Abathur Patch Health Fountain

So I’ve played abathur for quite some time and something that bugs me is that the health fountain for him really has no use. If you’re playing safe with abathur you really don’t ever need to use the health fountain. I came up with an idea earlier this week that i’ve thought about for awhile which is maybe abathur could have a perk or passive that resets all of his CDs minus his heroic when he uses the Health Fountain. While it does only come back every two minutes or so i believe it would make a definitive difference early game or even late game if he has solid control of a lane.


Abathur needs no buffs.


I disagree, early game if the other team knows what they are doing they can pidgeon hole your team from the get go. Seeing as how he has very little options for solid laning until 13 I think he needs a buff even if only minor

If you want to get any chance to buff Aba, remove his AA speed from hat at 4, MULE and 40% Movespeed buff at 16.


Finally someone who know how busted those talents really are.


I do agree his level 4 is broken for AA, and i do believe it could be nerfed, I’m not really 100 on mule being removed because people like azmodan can delete it before it really does anything, however the 40% buff should also be decreased.

There are changes that should be made to him for certain, but i do believe his locust build takes too long to set up in comparison to other laners

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Murky also has little use of the Fountain.
Manaless Heroes have half value at best from fountains and Globes.
But we don’t buff Heroes or change how the Fountains and Globes work because these limitations are part of their powerbudget.


Well Murky can at least use regen globes, Regen globes are useless for abathur, i think it’d be cool if monstrosity could absorb regen globes but then i guess it would have to count as a hero…

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If you make Monstro count as a hero, it will be a nerf for sure.

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Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen


i think that this is an interesting idea

I use it against poke etc as I play aggressive and quite often get an Azmo trying to poke me.

But interesting though not sure it will make to much difference except in mine build.

I am not sure about buffs, but I don’t want this talents being removed, especially MULE, because this talent fits his gameplay so well that it should stay.

Aba would only need buffs, if his performance is bad in high league matches, otherwise no.

Without mule abathur wouldnt change much combat and laning wise. As he can get an other talent to cover a similar aspect (making him better capable of preventing damage to being with). This could potentialy also cover the part that abathur cannot stay back to fulfill that purpose (now the mule can be used while aba stays back).

Not just that, but mule doesnt even suit his artstyle since its a terran unit.

This is one of those aspects that can be changed on abathur without problems. The only reason you potentialy dont want that to happen is because mule is currently unique on abathur.

And for mule i can already come up with an alternative that behaves similar, but is less busted because it cannot repair structures anymore (and with it, it changes in name):

Mule has 2 charges with a 20s cooldown between charges. Mule can be directly used on a structure (its no longer a unit that can be destroyed). While this effect is active, the structure generates x (ie 50) shield per second up to y (ie 200) in total. With it, the structure takes 50% less damage from minions and mercs. This effect lasts 15 seconds.
the idea here is that the shield is enough to prevent minion damage. And to some degree also hero damage. But instead of fixing afterward, abathur has to actively defend it.

That’s why I said it fits his gameplay, not lore. I wouldn’t mind, if they would make it look different.

Exactly that is what should stay, they can change it cosmetically, but the mechanic should stay, because as you say it is unique on Aba and fits him well.

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But at the same time has the issue that its also a talent that is considered broken (not as much as the AA speed though).

Isn’t that already an advantage? I don’t think that’s any reason for Aba to get extra benefits just because he doesn’t even need this one.

In a crude analogy, that sounds like a very rich man complaining he’s not allowed to also receive free meals at a food bank for the poor.

And while fountains might not always be needed for Abathur, they still have their uses. Enemies can shoot over walls, sometimes you can get hit by owls, maybe you take a quick hit when grabbing a few xp globes outside the gate. Fountains are still handy to heal a bit of damage without having to ‘waste’ your tunnel on going back to heal every time something hits you.


If it’s broken, the devs would nerf it, because this talent is part of Aba’s kit for a long time…

That it has been part of the kit doesnt mean it cant be removed, if its that mandatory to pick, it would become a baseline ability, and if it was situational, it can be missed. In other words:

  • if its mandatory, its a broken aspect in the talent kit and needs a rework anyway
  • if its not mandatory, it can become broken under certain conditions (and you can decide to nerf abathur on that part).

Its not the first hero to have such aspect removed: see tassadar.

Sure, but why would want you to remove talents that fits gameplay of heroes? If talents are problematic balance-wise, they could be nerfed instead. If it’s a mandatory talent, because other talents looks crap in comparison why not just change or buff the other talents?

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