A Magic 8 ball game: Magic 8 Ball - Should it be a bannable offense

Here is a fun thread I thought of where we can all post our questions and or statements of frustration, whether or not they are serious. Keep it light hearted, don’t fight please. 1 question gets 1 answer. Whomever answers the post above gets to ask their own question.

I’ll go first:

Magic 8 ball, I ask you: Should it be a bannable offense for someone to claim they can main heal as Aba?

No, it was done in HGC. Also no role (including Healer) is truly mandatory.

Should we have a Hero who can turn into terrain?


Not exactly the answer you’re looking for but, I am curious how this would work.

No question for me sadly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Vitriuz broke the rules so I’m taking his turn.

Yes, we should, it should be all swampland and cast spells from Magic the Gathering.

Magic 8 ball, I ask you: Should the Battle Toads or Doctor Who have cross overs with HotS?!

We already do. But we just call it “body blocking”.

Battletoads definitely. They could team up with Murky.

Magic 8 ball, I ask you: Why do people obsess over merc camps so much?


Outlook not so good.

Magic 8-Ball, I ask you: Is HOTS dead yet?

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No, it’s technically even more alive than sc2 as of late

O Magic 8 ball: why do barbarians wear belts when they don’t even wear pants?

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Because that’s what they attach their loincloth to.

O Magic 8 ball, what will be the next zerg unit released?


The lisk-a-lisk

O magic 8 ball, when will malthael be ressurected


He was resurrected when he came to HotS.

O magic 8 ball, when will I figure out a good question to ask here that is HotS’s related?


When you look into yourself and see what you truly are

O magic 8 ball, why isn’t shot of fury baseline?

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You people need to learn how a Magic 8-Ball works. There are only 20 possible answers, so you have to use one of them.

The possible answers are:

● It is certain.
● It is decidedly so.
● Without a doubt.
● Yes – definitely.
● You may rely on it.
● As I see it, yes.
● Most likely.
● Outlook good.
● Yes.
● Signs point to yes.
● Reply hazy, try again.
● Ask again later.
● Better not tell you now.
● Cannot predict now.
● Concentrate and ask again.
● Don't count on it.
● My reply is no.
● My sources say no.
● Outlook not so good.
● Very doubtful.

As you can see, there are 10 “positive” answers, 5 “neutral” answers and 5 “negative” answer.

And just an FYI: Asking anything that isn’t a Yes/No question isn’t going to get you a very good result.

Reply hazy, try again.

Oh Magic 8-Ball, will posters actually start using the correct list of answers?


We don’t limit ourselves to classic definitions of magic 8 balls.

O magic 8 ball, when will we get a Rock N Roll racing character(s)


Sorry to break the rules. But Abathur can solo heal, it just isn’t done outside top rated games for a variety of reasons.

I figure for the same reasons non-masters/grandmasters don’t (and shouldn’t) main tank with Xul or Imperius. But it is viable.

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It’s boring if we only use the official answers. It’ll be over after 20 questions :frowning:


I thought ppl do that in the lower ranks as well :thinking:

Why? You can use the same answer more than once (I know when I was a kid the 8-Ball gave me the same answer to multiple questions.)


O magic 8 ball, when will Hogger be released?

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That’s why I also said it would get boring.


(On Tuesday in NA, Wednesday in EU)

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