30 Year Anniversary Video

Oh, I wasn’t suggesting that it implied anything, was just surprised they didn’t use any of the trailers or in-game cinematics from those two franchises. While it could be argued the quality wasn’t as good, I would imagine people interested in SC or Diablo would love the nostalgia of seeing cutscenes from those trailers, just because of the familiarity.

I certainly don’t mind. I could watch a full feature movie of Tyrael fighting Kerrigan!

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Nah, Diablo is one of the focuses of Blizz right now. It’s getting the most time dedicated to it at BlizzcOnline, for example.

I think they simply used the scenes from HotS because they’re more colorful / brighter, so they work better when jumping between those and the rest of what was used in the video.

Also, stuff like the D4 trailer might be “not apropriate for all ages”, so they won’t use it on the “Happy 30th anniversary” video 'cause they don’t want that to be age-restricted in Youtube.

Maybe? :man_shrugging:

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