A nexus original everyone will love

I hath a cat.

He is cool.

And you know what i mean.

I really don’t.

Maybe it’s just me as a long time Warcraft fan, but Hogger is synonymous with fan favourites to me.

I’m quite the opposite.

I have played WoW a very long time too, longer than I should’ve. I played horde and alliance plenty, but I’m a horde guy from the start.

The only reason I know of Hogger, is because I played a human and he needed to be killed for a quest. My encounter with Hogger lasted less than 15 seconds. Once I realized I couldn’t beat him solo, I ran. I looked for groups to kill him, and they all ignored me. So, I moved on to the next quest. Never looked back.

To me Hogger never left an impact. It’s safe to say, I never killed Hogger. I feel the reason Hogger grew in popularity was because he was tough, newbs would die to him, ask for help, and people would make fun of them for dying. It became a regular thing to the point it became a joke.

No one I ever played with spoke of him. If I had just stuck to horde, I would’ve only learned of him through internet jokes (years later), Barrens Chat (which I turned off the first month of playing), or this game.

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You see. That’s fine that you personally didn’t have that big of an impact from Hogger but ultimately there is a reason Hogger was actually making strides on the pools that used to be done on Reddit for HOTS heroes, Hogger was always up there in the same league as Imperius and Mengsk so I think it’s fair to say stats disagree with you personally

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I have never seen a thread here asking for Hogger. If they existed it vanished very quickly. Again, attention is put into reddit instead of the official forums.

Clearly, it’s why we got a meme hero. Why would I or anyone care about stats for which hero they want added, feels like an empty argument there.

Needless to say I think Prince Mudeenu sums it up nicely here.

I’ll stop playing rag permanently to not accidentally burn his fluffy white fur. Enemy flood is unkillable unless ur a psychopath.

That might be op but he can be op cuz he good boi.

Heck I’ll use rag as a bonfire to keep sami warm


I know what you mean Melke, but Mumrah has a point on this topic that Hogger isn’t a full warcraft hero. Usually people connects heroes with lore of the franchise, but Hogger has no “real” lore in the warcraft universe, but is rather a random minion from a sidequest. That’s why he is kinda warcraft, but also an Nexus original, because the community made this random minion great to be part of the Nexus. But still I like Hogger and happy that he is in the Nexus like I have no problems with more “real Nexus originals”.

I read something on the forums that there were custom raids from the community, where people raided with their lv 1 heroes Hogger together. It is a bit more than what you are talking about, so it’s rather some “nerds” made Hogger to a meme hero than just bad players, who died to him and that makes sense, because bad player wouldn’t meme around about something they lose to.

How is that an empty arguement? You know how economics works? If the majority of customers demands sth. then it is recommended for the company to follow, if they don’t want to lose customers. For that matter it means that Hogger was demanded by a lot of players and the devs reacted to that wish…

No. My point is that I think Hogger is a stupid side character. He got memed, and thus hero worthy. He has more lore than, Probius (worker unit), Murky (WoW pet), and I’ll be honest I don’t know much about Brightwing (forest creature), but Brightwing too. Heck, ETC (Real life metal band), is pushing it with the whole, “Oh, we are a good band for WoW music, so yeah, make us an in-game character and stuff.” type thing.
Melke and the other people asking for Hogger is fine. I voiced my opinion on what I think of Hogger.

I’ll explain it to you like this. There wasn’t just one person dying to him and it became a meme. LOTS of people died to Hogger, and it became a thing. Now the joke became bigger to have a ton of lvl 1 gnomes zerg him for fun and other jokes. This is ok, and it’s entertaining to see people are having fun doing this. I was at ORG and it was raining lvl 1 gnomes at the main tower and a pile of bones at the bottom.

  1. You were late to the conversation and you must read much further back to understand what I’m saying.
  2. I don’t have anything against Melke. We have differing opinions on the matter.
  3. You are just repeating what Melke said and I have already responded to that, so refer to that post.
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Have you played WoW much? He is also a dungeon boss, so anyone who has played WoW knows who/what he is, and why/how he is part of that specific dungeon (Stormwind Stockades). Numerous Reddit polls over the years showed that he was one of the most requested characters for HotS, always in the top 10, generally in the top 6 or so.

Sure, he had was a meme presence as well, given that he was most likely the cause of first death for unsuspecting Alliance players, but to suggest he somehow had less lore than a hero such as Brightwing is laughable at best.

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I thought I did, but looks Iike I was wrong, because I only know from Hogger from the quest in Elywynn Forest…

Well I have no problem that BW is also mix of warcraft or nexus, because she has no lore.

I remember that show, it was everywhere in Canada.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers it
Melke never appeared in the show (beyond a snippet in the theme song of Season 2) but yeah that’s where my namesake comes from, one of my Go To cards back in the day

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I know you said Somoyed not Great Pyrenees, but gameplay-wise are we talking Dogsong from Undertale, or Bounding Joy from Wargroove?