5 man ganked a malganis

At that point its on your team . you had all the tools to stun lock him

Varian : taunt + slow
Raynor: shot gun for interupting
Valeera : stun or silence
Alarak : silend + push
Tyrande : armor debuff + stun

You had more then needed to prevent anyone to survive.


Everyone is being a real jerk to the mp here but you’re all completing missing the underlying issue here that we shouldnt need to coordinate so much to kill ONE PLAYER. The level of ‘listn ye, just time ur stuns, so he cant use his ridiculously OP abilities, interrupt him’ is akin to the tactics required to bring Cho’Gall down. Mal’ganis is not a multi player character, he’s not a raid boss here, he’s just a single player character. He should go down, like anyone would, from a 5 man gank. Anyone. SCREW IT, even Cho’Gall goes down from 5 man ganks, because his escape ability is so telegraphed that you can EASILY interrupt it with a stun or silence. EASILY. With Mal’ganis its not like that, he has a half second or up to one second windup and its a very small animation, it’s not like he slows down and winds his big screen filling bicep up in the air like he’s pulled his arm playing baseball


But non of his abilities are op. And he doesn’t need much coordination but they messed it up. I ganked Malganis as 5, we killed him with ease. And he’s not the only one who has the potential of escaping a 5mengank. Also, the @Op -despite getting asked about it- didn’t tell us what were the two team’s lvls. Plus Malganis is a Hero who gains strength by the number of enemies he faces just like Maiev or Mephisto.


Pick Tychus.

Poor play by your team.

Let’s not forget level difference. If Malganis survived on 5 man gank. Most likely OP is on level and talent disadvantage.

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Ive not seen this much white knighting of a hero since Illidan way back in beta when he was pretty damn broken if you didn’t have a bright wing to counter him or Kalthus with his OG exploding bombs.


To people saying you don’t need that kind of coordination to gank a hero, there are many heroes that you need coordination from multiple players to kill. Many can and will get away if you give them a moment to in the CC chain. Blaze dash, Genji dashes, ETC dash and knockback, Hanzo Jump if hes by a wall, Illidan mobility and meta, Lunara jump, Yrel stun, jump, and ult, Zeratul blink, and others can get away if you don’t layer CC. You likely caused a potential 6+ seconds of CC to overlap into <2 sec and for a tank, that may be enough to survive, especially Malganis who has massive self survivability ults.

Next time think about the logical order the CC will happen, even in QM you can layer it if you plan ahead in your mind. Varian has charge and point/click CC, he should start the chain with a very easy taunt, that will set up an easy E from Tyrande, which can set up an easy Q from Alarak, then follow up with Valeera silence. Raynor can Q if he really needs to near the end, but he should be dead by that time unless he just has a massive level advantage.

EDIT: I’ll clarify that I do think MalGanis deserves some nerfs. But the situation you are describing is not unique to MalGanis, others can get away if you don’t layer CC. This is not a MalGanis issue, it was a gank that did not work.


Except the OP line up was more than enough to kill Mal’ganis. The OP had the total advantage and had way more cc than what was needed and he still screwed up.

This is a learn to play issue, not an issue with Mal’ganis. Seriously, how could you not kill while ganking with his lane up?! I seriously want him to upload the replay.


Really though, anyone who thinks malganis is balanced is braindead. He’s a MOBILE tank with insane self heals that can CC an entire team while dpsing nearly as hard as an assassin. Whoever let this kit go live is a full on retard.


ETC, Muradin, Anub, Yrel, are mobile tanks.

No - his dps isn’t near as assassin. Please stop telling lies and no - padding your stats using dark conversion does not count. This is like Khara having insane amounts of healing when he only divine palms himself the entire match.

His CC is interruptible easily, all of his heroics are interruptible.

Arthas has more sulf-sustain than Mal’ganis if talented. Leoric can literally walk away from almost anything with March.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture now.

Pls git gud.


Lol you are bronze on HotsLogs. Please excuse yourself from all balance discussions and direct that git gud back at yourself.

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Lawl. That’s not my account, if you took the 5 minutes to actually look at the account - you’ll know it only has 18 days game played. I’ve been playing for 3 years.

Also - rank =/= knowledge. I know plenty of masters who make amateur/noobish mistakes and I know plenty of new players who are miles better than gold/platinum.

Why don’t you try to engage my points instead of trying something so pathetic and try to discredit what I say based on my rank.


Anyway Blizz will do something for such people, don’t worry.

Really though, anyone that commonly uses “braindead” to insult people putting forward opinions they don’t comprehend are doodoo heads.

Kay, not everyone uploads their account onto hotslog. I certainly don’t.

:slight_smile: But you’re not actually engaging my points and keep trying to discredit my knowledge based on my rank.

Knowledge of a video game has nothing to do with rank. People can be more knowledgeable but lack skill to progress.


You don’t have to upload your own games. You don’t even know how the de facto tracking website (which has been around since beta) works… which again makes me believe you are actually bronze. If anyone in your game uploads that game it counts for you too. That way people like you can’t get away with lying about being good at a game. We have the stats. I really don’t care about any points you make because you are demonstrably terrible at this game. Your opinion on balance is invalid. You’re playing with bronze players. Of course mal’ganis doesn’t seem good. Meanwhile he’s sitting at a comfortable 55%+ winrate across the board, which used to be (you might not know this) the upper limit past which a hero would be promptly nerfed. When Anub got nerfed in beta for being op af, he had a 55% winrate. Since then the devs have gotten lazy and let 55-60% winrate heroes stick around for way, way too long.

You literally tried to pull a “git gud” while being in BRONZE. That alone should get you laughed off this board.

Again, all you’re doing is trying to discredit me based on my rank. By the way, you can have your account removed from Hotlogs upon request.

You really should learn the definition of lying, because in no way have I lied.

Also - you’re creating a strawman argument. I never talked about Mal’ganis winrate nor his power. You’re also using appeal to authority fallacy.

I talked about how Mal’ganis isn’t a mobile talked, I talked about how other tanks have more self-sustain, and I talked about how bad you must be to not kill Mal’ganis with the OP’s 5 man squad. He should’ve killed Mal’ganis easily with that squad and he somehow manages to screw it up.

Which I promptly asked for a replay.

:slight_smile: Again - let’s see. Doesn’t engage any of my points? Check. Tried discrediting me based on my rank? Check. Strawman arguments? Check. Disrespectful and rude attitude? Check. appeal to authority fallacy? Check.


None of them require an interrupt in a 0.5-1s window though.

Buddy, my first week of playing this game - I already was playing with a groups of diamonds and masters. They grilled me from the moment I started playing for over a year. Even if my rank was bronze - I would still know a lot of more about the game than the average person.

You’re still not even addressing any of my points. Why don’t you stop trolling and actually address my talking points if you have an issue with it.

By the way, I don’t think Mal’ganis balanced - again, you’re using a strawman argument here. I claim that the OP is terrible for failing to gank a Mal’ganis with such a clear advantage and asked to the see the replay.