8 second re-spawn timer is broken

He gives 0.25 kills, so his de-facto death timer is 32 seconds all game if distributed over his real power level (if he counted as a real hero who gives 1.00 kills). He is not a “full hero” but also has many drawbacks of full heroes (full meat stacks for Butcher, counts as full takedown for quests etc)

An advantage in later game (and throughout the game by not having to walk back to lane) but a disadvantage early game.

8 seconds is actually quite harsh for him. Was 5s at launch.


A hero designed to be annoying is annoying?



In addition, the “advantage” requires that he is, well, dead. This is never a good thing for any hero, even if they aren’t as inconvenienced by it as others. While it is true that if you have to sacrifice someone, you would prefer it to be Murky or Leo, but the good Murkys don’t really die all that much, because Safety Bubble is just that strong.

The only time I see good Murkys suicide, is when they successfully bait 3 of the enemy team into wasting a ton of time chasing them.


i’'m feeling like these nerf threads are now just satire
this is the 2nd murky one in the past week

Not entirely true. Nothing prevents leoric from going back to spawn while dead.

If you want Murky’s Death Timer to scale late-game…

Then give him 6% health, regen, and damage scaling.

People are taking my post way too literally. I’m just saying that the OP’s reasoning is a logical fallacy. Just because every other hero does something doesn’t mean Murky is broken because he has his own rules.

You have to give actual reasons why Murky’s respawn timer is broken - hard proof like winrates, not anecdotal complaints.

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hmm scaling for health won’t really matter as his low base hp won’t let it grow much. A 6% scaling for pufferfish would be massive though, but would it be worth the extra death timer

I think this is pretty much it. People don’t want to have to deal with him and leave it late until they actually do. Murky is pretty much useless contesting lanes early on but is a pain to play against because of the bubble.

The thing is, if it was Sylv in the lane, theres no way an enemy team is going to leave her uncontested in the lane because of the quick damage she can do to structures. But Murky is somehow often ignored his damage being done slowly, but surely.

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Murky is OP now I’ve really seen it all


Murky is one of the most anti fun heroes in the game sure, but he’s not nearly unbalanced.