After the Last Patch, cannot open game on MAC

The app crashes in the ABI, I don’t see why any of your suggestions should work, they are just a waste of time for all the users who follow them, because the crash happens before any third party software has a chance to hook into the sys calls.

Playing with graphic settings is also a waste of time because the app crashes way before anything graphics related has been loaded.

I’m fairly sure that there is no workaround because when you look at the post-mortem you can clearly see that the localized host name is requested, then stored in a new variable but fails because __cxa_guard_acquire has been called before on the same guard object but without a release or abort. This is clearly a programming error and should normally be fairly easy to debug but since it happens in the ABI it might not be as straightforward. My guess is it’s a race condition between two different code paths, where the release call on the second code path comes too late.