Hello! I’m Jayzon, Head Caster for the Nexus Gaming Series. I’m leaving a post here for the Devs hoping we can someday get access back to the replays that have been disabled from the last three weeks, and sooner rather than later! We’ve been running our 6th NGS season and this time period spans a good portion of our regular season.
We cast about 66% of our matches live, but the ones that don’t get covered in a live cast get put into a que to be replay casted. We currently have about 50 matches that were qued to be casted from these weeks that we now have no access to stream. I’m not sure what the issue was or if it is fixable, but please do what you can to allow us to have access to these once again!
Apparently something they changed makes the client crash with older replays (or rather March 26th to current replays); i ffear this is something that is rather not so easily fixed or to be circumvented.
It very well could be. There was no actual information released from what I can find about what the issue was or if there was intent for it to be fixed at all. That said, I figure it never hurts to ask, and letting the Dev team know we have a good reason for wanting access to them might increase their interest in devoting resources to getting the issue fixed.
Was the client crash caused by going back to certain part in a replay or by playing the replay itself? I haven’t experienced any crashes that involves replays so I don’t know how and why.
You know one (of many) reasons that Blizz representatives don’t usually write any pposts at all?
Because people will ask them other questions not pertaining to the topic every single time.
You’d think that if Blizzard wanted to answer that particular question, they’d have done so in the 50912312 threads asking about the next hero and such.
And you think they’ll unveil the darkness because you asked them offtopically in a different thread than in the threads in which it is relevant?
Did you think that he’d go “Oh yeah next hero’s coming in two weeks. We forgot to mention it in the 7 other threads specifically asking about it. Good thing you asked!”
Thank you so much @BlizzStepher! I will be putting my team on replay casting as many of these matches as possible over the next week. It’s an honor to have our request accommodated like this, and so quickly! Thanks for the hard work and dedication!
Well, asking when a blizz poster passing through would be a good time to ask. It’s not like a quick update would be difficult. Even if it’s a “we’re still figuring that out”. This lack of communication is sort of ridiculous. You’re right though, if they don’t want to, they won’t. But maybe it’s something they’ve been meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to yet