A nexus original everyone will love

I’ve decided to attempt the impossible task of making a nexus original everyone will love.

Thus I bring you:
Samy the Samoyed

  • Fluffy doggo
  • Everyone loves dogs
  • Wants to be your friend
  • Relatable (unlike Qhira)
  • Too many people in the nexus are depressed, Samy will cuddle their troubles away
  • Support hero
  • Attacks by licking

Share with me your thoughts or ideas.

Yes this is just my excuse to get floofs into the nexus


I’m interested.


Hm, I prefer cats but I guess they’re okay


All memes aside, if we do get another Nexus hero, it should be something like this. Just, something off-the-wall and weird.

I mean, they can literally do anything with a Nexus hero. No more special girls with anime powers.


Doggo yay

+1 from the lion


currently we have probius, lord of friendliness , and now we would have the lord of fluffiness ?

im in !


0 out of 10
Not Feline enough and not edgy enough

And Definitely not just doing this cus you took a pot shot at Qhira or anything


I agree, the dev team can use Nexus original heroes to literally go ham with their designs. They can make monster designs (non humanoids) with whacky abilities and nonsensical interactions because the Nexus’s lore is so unexplored it can be anything they want!


I am sorry for insulting your waifu.

Really I did not think anyone had her as a waifu

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Apology accepted
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to go hunting. :wink:

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You know what, this is a good idea.
There are many humanoid heroes in the Nexus, with only a few exceptions. Many of which are really cool. Dragons aside, we have a walking fish, a literal tank (driver), some well dressed spirits, two shapeshifter wolves, a probe and a… well, Abathur, whatever it is.

Edit: How could I forget a walking panda girl. Shame on me.

Druid? Valeera kinda covers it (the other way around, really) but anyway.

Semi-joke: what about a plant hero. Like creep, it could expand, regrow buildings somewhat, reinforce existing ones, and maybe grow supportive / nutrient pathways. Can’t see it work but it’s fancy to think about it.


Plant hero that disperses and controls the distribution of heart globes on rooted lanes. I think I like where this is going. Sort of a hybrid healer/support hero but controlling the resources of the map.


OMG yes please! give me! give me! <3

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Pfff, we all know moose are cuter





He’s not

They will be even more depressed after this…thing kills them.

Yeah, i was really dissapointed that they made Orphea for some weebs instead of making her fine. Her kit is interesting, but i just hate her moans and model.

It’s adorable but…

Yes, I wanted at least a kitten mount for ages. I bought that Halloween Whitemane skin just because of the kitty on the broom.

As others have said, if there are any new Nexus OG heroes, the dev team should just go all out goofy and off the wall with designs. Use the fact you have no limitations to make something interesting.


This is a hero that will teach everyone to left-click on their heroes.

does he constantly talk about da mudda crystal?

Eh…I’m a cat person. But it seems cute.


What is Samy’s backstory?