The newest patch somewhat wrecked the AI, I think. Before it, they were competent at their goal. But after the newest patch, I saw things like:
Enemy AI Greymane trying to pick up a nuke in warhead junction and getting stuck trying to pick it up. I just stared bewildered for a solid 10 seconds, and then got killed by him when his movement started working again.
Friendly AI Li Li spent the whole match laning and wandering randomly. She never died or fed them xp, but she ignored all of our teams’ pings
Enemy AI Nazeebo tried to escape a losing 1v1 with me, but got stuck on a destroyed fort. He just kept running into the wall, and I just kept staring. I didn’t learn from my mistake against Greymane, so I got quickly bursted down and killed
Every time they mention some AI overhaul in patch notes it seems to cause problems… I’m guessing there’s some algorithm that determines the value of doing XYZ act vs other available options, something in this algorithm seems to bug out whenever they introduce a new factor.
I see AI off and on raiding camps so I’m guessing it’s something to do with factoring in merc camp priorities. Maybe they have too many conditions to determine value of an action so the AI just bugs out between what it sees as several equally valuable choices…
As my internet is very limited and sometimes I lose my connection, I tend to play against beginner AI, just to have my quests rolling.
And I’ve noticed that they are a lot more cautious than before, but:
AI Artanis goes to the tribute spawning point 20 sec before it spawns and he just waits there. And as soon as it spawns - he moves away without taking it xD