5 man ganked a malganis

And Nab, let’s be real honest here. If I was agreeing with you and echoing everything you said as truth. You wouldn’t care about my rank. Lol.


I can atest to this, dehaka literally has an ult that might as well be named “third HP bar”.


Dude. Get over it. Alright? You screwed up massively. Stop trying to pass the buck.

You. Screwed. Up. It’s YOUR fault. Layer your CC correctly, which you CLEARLY didn’t do.

As many have pointed out - there are other tanks who could’ve just as easily walked away from the situation in which you described. Do all those tanks also deserves nerfs?


This is one of those “how did you **** that up?” moments.

Like when your teammate who is backing turns around and walks right into the Azmo globe and dies.

Edit: Also, what were you doing 5 man ganking? What was the Mal Ganis doing alone that he was apparently so far away from his team?

This sounds like some gold league clown fiesta.


Quoted for the truth.

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If you hit Mal with an interrupt on the sleep, the skill doesn’t actually go on cooldown. He is free to just cast it again.

His stun/ first mobility combo is able to be redirected twice and move fairly quickly. This gives him 3 times the possibility of catching you with it. The only dangerous one is the third one, which can be delayed basically forever. This makes it almost impossible to interrupt. There is no telegraph for it. He has enough sustain and dodge to hold his ult until you burn all your cc, then just bats out of there if his team is still far away.

A lot of tanks can escape a 5 man gank, if they play it perfectly. Mal’ganis will escape a 5 man gank if the 5 players don’t play it perfectly.

Now every Hero who has mobility skills are considered mobile/hypermobile? This becomes ridiculous… He has his Q which is three dash and his E which starts with a windup which costs basically as much time as much distance he can get after it.
You know who has truly insane selfheals? Diablo. Who can also negate Malganis’ CC while do with him whatever he wants.

Or you know way less about kit-balance than you think. I find the later more possible.

Bronze players can have game knowledge and balance-sense as well as master players can lack it.

If a Bronze player says gitgud you should be ashamed that you cannot deal with what bronzies can.

And yea, pls, stop embarassing yourself more.


There’s nothing to play perfectly with a lot of tanks. Anub/Dekky/Leroic can easily walk away without playing perfectly. Muradin certainly doesn’t need to play perfect. He has an escape, Avatar, and on demand heal over time at level 16.

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First I must say I don’t like playing against or with malganis so far. (some how I lose every game with malgnis on my side). For this situation It looks like you messed it up. While he is quite hard to take down in team fights I’ve seen him blow up quite fast with just 2 hard CC abilities.

lol if a bronze player says “git gud” they’d better be looking in the mirror.

And Mal’ganis is the 4th highest winrate hero and the only tank with a 55%+ winrate. I’m pretty sure that’s not because he’s easy to deal with. zzz

I was expecting a video of this.

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Lol I walked out of worse with any tank. Also what were the lvl differences. Did you guys blow your CC all at once? Did you clump up?

You pretty much need 1 form of CC to mess up mals flow

you must have been bronze level right? because anyone can 1vs1 malganis nowadays, let alone gank him.

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Yes but there is a huge difference between not being easy to deal with versus having all the advantages stacked along with the proper tools and completely messing it up. Even the most OP hero isn’t immortal against a 5 man gank for 10 seconds within proximity of towers and isolated.

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If your 5-man couldn’t gank him then the 5-man is the problem, what with them being garbage and all.

When blizzard emergency nerfed Anub during beta, he had a 55% winrate and was the highest winrate hero. They publicly said that was unacceptably op and promptly nerfed him. Now we have 5 heroes that are that op. Does that seem acceptable to you?

You’re going off topic here, because obviously times change as we’ve had emergency nerfs for heroes with 65% winrates and even 70%+. There is obviously a difference now with the margins they consider. We’ve also had heroes with higher winrates of 58%, e.g. Fenix, Raynor, etc who weren’t given an emergency nerf. They’ve made it clear they’ve changed their philosophies in the Reddit AMA, and they’re moving away from knee jerk reactions.

But more importantly, going back on topic it’s not exactly representative or accurate to judge the quality of a hero based on a very poor anecdote of a what is obviously just a bad team trying to scape got their loss.

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I’m not judging the hero based on this thread… I’m judging him based on the 70% winrate he had at launch and the 55%+ winrate he has AFTER being nerfed. Both are completely unacceptable. To argue that a 55% wr hero isn’t op flies directly in the face of blizzard’s own stance on nerfing (both raynor and fenix did get nerfed so idk what you mean and everyone agrees that 60-70% wr heroes are broken as hell, it’s always just to sell the new hero)

His winrate varies depending on rank frankly you’ll want to do some filters because removing lower ranks reveals he has a far healthier winrate. Which is a lot different from the other heroes you mentioned, who maintained a consistent winrate at higher ranks. And frankly this thread only reinforces what I mean by needing to filter out the lower ranks… It’s very evident how his winrates are higher there when people play like potatoes despite having all the advantages stacked.

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You have to interrupt it while the sleep part is already going. Then it goes on full cooldown. I agree that it’s super-unintuitive though and should probably be fixed.

In what dimension? His launch winrate was 60% at the highest - pretty high but not that high. It quickly and naturally dipped to 55%. Quick Match got to 68%, but it’s also QM, which I usually don’t like to bash but I find it funny that you insult StrikerJolt’s rank then base arguments on that.