30 Year Anniversary Video

Am I the only one to find it odd that all of the references to characters from Diablo and StarCraft are from trailers for HotS?

They used to have such great cinematics for this game, I may have to go and rewatch some of them.


That moment when Blizzard gives more spotlight to HotS than Starcraft.


That’s cool! That means HOTS gets a spot in Blizzcon finals

I am trying not to read that much into it. Expecting the least and being pleasantly surprised is how I prefer to approach things like this.


Most of those HOTS trailers had superior production values compared to many Diablo and Starcraft cinematics which were often made prior. That would be my guess as to why they were used, could be wrong.


As far as I can see, are most of the trailers actually made for Overwatch.
The HotS sequence is from the 6 year old, first trailer.

There is a clip from the Hanamura/Genji/D Va HotS trailer, too. You see them fighting Diablo.

Yes, I know, that’s the Hanamura Showdown Trailer from 2017:

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You mean “Deathwing Trailer”. :wink:


A little dissection of the 30th Aniversary Trailer:
0:06 to 0:16 is from the Overwatch Recall Trailer
0:16 to 0:20 Hearthstone
0:20 to 0:31 World of Warcraft
0:31 to 0:36 Overwatch - the last Bastion
0:36 to 0:38 Overwatch Shooting Star
0:38 to 0:41 World of Warcraft
0:41 to 0:43 Heroes of the Storm cinematic Trailer
0:43 to 0:47 Overwatch Reunion Trailer
0:47 to 0:50 Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Hanamura Showdown
0:50 to 0:52 World of Warcraft
0:52 to 0:57 Overwatch Rise and Shine Trailer
0:57 to 1:02 again Heroes of the Storm cinematic Trailer
1:03 to 1:10 World of Warcraft
1:10 to 1:11 Overwatch Trailer (I don’t recognise)
1:12 to 1:14 again Overwatch Reunion Trailer (with some Cosplayers)


You say that like it’s an insult. I happen to be both a tank player, and a lady. Dammit!


#nopeelz4u :stuck_out_tongue:


What world do you inhabit, because I want to live in that world. The world I know has a billion and one rough edges.


And you still forsake Johanna for Anubarak.


My Anub is very much a lady.

Ladybug, that is.



I foresee good Hots content. Perhaps the spike in population was enough to turn some heads? I have a bad habit of seeing too much through things and holding onto false hopes. But let’s wait and see.

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I could see if it was just Starcraft, and they aren’t doing anything to add any additional paid content to Starcraft 2 (and presumably Starcraft Remastered).

So HotS is much more alive than Starcraft currently… in terms of development.

But Diablo, IDK. insert conspiracy theory here.

Honestly I think they just used what looked best and most polished. Most of the cinematics they used are just superior in quality than what you could find in SC or Diablo.

That’s because these games (Diablo and Starcraft) are pretty much abandoned right now.
So they don’t want to give them too much space, but they still want to make them appear, because they’re part of the Blizzard universe, and some people play Blizzard games mostly (or only) for these games.
The best option then is to use trailers from HOTS as it shows both universes on one screen.

I don’t think it’s a hint at HOTS recovering or anything, it’s just that those 3 games are unimportant in Blizzard’s eyes, so they get some screen time so every fan is happy, but they try to make it as little as possible.
By nature, HOTS brings all universes together, so it even allows Blizzard to show Warcraft/WoW and Overwatch characters while they show Starcraft/Diablo characters.

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