5 healer win - healers have their place in ARAM

In ARAM, picking 1 or 2 healers (preferably) is clearly the meta. However there is no requirement you conform to the meta in a single player random queue. Where is my guarantee that my teammates will be competent or not alt+F4 or feed? There is none.

Unfortunately when it comes to healers you often get scolded and probably reported if you have the only healer and you pick something else. I commonly don’t pick the healer in this situation if it is a strong damage ARAM hero and I got a lukewarm healer like Whitemane. I just tell them that we can win if everyone plays good and try not to get into a chat war. My games have generally been fine because of this behavior.

Now this was very satisfying when we had 5 healers available and I could have chose Mephisto but went Rehgar. I don’t like playing Mephisto even though he is incredibly strong in ARAM if I were theoretically good at him but I’m not. I never want to play him so I will never “skill up” with him.


My entire team had fun because I picked a 5th healer. We made some pretty good plays. Did we win because I did good on Rehgar? Perhaps. More likely the enemy Murky was not that great and the Sylvanas while good couldn’t carry.

Players shouldn’t go into ARAM expecting any certain comp and that is the point. I was NEVER against healers in ARAM just stated multiple times that they aren’t required. That is because no one is obligated to “make the team match a certain meta” at the expense of their own fun. Hopefully everyone understands this philosophy by now.

I seem to recall someone saying this, not too long ago…


Okay but if you read my original post in that thread I was expressing how I got complained about for picking ETC to heal my allies but at the end they understood I made the correct choice. We absolutely dominated without a healer. Initially they said I doomed them and reported me IIRC…

I changed my belief a bit and I now think 5 healers is just as acceptable as 5 damage dealers. I just had and still have a strong preference for a 5v5 all damage match so that mistakes get punished more and the match is quicker. Having 3-5 healers on one team vs a lower damage team just results in a prolonged sustain fest where the heal heavy team may eventually win but there is less excitement and game could be long and boring.

I think the reason we had so much fun in the 5 healer game I just played is because the enemy team also had crazy damage/burst damage to kill us. They also killed our fort before level 5 with tryhardy backdoor tactics.

I also seem to recall someone saying this…


Come on Hoku, couldn’t you at least give me the benefit of the doubt? Everyone slips up. I mean’t “Sometimes no one likes healing”. I was also tired of being pressured into picking healers in ARAM.

I stand by admitting I don’t enjoy playing certain healers such as Whitemane or being told I need to pick an Uther or Kharazim to solo heal in an ARAM and being told I’m reported for not caving in. I am not alone in this boat.

The community definitely got better about that because now when I forego picking a healer my teammates complain a lot less. HOTS ARAM is in a better state than it was when I made those old posts and threads.

How about just saying , “I was wrong, healing can be fun!”


I would admit if I were wrong but it was honestly just a miscommunication. I’ve always enjoyed playing Malfurion and Rehgar since I got into the game all those years ago. I like Alexstrasza and Uther sometimes and Auriel rarely. I still prefer no healer ARAMs so nothing has really changed.

What do you think ARAM is again ? Sometimes I think people need to stop complaining about ARAM being boring cause you have to play vs a comp that are not normal cause that is what ARAM is all about.

You want proper games then you already got ranked and QM for that.

I have face 5 healer premades in QM aswell and did not quit just because they somehow could make the game 5 min longer then usual.

Any 5 hero comps can win against any 5 hero comps.

A player or two from the enemy team might go AFK and you wont know it until you watch the replay.
(Live games don’t show AFK’s to avoid the opponent from farming them for an easy win, they’re only visible in replays)

Making you think the 4 Nova comp was “awesome”, when the win happened due to the enemy having two AI’s.

(Not putting down full healer comps, I have played a few and it was fun :smiley: )

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Good for you, I usually prefer my ARAM games to have healers. What I’m not doing is making multiple threads about my personal preferences, as that offers up almost nothing for other people to discuss.

Pushing and multi heal have always been great ways to win. As many of the better players have gone, the emotionally unstable, lower IQ individuals are left who at random times make accidentally great discoveries when forced to play an unconventional comp.

5 healer teams are pretty strong in ARAM from my own experience. They have just too much sustain. Sure 5 moarles or brightwings is unlikely to be good, but 5 deckard cains or malfurions is pretty much instant win against most random comps.

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