Why is the AI complete garbage? When do you guys intend to fix this?

What you said, and then some.
In my most recent game of Versus AI, 3 of my teammates left. So that left me with 3 AI teammates. When I watched the replay of the match, every single one was just doing seemingly random crap the whole time. Pings didn’t change their behavior, they wouldn’t engage into fights, etc. Most of the time, they would kill maybe 1 or 2 minions in a minion wave, and then hearth back to base.

The most insulting part was that the enemy AI team was actually fairly competent. They were moving as a unit, they engaged as a group, they attacked objectives, and they were properly functioning AI. But for some reason, the friendly AI on our team didn’t get the same treatment.
I really hope the AI gets improved, because the state of it now is pitiful.