all 10 same hero ARAMs, with the recommendation to disable hat and mines.

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Thats great. Glad you are playing. I’ve probably had 1000+ MM games. I don’t expect someone who has only played 30 or so MM’s to understand how bad it is. To someone who hasn’t played a MM (I assume the majority of people who voted in that random reddit poll nobody knew about), it sounds like a fun concept. To someone who has dedicated quite some time to the game, it’s very boring. As many have said, 10 players spamming he same 1 ability over and over gets old. I racked up many of those MM games when the stated MM was 5% (It was actually closer to 25%, I assume miscoded). 1/4 of ARAM games were MM back then. It’s much closer to the stated 2% now.

I wasn’t talking about you. I didn’t even call the person out by name. But they know who they are.
I’d agree HP isn’t 100% accurate, but can give a general glimpse or overview of the player and their habits.

For me, at least 75% of MM’s have someone from either team AFK, which generally leads to more people AFKing, which is generally the category I fall under. Where we can agree is that it is a tired subject 100%, but here we are again, on another weekly post from a random HOTs player about getting rid of MM. Hope you have a good weekend, and see ya next week on a new thread about the same topic!