Abathur is now too strong for QM

Everytime i am stomp they got an abathur very hard to stop, pushing everywhere, Healing everyone, boosting everyone everywhere on the map, i think he is a bit op now, what did you think ? :thinking:


Play aba first, complain later.


I do, and i feel like very unbalanced, i give xp all the time (doing lane passive), then i help my team all the time, Healing them, giving shield to them, win 1vs1 by support someone. I often snowball the game, because of the xp i give.


Man, i wish i can have decent allies so i can feel overpowered with Aba. Well i have to admid that if you don’t have some good counter for Aba then is kinda hard to defeat him, but that is just a QM problem.


qm is a big problem since some month, more than before :sob:


My first match as Aba after the rework(?) ended with me as MVP, with Monstro on ToD. MONSTRO ON TOD! That’s a terrible map for it. I just wanted to test my theory that Aba is too strong. He felt strong against and as me. And it’s not like he wasn’t a usual ban before and still is.


and when i play aba sometimes they can’t even stop my monster, someone come to def, and they end dead or run away, this is crazy, and you can’t babysit abathur all the time, so the xp you give passive is too much, you are everywhere. I realy feel this character is too op right now still.



While i do agree abby is one of the most annoying people to face in QM

The game shouldn’t be balanced around random comps and maps.


Agree and disagree at the same time.
While it’s true that QM is Chaos and we shouldn’t care about it (mind readers, that I play solo QM 90% the times).
But QM softly forces certain roles to face eachother and in the new Support Role (current “Sustain”) imo Aba is the strongest.
Plus Aba is banned often in ranked, so changing him won’t be (solely) because of QM.


why ? qm is the more popular mod played in this game, everyone play it, i have never played any other mod since the beta.

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Just the entire post.

You’re assuming that the 9 other people in the game weren’t an influence at all.
I can get MVPs on Dehaka without winning, purely on soak, siege, being a part of takedowns and so on. I don’t actually have to have top healing or damage, top kills, just being decent at everything without dying constantly, MVP does not mean most important player, it means most valued player in which you soaked, didn’t die and contributed what abathur has to offer.

Plus, you’re acting like monstocity is the worst ult in the game (sorry guldan) depending on your team and the enemy team it’s ok in the right situations, it’s not the wrong answer in every game.


Where’s that post I made on “people shouldn’t complain about a random gamemode when it can also work in their favor”? I seriously can’t find it D:

Harm, buddy, pal, throwing random and balanced into the same mode is like asking for 2 existances that are completely exclusive to one another.

Random, is inherently uncontrolled, chaotic, unfair
Balanced is literally fair to both sides, equal, level

You are asking literally impossibilities here.

I generally suggest that more tanks and healers be put into QM sure, but that doesn’t mean the matches are always going to be 100% fair even after that.

I hope they bring the old Nova back, then. Two clones, more damage, invisible to towers. She used to annihilate Abathur. Now… Aba can reign supreme.

He isn’t great on every map, though. I played a QM tonight on BoE where the enemy team had an Abathur (with Varian and Imperius as hat targets, no less), and we stomped them fairly brutally. Abathur can work on that map, but his team has to work with him, and the enemy team has to let him get away with it.

I feel like he was much stronger in QM before. His healing build was super strong. Even trolling with mine build could net some pretty good results. His hat build is quite good now, but the monstrosity is still useless if you rotate to kill it and deny it stacks every time it pops up in a lane.

That is exactly why he gets out of hand in QM as you can see with the OPs posts… People just don’t like babysitting Monstrosity, although frankly that is a lot easier to manage than his old locust build – more or less they shifted the power of the locust build to monstrosity.

But the thing is they also balanced monstrosity out more that it will also require more attention from Abathur as the loss of 50% less damage from non-heroic sources means that structure damage will get him down fast. I’m actually fine with it really since the trade off is while it has better pushing power it also requires more management from Abathur, meaning less hats on allies.

That is the point of Abathur not being able to be physically present though and how Monstrosity, in its own way, functions to compensate for that… Otherwise, if it was a non-threat to lane and structures it wouldn’t be worth picking, it has to compete with the cloning ult after all which is also designed to give Abathur presence on the map / team fights.

It has to be threatening enough that it draws at least one person away from the team fight, giving your team a more even playing field when contesting objectives. Because that means its a 4 vs 4 and I don’t see that as a problem at all for what the ultimate is supposed to acheive, you may not like baby sitting it but it gives the team a more even fight.

Exactly. Ignore it and Abathur creates a deadly melee assassin. You do not want the enemy to bring that 40 stacked monstrosity into a team fight. It’s not that hard to rotate every few minutes and kill it off. Denying aba a potent sieging and team fight ult is worth taking a break from unnecessary team fights strewn throughout the map.

I think new monstrosity is a fair tradeoff as well. That hat build of yours becomes the monstrosity’s hat, unless you want it face tanking structures and immediately going back on cooldown. It requires so much attention to make it good, which means your team is periodically deprived of your support. However in return you can take out structures in a snap, and burrow into team fights like some dehaka on steroids.

The problem I am seeing with QM and the mentality of Abathur and his heroic is that people are far too easily dismissing him as a hero with an impact. They complain that they have to babysit or what not but if Abathur was an active hero with a body on the battlefield you would honestly have to do the same thing.

I mean for people who have dealt with him in the past this essentially the same song and dance we’ve been through, though I agree with Karabars that probably his level 16 needs to be looked into. But broken? Well this is just a glimpse of what people have already seen with more competent Abathur’s and with the skill ceiling lowered it makes it a lot easier to be competent.

Global healing? Threatening structures? Soaking experience? Baby sitting lanes? These have always been what people who prior to the rework have been saying about how Abathur is not a trash hero, these were always his strengths – they’ve barely changed. Aside being easier to accomplish for less experience players (as not removing the hat doesn’t deny you an additional 6 second cooldown), but not offering a higher skill cap for seasoned players as his other options have been neutered as they push players more towards the shield build.

It is just that for some reason far too many dismiss the aspect that Abathur and his heroics should have presence and impact on the map that need to be dealt with, as you would any other hero that opts to isolate himself to solo-lane, soak experience, and push structures.

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It seems to me that Abathur is too strong in every mode, he can act as a solo healer much easier and better than before.


He could act as a solo healer before.
Then he got nerf to his healing talent.
Now he can heal whole team, but the numbers are not high to act as a solo healer anymore.

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In my opinion, the nerf was too small. The ability to heal all heroes every 6 seconds (or 4s) is OP.
Abathur heals 138 hp in 6 seconds. BW heals 105 every 4 seconds. Very similar values.

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