Abathur is now too strong for QM

22/sec on 1 target at lvl 1, only when they have the shield. So technically, yes, 138 HP per 6 sec.
BW heals for 157 every 6 sec.

Similar values but not comparable, as both bring different kits into the game. Aby can “heal” a target between fights, but can’t heal in fight due to the hero needing to have the shield, which has tragic HP and vanish almost immediately, thus removing the healing as well.

Also you forget that BW has Z, which heals 20% max HP…

Aba could heal 68 HP/sec for 4 sec. That was 272 HP over 4 sec on lvl 1. Compare it to to current 22/sec for 6 sec…which is 98 HP after 4 sec.


Devs should be focusing on buffing or reworking other heroes to balance, instead of striking a nerf hammer on any heroes.

Indeed. Good Abathur is extremely difficult to fight against especially in the big map.

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BW’s healing isn’t conditional in that the full healing value is guaranteed, and can actually be amplified further with accurate Arcane flares. Whereas, Abathur’s healing is entirely conditional on the shield being active, once its gone so is the healing, meaning his healing can be interrupted.

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You’re right. I coded the earlier values ​​from December 2018. It was a weakening by 6 points, from 68 to 62. I was thinking about these 6 points all the time. My mistake
Ok, how is it now with Abathur?

For me personally, I don’t like that rework that much. They dumbed him down a bit, but it still takes skill to be good at him.

But I was not able to soloheal the team like before I tried on Towers of doom. It’s better to have a healer, although a combat oriented one like Tyrande or dmg Kharazim is enough.

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Don’t forget to include the shield! Granted, if the shield is broken, you don’t get the heal portion, but the shield itself is strong enough that even if it gets broken, you still healed about as much as a BW would. The heal imo is a bonus, there to ensure that Symb ALWAYS gets value, with maximum value being that the shield gets broken right at the 6 second mark.

Abathur is great example of this community metasheep. Except Monstro and Volitile, Aba didnt receive significant changes/buffs for his already viable kit.

Abathur is among the most easily countered characters in the game. All you have to do is play the game normally and competently.

In other words, instead of trying to drag on team fights after an objective, go back tonoushing lanes and grabbing merc camps. That alone stops Abathur’s push.

A good Abathur isn’t behind a wall, they’re somewhere in the lane, body soaking that lane while they hat another. He’s exposed to your basic rotation, half a which will usually kill him for most heroes.

He’s no different than Zagara, Azmodan, Murky, Sylvanas, or any other siege based character. Except he can’t directly damage things without extreme exposure and death threats from a single minion.

If you genuinely think you have to babysit him, then you neeed to go back and play through the game’s tutorial again. Because if he’s got his symbiote on a hero, he isn’t actively pushing a lane. At best he might be body soaking.

Want to keep Abathur completely contained? Take forts. Put pressure in each lane like your team is supposed to do. This pushes him further and further back and each fall back position needs his effectiveness.

An Abathur only really had two choices; push the lanes or help the team. If he’s doing one, then he can’t do the other. Just like every other hero. At best he can take a few seconds to drop mines then go back to helping.

If you haven’t mastered pushing lanes and getting xp, then it’s no wonder Abathur is a monster to you.

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It’s absolutely hilarious really, I can remember how just months before whenever an Abathur topic came up people were quick to chastise him as trash – and it was only the players who actually used and know how to do so that would defend him. A mini-rework later to make his standard shield build more accessible, although toned down, and now people call him broken LOL.

What is even funnier for me is that people are now only just discovering synergies with Varian and Illidan!? Pfft. And this synergy is completely unchanged.


Excuse my french, what?! :'D

Abathur est l’un des personnages les plus faciles à contrer du jeu.

No creo que eso se cierto, después de todo es el único héroe que tiene un sistema de juego macro. Puedes decir que sabes utilizar a Abathur, así como puedes decir decir que sabes ocupar a cualquier otro héroe del juego, pero quedarse detrás de las puertas o en la sala de tormentas no es saber utilizar a Abathur.

Aba is useless without his team and he cant hat everything. I will let you dwell on it.


Hmm, I always had the hardest time playing ABBY in QM, because most of the time people don’t know how to play with ABBY, causing the team to fall to far behind.