It is used to heal him should he get hit by a global like Apocalypse (Diablo) or Consume Souls (Mephisto). These will remove a lot of his health and can be cast faster than he passively regenerates.
You think Abathur needs help!!!
I might not have been clear enough there, I just wanted to say it can be removed, not that it must be removed.
The problem however is, if its truly broken, then sometimes removing can be the only option. I think mule does fine for most games and generaly doesnt end up OP. In slow paced games without hard hitting objectives, it however generaly does end up OP, because damage against structures becomes too slow. This is either a failed draft, or a rare case of QM. But as its rare, i dont see it as OP.
The only issue is, for abathur to become an issue its 3x an ‘and’, and that creates a problem quickly. But that issue is not the mule, its mostly the attack speed. And even that can be resolved by changing some tiers on talents (making the mule compete against the attack speed for example). Then the talent itself doesnt even need any change in effect.
Look i’ve studied aba extensively, and to be fair he does has broken aspects to him, but his main issue is unlike most characters he does not have a consistency in his upgrades for each build like other characters.
-He doesn’t get locust stuff till 13 which means minion laners I.E. Azmodan, Zagara, Gaz, Anu, Xul, etc he doesn’t have a chance laning.
–Mines are easily dismissible with most ranged characters
—If Monstrosity is dealt with early he’s easy to keep pinned down til 16
This used to be part of his design though, but that was because the locust was more reliable for soaking xp. Since the XP changes this became almost useless and now acts just like an extra minion. When the locust was reliable for obtaining XP it didnt matter if it was killed early. Teammates could defend the lane, and abathur moves to a new lane to soak there. While abathurs hat gives proper assistance overall.
The main issue was that the locust never got compensation for that. And i think its a worthy talent on its own to get that capability back (and when putting it next to the mule, it becomes a decent contender as talent aswel)
Why does Abathur have mule? He isn’t terran. Is it a mule with like an infested driver? Do mules even have drivers? Makes no sense
It might makes no sense lore-wise, but it totally makes sense gameplay wise. I mean how does it make sense that Garrosh is fighting for the alliance on Alterac? And since we’re in Hots take Uther’s advice:
“The Nexus is a weird place, don’t take it too serious”