AI is totally broken after path!

AI is broken after this patch, with dumb behavior and no menace. It needs urgent fix.

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My friend told me my reghar bot (i was DC) was looping around like he was bug forever. But Lucky for them i am back very fast to the game. :sob:

Known Issue in the #bug-report forum.

it’s a urgent fix required. AI is no menace anymore, patch should have been a rollback for the AI
i stopped playing the game since this week patch

the issue is likely a rollback means they will have to spend even more time/effort on the AI.

I would like a rollback also. This is discussing a higher level view of things. AI in games I’ve played has been incredibly bad replacing leavers/people lagging.

The issue is certainly know and being worked on… But rolling it back will just result in slower improvements.

Moving fast and breaking stuff is annoying when it breaks stuff. Really annoying (also hilarious to see some of what AI does. feel like laughing and crying at the same time…) but well. It would just take much longer with rollback.