A nexus original everyone will love

Born in the realm of cuteness, in the mega floof era, magical energies roiled and roiled, and after the storm ended, Samy was born.


Is that your dog?


Its true, they are known for being playful with everyone, even strangers.

In the picture, no. However my best friend has two Samoyeds that I visit often. One female and one male. The female loves to jump on me and lick my face.

Understandable, what cats do you like?

Yes, we should let Brigitte ride jetpack cat when released.


Yooooo oh my god everybody, new skins JUST got released for Samy

They might have messed up the cat version model a lil bit though but that’s ok, still worth the 70 gems.


I actually like Orphea’s visual design. She has the personality of plywood, but I suppose bland is better than toxic.

The thing I have issue with is how thematically similar Qhira is to Orphea in the grand scheme. In a world where you can do literally whatever, it feels like a retread.


It’s a hover cat, sure worth the gems!


I spent way too long on this

edit: I had a mini heart attack I thought I posted this in the “The state of Heroes of the Storm AI” topic idk why it took me there the moment I posted this here.


I love it, if not a hero please as a mount.


No! I We have a dog already. I want another fish! :joy:


Not enough floof. We need like 30 times more floof.


Hmm…tbh I haven’t really gotten into specific kinds of cats. But my favorite (for now) is Scottish Fold.

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Russian Blues and Gray Tabby’s have never let me down on the cuddles department.

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you should look up Birman Cat


They are lovely, I’m thinking of getting a Russian Blue, they are amazing with a calm temperament.

Time well spent Trips! Well it brightened my day for sure. I kind of want it to be a thing now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Aw thanks, I’m glad it made smiles!


First of all, Hilarious.
Second, who is Floofs?
Third, I’m not a dog.

What are you talking about? They just did this with the last hero…

How the hell am I going to collect more waifu’s this way?!

That’s why I say Nexus heroes. There’s a lot of creativity in the whole roster, but they have one spot where they could do anything, and they chose to do the same thing twice.

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Details shmeetails. I was making a joke. Hogger to me is essentially a Nexus OG.

I beg to differ. The only thing they share is they are both humanoid females. Otherwise they are completely different.

I do understand your plight. Create something completely different.


It’s more that I can describe them as succinctly as “special girls with anime powers” and everyone knows what I mean. It’d be a lot harder to tongue 'n cheek describe say, Deathwing and Hogger, in the same way.