A ridiculous add that uses HotS characters

Today i entered to my favorite manga site and then i saw this stupid add:

I hate those ads, but at least this one made me a laugh.
What do you think about the people who uses other people properties to make things like this?


Probably might be considered different enough to be fair use (by the user), especially if the game is free.

That or they’re stupid.


i kind of enjoy games that parody character concepts for like, collectible monsters. but straight-up using other folks’ characters for advertisements is skeezy. use your own characters for ads and keep the homages as a fun easter egg inside the game!


I’ve seen Facebook ADs using God of War gameplay footage claiming it was their game.


This entire thing is a scam, 100% it will take you to download a virus considering how it follows the same stupid patterns most of these go, also for the majority of the art is actually stolen from other artists or samples provided by other products for testing purposes.


Seen these with a lot of games and franchises i know. The real question is how these people get away with this; there must be whole batalions of lawyers after them by now.

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Hot blonde such hot click bait.

Nah. It takes them a few hours to make the ad, a few minutes if they just steal the art.
Takes Blizzard a few days-weeks-months(depending on if anyone reports it) to notice and issue a takedown. Possibly longer depending on the ad service and how terrible they are.
In that gap, they catch the eye of a bunch of new people to click and get virus bombed. Well worth the time spent.
It’s pretty common, kind of odd to see HotS though. It’s usually the big, recognizable, anime of the year for those sites. Naruto, Dragonball, one Piece, ect.


Problem is that they didn’t fully steal Blizzard art, they stole a very similar rendition. Some people think that’s different enough that they can pass it off as their own.

I don’t doubt they stole it, and I don’t doubt they’re ignorant fools, I just think they probably stole it from some schmo who won’t sue.

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It’s not considered fair use, but they can abuse the copyright system just as blizzard does, so it seems fair for me.

By fair use I meant original content, MB.

This is clearly Nova tho, so they are prolly just stupid.


Well, at least it looks cute, I guess.

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There are lots of shameless rip-off mobas out there, even HotS clones with stolen graphics and characters from Blizzard. I guess there are too many for their lawyers to be able to go after all of them.

Their business model is milking young customers for cash for a year or two using familiar characters, then disappearing.


I’m pretty sure Blizzard owns all rights to large chested cartoon chicks, who are magic or carry guns.

Oh, wait . . .

They ripped off every single character including Tyrael, Anub’arak, Muradin, Kerrigan, Diablo and even the Blackheart’s Bay pirate. There is no question about it, they flat out stole and rebranded Blizzard content and sell it to kids through microtransactions.

Sure, they renamed Diablo “Ananas” (…) and Tyrael as “Archangel” but it’s still theft.


Not going to lie, those are some cute depictions :slight_smile:

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Copying a dead game… /s


Our Nova has been infected with the anime eyes disease! Is not a bad thing though.

Click here for more info.

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I’ve seen a mobile game use footage of Besiege, where they were building vehicles of destruction.

The actual game is Game of War copycat

They are toxic scum.

At least for Nova, whose armor design and hair is very clearly nova.

But I gotta agree with CauisCain on similar original content being okay.

And I cannot see that “Sonya-knock off” not being an original character.

Unless they literally call her Sonya and Barbarian/etc in game.

But visually I don’t instantly (or even now, after looking at model of Sonya in HotS) connect them as looking the same.

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