Healers are unnecessary in ARAM

Don’t be pressured or fooled by your teammates to pick something you don’t want to. I’ll admit I will not play healers like Whitemane, Auriel and Ana no matter what they say. I told them I’d heal them with ETC and they groaned, but in the end when we were pounding away at the enemy core, they understood I was right. It’s random teammates, of course the comp doesn’t matter. No healer and outdamaged significantly by enemy team and we still won. If I’m not right this kinda stuff would not happen.


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The dictionary definition of the logical fallacy of composition is “the error of assuming that what is true of a member of a group is true for the group as a whole.” Assuming the group here is representative of all games of ARAM and the member of the group is your specific game of ARAM, just because it happened in one game it is illogical to assert the notions that all games will follow the same pattern. It is true the healer was unnecessary in winning your specific game of ARAM however I don’t believe it is logical to conclude that all games of ARAM will follow that rule.


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What’s wrong with playing Deckard in ARAM? :laughing: Aside from hating the potion chucking part of his kit that is.

Want to take a guess how much his E hits with E build? It’s Over One Thousanddddd!!! Hitting two enemy, not that hard. Getting hit by 1200 dmg, with root, by a healer. That would hurt a lot.

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(user has deleted thi

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say sike.
right now.

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Also comes down to team comp vs enemy team comp. If you are skilled enough to avoid unnecessary dmg and always share globes with the whole team then healers becomes dead weight.

You can still win a QM/ranked game without a healer if everyone knows how to not take dmg when they dont need to. Same for ARAM.

Healers just makes game more easy cause you dont have to HS back that often.

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HotS has no mandatory roles. So Aram (just like QM and even Ranked) doesn’t “need” a Healer (or Tank).
But picking a Healer and the likes is safer, and thus it is encouraged to do so, while refusing is rude and selfish in a lot of cases, ehich attitude should be forbidden in an online team game.
Yet, you can compensate the “handicap” from a lack of Healer/Tank, with the right teamcomp (certain Heroes work better together), or with a great amount of skill.
If you cannot make up the lack of healing with your Hero in other means (dmg, plays, etc), you made a disservice to your team. So if you’re not outstanding with your choice, you should pick the Healer.

Sidenote (impersonal): just because you won a game without a Healer doesn’t mean it would’ve been easier with one. Or that you did great, your teammates might carried you.


You are not in the wrong here, there are many cases where picking an Auriel into a team that has a bunch of heroes that simply don’t integrate well with her trait means you suffer for 20 minutes while not really contributing anything to the flow of the match (as her healing output is very largely dependent on allies dealing sustained damage).

Same with a Kharazim against an enemy team that has a bunch of blinds or two heavy front liners with attack speed slows. You’re just not going to be doing damage, nor healing your team. It’s 20 minutes of pain.

That being said, in general it’s better to have at least some sustain and healing than none. And yes, ETC can potentially provide that sustain although he doesn’t count as a ‘healer’.

As opposed to OP, I actually like Ana in ARAM. I feel like not only does she have lots of impact on the result of the game, her healing output gets insane in late game if you are a good sharpshooter.

Few other healers can rival her in raw healing output when you don’t miss the darts and get the consecutive hits talent+piercing allied darts which gradually make the heals more and more powerful when you don’t miss. Her anti-healing grenade is also a great way to nullify huge enemy heals like Ancestral Heal.


I wouldn’t say they are not necessary in ARAM, but I rather pick something I like/know how to play than something I’m not going to do anything, not even heal correctly.

Sounds like neither of you have ever played Tracer or Kharazim in aram. Sometimes I’ll weight having an extremely easy and boring game with Valla against being at a severe disadvantage for the first 10 minutes just so I can enjoy how powerful and fun these heroes become.

Whitemane is garbage before mana pools begin to increase and so is Tracer without a cooldown reduction to her blink, but it beats playing Lucio or Azmodan every time. Auriel can also be either the best or the worst thing ever, but since you’re not ranking why not make things interesting from time to time? It’s been a long time since I’ve seem anyone complain over picks in aram unless you’ve ignored a sole healing role on purpose.

Auriel is broken in Aram.

I don’t think your statement that no healer teams win more is realistic. My games show otherwise.

What IS true is playing with no healer against a bad team with a healer still allows you to win.


Healers are unnecessary

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Can you win a game without a healer (when the enemy has a healer)? Absolutely. Should people suddenly stop playing healers because we’ve all probably won a few games without them? Absolutely not.

Healers are really supports. They have utility other than healing. Rehgar has slow and can allow for initiates with bloodlust. Morales has boop which can interrupt things like mosh and Anduin holy word. Having an ‘okay’ healer on your team is usually better than not having one at all.

That being said, yes, there are comps that can work without a healer. The other week my team ran 3 Muradin, Junkrat and Orphea. The Muradins are beefy and have self-sustain, and the chain stun limited how much damage the enemy could output. Junkrat goes Q build and stands in the back, and can use rocket ride to refresh HP. And we needed to feed Orphea globes anyway so she has mana. We knew the risks, and it worked.

At the same time, no healer on a team that has poor dis/engage or against a dive-y team that can erase heroes is a losing proposition. The extra damage you deal is nullified by the fact that you can’t stay alive, whereas the other team can.

All that in mind, it’s a balancing act. 1) Communicate with your team if you suck at the healer option. If it’s the only option, warn the team that you will be terrible and hope they understand. 2) Sometimes, picking ‘my best of the 3’ is better than picking ‘what the team needs’, and vice versa. Know the right situation. 3) Consider which heroes synergize. Again, some comps can work without a healer, most can’t. Healer is its own role for a reason.


(user has deleted thi

Depending on a map perhaps because taking a durable character with good wave clear is always smarter. Not only that but you would have a very limited choice of first healers in order to make this work, due to lack of strong CC alone. Stacking up your weaknesses in terms of low burst, relative uselessness for half of the match and weak wave clear does not help towards building a functioning composition.

In aram you probably could make any three healers work together and you would have an extremely easy early game and later on it would be impossible to make a mistake with all the advantage you’ve created by that point. Don’t get me wrong, you will still lose if it goes on for too long, especially if enemy heroes have stacking talents.

I’ve played against three healers, Valla and Probius just yesterday. It would have worked out much differenty on a three lane map because you could easily ignore the pressure or even abandon one Fort at worst while you get two of theirs, but on BoE it seemed impossible to win, at least without a premade team who knows better not to waste time around the death ball. The moment we lost the first angel meant defeat. Our solo laner got too distracted and didn’t realize it would become impossible to catch up with the two level deficit.

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if you’re not playing on the edge of your seat, then don’t play at all

You’ll lose most of your games if you never take a healer in ARAM, so they are necessary!!! AND your team composition success is highly based upon the enemy teams team composition.

people with high amounts of self loathing will immediately flame and report you for not filling out the comp the way their emotion dictates that you must…and I agree, not bowing to their petty demands is the correct decision

Thats why I said if your team got a brain then you can. If not then you 100% need one. Pro players have even won games without tanks and use Xul as main tank. Those tactics req all to be highly skilled. Not something you find in your average ranked game.

This is so true. Half the time I pick Murky or Samuro I get someone telling everyone to report me even if the team has the tank AND healer already. I have a 60% win rate in ARAM with both of these heroes over a lot of games. This just makes me keep picking what I want even more. Then when your team stomps them even with your Samuro or Murky pick the complainer NEVER apologizes or admits they were wrong. More like the whiny person says “you’re lucky enemy team was BAD!” or some excuse.