This is a list heroes from Overwatch I would like to see added to the game, along with how i think they should work. I will try not to have them trespass on other heroes’ turf as much as i can, while keeping them true to the way they work in Overwatch. I also added a few talents i believe would be fitting. I might be updating this later on with few more heroes.
Here’s a list of other heroes i am considering:
Wrecking Ball
Mei: Support
Health: 1750
Attack Damage: 20 (spray of frost)
Attack Speed: 4
Attack range: 4,5
Energy: 200
Trait: Frost
Basic attacks consume 15 energy each and hit the first enemy in its path, regardless of it being the primary target of the attack. Additionally basic attacks the target Frost, reducing the target’s movement speed by 5%. This stacks up to 50% and lasts for 2,5 seconds. Upon reaching 10 stacks of Frost the target is frozen for 1,5 seconds, during which they are rooted and can’t attack or use abilities.
Active: Channel for 2 seconds, regaining all spent energy.
(Q) Icicle Blast: 25 energy, 1 second
After 0,5 second, fire an icicle-like projectile in a straight like, hitting the enemy in its path, deal 100 damage. This deals 25% more damage to slowed targets, and 75% more damage to frozen targets.
(W) Ice Wall 75 energy, 14 seconds
Create 6 pillars of ice in line, blocking passage. Each pillar has 500 health, and take 50% less damage from abilities. They last for 4 seconds.
(E) Cryo-freeze: 50 energy, 12 seconds
Enter stasis for 3 seconds, healing 7,5% of your maximum health per second. You can end the effect at any time while it is active.
** (R ) Blizzard:** 90 seconds
Throw your drone to the target area, stopping on collision with terrain. All enemies near the take 15 damage and gain a stack of Frost each second. The drone remains for 6 seconds.
(R ) Cryo-burst: 100 energy, 30 seconds
Enter Cryo-freeze in a burst of Frost. All enemies near you gain 5 stacks of Frost, and are rooted for 2 seconds. Using Cryo-burst sets Cryo-freeze on cooldown.
Passive: Frost also reduces attack speed by the same amount.
Level 1
- (Trait!) Crushing Cold: Applying 10 stacks of Frost with basic attacks increases Icicle-blasts bonus damage against frozen targets by 2%.
Reward: After applying 10 stacks of Frost to heroes 15 times, increase Cryo-freezes duration by 1 second.
Reward: After applying 10 stacks of Frost to heroes 15 times, reduce the energy cost of basic attacks by 5.
- (Trait) Frostbite: Frost new reduces the target’s armor by 3, increasing damage they take by 3% each.
Level 4
- (Q) Glacier Shift: Hitting a pillar from an Ice Wall, pushes the pillar back a short distance. Enemy heroes in the way of this movement are pushed back a short distance and are stunned for 1 second.
Level 10
(R ) Blizzard
(R ) Cryo-burst
Level 13
- (E) Cold Medicine: Increase the healing of Cryo-freeze by an additional 5% per second.
Level 20
(R ) Climate Shift: Hitting an enemy hero affected by Blizzard with Icicle-blast, increases the duration of Blizzard by 0,5 second and causes a burst of Frost to shoot out from it. The burst deals 150 damage to all enemies in the area of Blizzard, and gives them a stack of Frost.
(R ) Glacier Growth: Cryo-burst now creates ice-spikes around the affected area, each of which have 300 health, and block passage. Additionally Cryo-burst now gives all affected enemies 10 stacks of Frost instead of 5.
NOTE: I believe Mei would be a good addition with Jain as the only ice-only character. I also don’t think she steals too much from any other characters.
Soldier 76: Ranged assassin
Health: 1500
Attack damage: 90 (burst of 2 shots)
Attack speed: 2
Attack range: 5,5
Mana: 500
Trait: Super Soldier
While not having attacked or used an ability for 1 second, you have 20% extra movement speed. Additionally, you can attack while move, but basic attacks deal 50% less damage when doing so.
(Q) Helix Rockets: 30 mana, 8 seconds
Fire a set of tiny rockets in a straight line, exploding on contact with the first enemy of terrain in its path. The explosion deal 250 damage.
(W) Biotic Field: 70 mana, 14 seconds
Place a Biotic Field that heals all allies near it for 120 per second. The field lasts for 3 seconds.
(E) Tactical Roll: 40 mana, 5 seconds
Dash a short distance in the target direction, gaining firing 1 basic attack against the nearest enemy without the reduction from Super Soldier. During this movement you have 35 armor, reducing all damage taken by 35%. If Super Soldiers speed boost is active, the distance is double, and you fire 2 extra basic attacks.
(R ) Hold The Line: 80 mana, 120 seconds
Channel for 1 second, calling in an Overwatch backup team, who arrive after a 2,5 seconds delay. The team consist of 10 units, all with 50 spellarmor. 4 short range units with 600 health and 25 damage per second, who slows the targets by 30% for 2 seconds, 4 medium range units with 400 health and 40 damage per second and 2 long range unit with 500 health and 80 damage per second, who deal damage in a small area. They form a defensive line at the target location, and can relocated at any time, and they receive 50% healing from your Biotic Field. They remain for 30 seconds.
(R ) Tactical Visor: 60 mana, 60 seconds
Activate you tactical visor, increasing attack speed and attack range by 50%. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.
Level 1
(Q) Repelling blast: Helix Rockets knocks all targets away from the center and slows them by 20% for 2 seconds.
(E) Tactical retreat: Instantly activate Super Soldiers speed boost after doing a Tactical Roll.
Level 10
(R ) Hold The Line
(R ) Tactical Visor
Level 13
- (E) Evasive: You are unstoppable during the movement of Tactical Roll and for 2 seconds thereafter.
Level 16
- (Trait) Running Precision: Basic attacks no longer interrupts speed boost from Super Soldier.
Level 20
(R ) Impenetrable: Hold The Line now calls in 2 additional close-range units, 2 additional medium-range units and 1 additional long-range unit. Close-range units now have 25 armor, reducing damage they take by 25, medium-range units now deal bonus to heroes equal to 2% of their maximum health with each basic attack, and long-range units now deal 150% bonus damage to slowed, stunned and rooted targets. At the end of the duration, its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds for every unit that survived.
(R ) Relentless Fire: While tactical visor is active, basic attacks ignore up to 25 armor.
Passive: Moving no longer reduced the damage of basic attacks.
NOTE: This might feel a bit like Raynor, but i feel like i did a good job on making him his own thing.
Winston: Tank
Health: 2400
Attack damage: 15 (tesla cannon)
Attack speed: 4
Attack range: 4,5
Primal rage: 0-100%
Trait: Tesla Cannon
Basic attacks hit up to 4 additional enemies near the target, and you can move while attacking.
(Q) Jump Pack: 5 seconds
Launch yourself over terrain to the targeted area. This removes all slows and roots.
(W) Barrier Projector: 12 seconds
Place a Barrier Projector on your current location. The barrier has 900 health and 25 spell armor. All allies in its area are invulnerable to all effects from outside sources. The barrier lasts for 6 seconds.
(E) Primal Rage: 100%
Enter a primal rage for 8 seconds, regaining all lost health and gaining an additional 1000 health. For the duration, Jump Packs cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds, and barrier Projector is replaced by Slam, which deals 100 damage in an area, knocks enemies back and stuns them for 0,25 second. Slam has a cooldown of 0,5 second.
Gain 1% for every 3 seconds basic attacking, 25% per 100% health lost and 15% every time an allied hero dies.
(R ) Grapple: 20 seconds
Grab a nearby enemy hero, stunning and dragging them with you for 2,5 seconds. If you use Jump Pack while grappling someone, you increase the duration by an additional 1,5 seconds, and you deal 200 damage to them upon landing.
Level 1
(Q) Survival Instincts: Using Jump Pack grants 350 shield for 4 seconds.
(W) Solid Air: Increase Barrier Projectors barrier-health by 40%.
Level 4
- (Trait) Surging Electricity: Basic attacks deals 50% more damage. This extra damage is reduced by 10% for every additional enemy hero affected.
Level 7
- (E) Enraging Durability: Primal Rages charge amount gained from taking damage is increased by 25%
Level 10
(R ) Grapple
(Trait) Electric Whip: Basic attack range is increased by 1, and basic attacks slow targets by 20% for 0,5 second.
Level 16
- (E) Primal Endurance: During Primal Rage you have 25 armor, reducing all damage taken by 25% for the duration.
Level 20
(R ) Upduct: Using Jump Pack within 1 second of using Grapple instantly refreshes the cooldown of Jump Pack.
(Trait) Electrotherapy: Basic attacks again heroes deals bonus damage equal to 1% of their current health.
NOTE: Currently Blaze is the only ranged tank in the game, and i believe there should be more. I think i kept it pretty true the way he works in Overwatch, but he does steal a bit from muradin. He also has decent offensive potential, so he could work fine as a bruiser as well.
Mercy: Healer
Health: 1625
Attack damage: 65
Attack speed: 0,9
Attack range: 1,2
Trait: Guardian Angel
While not having taken any damage for 3 seconds, regain 5% of your maximum health every second.
Active: (3 seconds) Fly to an allied hero, or a place where an allied hero has recently died.
(Q - Healing Caduceus) Healing Beam:
You engage a healing beam on an ally, healing them for 170 health per second.
(Q - Empowering Caduceus) Empowering Beam:
You engage an empowering beam on an ally, granting them 30% extra attack damage and 20% spell power.
(Q - Pistol) Melee: 3 seconds
Deal 80 damage to a nearby enemy, prioritizing heroes. This instantly refreshes the cooldown of Guardian Angel.
(W) Draw:
Change to one of 3 loadouts:
(Q) Healing Caduceus.
(W) Empowering Caduceus.
(E) Pistol: Your attack damage is changed to 40, attack speed is changed to 3, and attack range is changed to 5,5.
(E) Resurrect: 30 seconds
Bring a nearby, dead allied hero, who died within the last 10 seconds, back to life with 1 health. The target is invulnerable for 2 seconds after being resurrect, but cannot act before 1 second has passed.
Passive: Allied heroes does not count as dead before 10 seconds has passed.
(R ) Mass Resurrect: 120 seconds
After 0,5 second you resurrect all allies who have died near your current location, within the last 10 seconds. All allies resurrected return with 1% to 25% of their maximum health, based on how far away from you they are. They are invulnerable for 2 seconds after being resurrected, but they cannot act before 1 second has passed.
(R ) Valkyrie: 80 seconds
You gain 20% movement speed, you can attack while moving, Guardian Angels cooldown is reduced to 1 second, and Healin Beam and Empowering Beams effects are doubled. This lasts for 10 seconds.
Level 1
- (E!) Life Saver: Resurrect restores the target to an additional amount of health equal to 0,5% of their maximum health for every time you use Resurrect, and the target survives for more than 8 seconds.
Level 4
- (E!) Combat Angel: Hitting heroes with Melee reduces the cooldown of Resurrect by 5 seconds.
Reward: After hitting heroes 15 times with Melee, Resurrect brings back 1 additional nearby hero.
Reward: After hitting heroes 15 times with Melee, Resurrect also grants you invulnerable for 2 seconds.
Level 7
- (Trait) Soar: You are unstoppable while use Guardian Angel.
Level 10
(R ) Mass Resurrection
(R ) Valkyrie
Level 16
- (E) Second Chance if a resurrected target dies within 5 seconds of being resurrected, Resurrect is instantly refreshed.
Level 20
(R ) Salvation: Mass Resurrect brings back all dead allies, regardless of where they died. Additionally they all return with 25% of their maximum health.
(R ) Self Sacrifice: Reduce Valkyries cooldown by 20. While it is active, the target of Healing Beam is unstoppable and gain 25 armor, reducing all damage taken by 25%.
NOTE: This feels like an odd mix of Kharazim, Auriel and Lt. Morales. Aside from that i think this is as close as i can get to how she works in Overwatch. If you can look past the trespassing on some of the other healers’ turf, i think she would be quite fun to play.