Advice on climbing from diamond or higher players

I would like to ask some people who are in diamond tier or higher advice on how to climb. I have been tracking my mmr for over a year and uploading all my games to hotslogs and its flucuates from 2300-2500 so i know i am a diamond player. I get tilted easy at people not picking meta or no tank etc in ranked play so i avoided playing hero league but now in sl i decided to give it a try in ranked play again. i have at least 20 k games in total or more and can play most of the heroes with decent skill level. But i do notice in duo and solo que its extremely hard to climb as the randoms in silver are very bad and there is no voice or cooperation. So i am avoiding, also i play alot compared to most people 10-12 hours a day for a very long time and most of the time since the game is dying its hard to find people to play with at my skill level. i am not master but most maps with loses i do find im getting mvp or have top stats on my team with the least deaths but i cannot carry. So i recently found doing placements i placed bronze 5 when it changed to storm league losing 9 games out of 10 on one of my accounts playing vs 5 man stacks which where half smurfs or playing with buddies who are diamond. Either my plan was to make a smurf and play with players i know are at my level bare minimum and do my placments properly with at least 3 players rather than solo que and i won 7 out of 10 games with about 4 mvps approx. and i placed silver 5 on a brand new account. Then i see people with platinum who have 45% winrates in storm league. Yet with 500 games i have a 53% winrate in sl and im silver 5. It literally takes 500 games to rank up 1 level. Am i doing somethign wrong? Is there some kind of hero that i should only be playing to climb better or some way to get ranked points easier? I get bored easy and play so many heroes and try to fill all the time. why cant i even place gold with a 70% winrate in placements? i know if u playing vs a higher average mmr team you get more points but common 70% and silver 5? Any advice on placement games would be appreciated. should i only place the same heroes which i have 60% or higher winrates? I think the game is broken and i have heard of people like masters climbing from bronze to master solo but im highly skeptical as i have never met one player who can do it. Even people with 2800 mmr who i play with regularly will not play solo ranked and say i need decent people to play with and not to solo.

hi my english is not my native language but i can give you a tip if you play dd and u think you can carry games then search a lower duo partner cuz then the team mmr is lower if ur gold and ur partner is bronze you will play in silver most likely, but you can carry more in silver its easyer for you but its harder for your mate and you get your dd role easyer when the randoms see you are the highest player

i always do this im dia 2 samuro/tracer main and i look for a mate who is gold/plat abathur player

if you play healer you better play alone or with a mate who you can combo with

and keep this always in your head you cant change how your teammates playing you can just change yourself and think in every situation what can i do to win the game

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