Account banned. Afterthoughts *long post*

So after almost 6 years, thousands of hours, thousands of Dollars (in game purchases, flying to 4 separate Blizzcon’s to watch HGC championship live, watching Heroes of the Dorm championship live) my account has been banned.

This post is a collection of my thoughts around the reporting system and how players in high diamond-master get silenced/banned, and have for quite some time. Give this post a chance to read instead of just jumping to I’m being toxic.

First off, the reporting system.
This is a terrible system. There is 0 accountability on reports. Players can report you for whatever they want whenever they want, regardless of the reports actual merit or proof. No penalty to players who falsely report because they are mad about losing or one bad play or whatever.

How could that cause a problem?
As someone who has went through the silence phases all the way to a permanent account ban after almost 6 years, i can tell you the silence/ban system feels like an arbitrary number based system. Meaning once you hit enough reports, you get an action taken by a bot. Very little human involvement around the said action, and being on the receiving end of the appeal responses, it really feels like they couldn’t give less of a crap. I didn’t even get an email saying what or why like i have with silences years ago. The response to my appeal? Nothing. just a copy and pasted message, but there was a great line taken right out of the appeal response “We take these types of issue very seriously, and a full investigation is done before any action taken”. My account was banned this last Friday at almost midnight, where i proceeded to immediately make an appeal ticket and that took them 4 days to respond with their copy past reply. I’m supposed to believe they were completing a full investigation at that hour? no. Account action taken by a bot.

No good will system
In other moba’s, a good will/honor system exists. This is intended for when you have great games with others. You can give them points for being great players, great sports, you liked them, or whatever your fancy is. Just counting negativity points is terrible, it doesn’t matter if you do/act great, action is inevitable. Good will systems offset that so your not just waiting for the ticking time bomb to go off.

Then there’s the issue of actual MM. Diamonds/Masters/GM’s being matched with low MMR players.
What kind of environment will that ever foster? Not an enjoyable one. You have the best players in the game who likely spend hours upon hours playing, and your throwing them into games with people who don’t understand basic concepts of the game. That isn’t fun for the new players, or the long lasting ones.

When the game was in its first few years, you had diamonds/masters/GM’s frequently silenced. You can go back through streams and see it even. Not something blizzard liked, but it did point to the horribly broken matchmaking system that’s been around forever. If they had any desire to solve this problem, then they could stop putting players on both sides in these kinds of large skill gap situations in the first place.

Game catered to extreme sensitivity
The casual side of the community over the last few years has turned into this conglomerate of people that cant handle any sort of stressful situation. It doesn’t matter how you address it, with hostile language or not, people are so quick to say toxic and mute. There needs to be a fine line between toxic and not. I don’t think its toxic to expect players your matched with to be of similar skill. Not every loss is toxic, not every win is fun. You can have great games that are loses when its 2 very similarly skilled teams playing, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Losing a game in <10 minutes is not that however.

No reset on escalation of punishment
Here’s a topic that’s really near and dear to me. My account wasn’t banned in a year, not 2, not 3, but almost 6 years. It has been awhile since i last had action taken against my account. I will gladly admit in my early phases of playing this game i went over the top, but I learned. I’m by no means a perfect person in the game, but I’m competitive. There is literally no forgiveness in the system. If i was getting out of hand, but its been 2 years since i last had action taken, then there should be some sort of soft reset on punishment, not just this inevitable escalation. Just another system that is destined to end in a ban.

Final thoughts
The worst part about this is, the more you play, the more you have the opportunity to fall to this. If this is/was one of your main pass times (and you play >20 hours a week on it), then you’ve probably been silenced. The more time you put in, the more emotional you get about ridiculous situations, seeing another person refuse to play as a team whether its in the draft or in the game, seeing a player respond to constructive criticism with “your toxic” or “im gonna afk”, the more you are at risk.

You alienate your longest, most dedicated and active players with systems like this. Plenty of times in the past good suggestions have been made to improve upon the system, and they have been ignored. Look through the forums and see. Now this game is getting little to no support so it well never be fixed.

Thanks for the fun few years.


I’d approve a good will system. Instead of just punishing bad behavior, we should also reward good behavior. That’s how you get true change


I would like to add that this isn’t just a HOTS problem but a global problem on any multiplayer game.


Very True. I had hoped in this post to bring to light the lack of a goodwill system, amongst many other things. Especially considering other moba’s do have those systems.


It’s just a continuation of a more widespread problem of “SJW” cancel culture. Some game devs subscribe to it, some don’t and hopefully overtime it will sort itself out, once enough idiots go broke.
I kinda figured out that my account could get banned eventually, so I made alts (around the time they started banning people left and right) and stopped spending money. Which is kinda silly, I could’ve poured thousands of dollars into the thing and I liked the content and all, but I just won’t on principle that not only I don’t own anything but that they will take it away on completely bogus terms.


I also started making alt accounts around this time, and have them. I have regular friends that play that i have had for a few years now, and currently deciding if i want to continue on one of my alt accounts at all or if I want to hang it up permanently. I wish i would have stopped spending money back then like you. I sure wont if i decide to make one of my alt accounts my main.

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Seeing you took the time to clearly and concisely tell your story, it would be interesting to hear Blizz respond to this post.

I try to save my “reports” for players that cross some imagined line, because there are some truly abusive keyboard warriors out there.
I always tick the :frowning: when asked how effective I feel the reporting system is though. A goodwill system would probably change that response, it would make player feedback feel less pointless.

I wonder how large a job it would be to overhaul the report system, and if that would translate to a better attitude from the players?


They definitely need an overhaul of the reporting system, especially among these forums. If a post gets flagged, overturned, flagged again, overturned again, then somebody needs to get with the program and look real hard at whoever keeps flagging that post.

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You need human resources to be able to look into those and with the lack of funding it’s pretty much impossible. Let’s be honest, nothing significant is going to get overhauled in this game ever. Once it starts going downhill, that’s it. All the issues that OP is bringing up were brought up since alpha, there was a number of really good players who talked about it many times, they were ignored by blizz and mostly ridiculed here, with the typical “don’t like it - leave” attitude. And they left, then many others did and that’s where we are at now.


You’re 100% right. I’m not the first to mention things like this. And while its simple to just make one of my smurfs my main account, there are things i will never be able to get again. All the Blizzcon items i had in the game, season rewards dating back to the first time and every season since, etc.

Funny thing is at the Blizzcon’s i went to, these were things i mention in the short meet and greets at the HotS panels in person. It would take resources to get any of this done, but i think i great place to start would be them acknowledging the problem at all, and maybe scaling back some of the punishments in the interim instead of either kicking players or watching them leave voluntarily.

I know it will not change anytime soon, likely never unless they somehow decide to revitalize this game.

Why would u even give anyone ammunition to potentially get u banned?
Must have said some terrible stuff in-game to be reported so often.

Are u one of those toxic players that spew hatred on people who arent playing to a certain standard?

I’ve had this account since vanilla wow and play hots sometimes and never had any warning at all.


As he said in his post, all the silences, suspensions, etc are automated and if you ever read these forums you will see some people who basically promote the idea of reporting people for things they didn’t do. I.e. report for abusive chat if you don’t like what they are doing, etc. Often enough you don’t need to say anything but gg and it’s a function of how often you play, it’s a cumulative system so people who don’t play much usually don’t get punished. That’s one of the problems … the system doesn’t help against trolls, all you have to do is to make a few account and alternate between them and you’ll be fine.

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You don’t need to since the system is automated. You can literally offer words of encouragement that can’t possibly be seen as toxic in any way, shape or form and still get silenced for it.


I don’t know how what “play hots sometimes” equates too, but me and the people i play with play multiple hours everyday. for years and years. The punishment system never resets, and as I’ve speculated from my experience its just a tally of reports, regardless of content or merit.

Thats the thing. As said above, initially (probably the first 2-3 years) i was pretty toxic and the silences i received were definitely well deserved. However, I changed a lot of what i would say, outside of what i would think are passion oriented comments to players, while expecting people around your mmr that your matched with being around your skill level or to at least have the knowledge of the game to be playing in high diamond-master. Keep in mind there is a fine line i don’t cross. I don’t threaten peoples lives ever, or harass them for hours after the game, or wish ill on them. Most times, its saying things like “why are you not at the objective” which then spirals out of control because the response is defensive. Or in ranked draft, when your asking someone to fill a team need or role, and they don’t, or they ninja lock, etc. Most of my position comes from the expectation of high diamond-master. Then there’s the part where you randomly get matched with players leagues below you in other game modes and even in ranked, and often. I think my position is laid out pretty well above.

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Seriously this game is like an abusive husband you just cant leave cause you love him.

Youre better off leaving. Things wont change. This game aint good for you. This game doesnt really love you. Abuse is not the right way to show love. Theres plenty of other games out there. Find a gg that will make you happy. This game needs to get its shh together. Dont waste your time on this loser.

You know im right. We are all right. Listen to us. But you won’t.


Best reply haha. And I’m leaning to leaving. with everything I’m losing on my main account through a ban, its just disheartening to think of restarting that progression.

Ok let me say this… I’m fairly salty in game especially lately. I can safely say in 5 years and over 17000 games (about 1000 of them in storm league) I’ve only been silenced once, and it was in the forums for a :poop: post topic that went over the line.

Lately I’ve been muting chat more at the first sign of nonsense from teammates. Still no bans no silences… Sorry you got banned but you must have been notified at least 10 times, and and at least 1 or more suspensions. What good would a parole do ? you didn’t listen the DOZENS of times they asked you to stop so now were going to say "hey dude we noticed you’ve be a decent person, bygones If you slip up and get toxic af that we notice it again, we’ll just give you a mulligan… " :man_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


It’s not just that. It’s that you have to meet a certain number of reports within a narrow time frame. And the likelyhood of someone getting, say, 30 reports in a 3 day period, and being COMPLETELY innocent as well, is very close to zero.

You do bring up a good point though. I love this idea. Some kind of player “up vote” button.


I’m not asking for “parole”. I’m leaving the game. This post was made to bring to light a problem once again that many many many have made over a long period of time. Think I’m wrong? read the replies to this thread. Just google the subject and you can find closed threads on it. not every statement will be right all the time, but the things i listed above are right most of the time.

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